thank god
now i can finally have sex with men and not be gay.
Thank god
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You forgot your leaf faggot.
Then we can be best buddies with /lgbt/!
>tfw so autistic that I laughed at the Canadian saying that the Peruvian forgot his "leaf faggot"
go away
Everyone knows it aint gay if you're not the one taking it.
Oh fuck me, why am I getting a tingle down there. Am I faggot now?
You can stuff your dick into anything. It is a masculine thing to do. It's gay to let yourself be used like a woman. That also means people who do pegging are gay too.
It is what makes gay so wrong. You can't be intimate with your partner without dishonouring your partner.
even though I'm genderfluid/bigender/bio male, I'm solely attracted to women, cus its how I roll.
I honestly want to know what this is about
just ask for someone to fuck you, if you'd like it then yes
these kikes just never give up
Go away tumblr
Ever tried searching /lgbt/ and Sup Forums on the Sup Forums shimmie? There is a lot of these.
t. faggot
you and me both
now there is a reason to import milions of militant age boys
Nothing gay with a brojob now and then
just say no homo
blog it mate
Wait, it's finally not gay to have gaysex?
Did the pope issue an encyclical about this? I need to know if this is really true for... reasons... (no homo)
Yeah, like Sup Forums could take down /lgbt/ who took down feminism, reddit and the jews.
Milo and Orlando pretty much secured Trump's victory. Meanwhile Sup Forums was dancing in the streets with ISIS, like muslims in New Jersey on 9/11. ISIS played you like a fiddle, a complete tool. Really low-energy of you.
Let me repeat the eternal words of the god emperor, adressed directly at Sup Forums "Stop it!"
>/lgbt/ who took down feminism, reddit and the jews
Nothing wrong with that, getting hard at the nazi flag is the national sport of Sup Forums
why am i not surprised
>american education.jpg
You guys even have terrible OC when you slightly alter OC from /lgbt/
Why include race?
the west is dead
Laughed so hard at this webm. Thanks.
It's only gay if you're receiving
Imagine being in prison and being surrounded by 9/10 skinny twinks you could easily overpower, it would be more gay not to get a boner
Can I not be a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN and fuck other men without being gay?
Or is being a STRAIGHT WHITE the mandatory requirement?
Western identity politics are getting higher and higher in retardation and nonsense departments.
How much people there obsess over retarded shit like race and sexual preferences, personal fetishes and publicize them is beyond me.
Hahaha, the /polgbt/-haters are such pussies. They're worse than Jeb!
/polgbt/ is politically incorrectness inside a politically incorrect board. Also, the pairing says something very hopefull and inspiring about Sup Forums.
Perhaps one day I can say what I really think. Like how muslims are ugly and should be killed for being this far north. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, instate christianity, not let anyone escape and kill everyone who opposes us! Kekus Vult!
why do sharts pretend that theyre uncucked?
Yes...lgbts love for pol is a long running meme.
>tfw you look like a randomly generated oblivion character
Yes, Kek and /lgbt/ have a deep connection. Sex between two same gender people creates doubles energy that Kek can fuel himself on.
We're connected to Trump's victory by virtue of Orlando and Milo's dangerous faggot tour.
W-why is pol a shit skin?
el peruANO
nah, you can't get gay from having gay sex.
Because that's what happens when you turn homo, user.
Let it be a lesson.
Is this doing anything for ya?
L M utter A O
Quick question, why is Sup Forums a nigger in these comics?
Is this the work of the eternal tribesmen?
Gays like perversion.
Because most Sup Forumsacks are shitskins
Fuck off, zhang.
Makes sense seeing as /lgbt/ is just /t/ now a days. The /polgbt/ are just refugees.
That's just nonsense
I had a boyfriend when I was a teen but I'm straight.
You don't need to be gay to do stuff with guys.
Lol. It's not gay because white men are pretty much women.
Of course, it's just normal, everybody does it in their youth. Unless they're like really ugly.
Look how tasteful it is! My god what a tasteful gif!
This is lost on me.
Why do they like Sup Forums?
I already proved this isn't the case in the /lgbt/ thread where you stated this. Quints dominated the doubles you got, you just look retarded now.
Why white men, this is very common in Africa
being gay is a choice.
If you don't get into any intimate relationship with someone of the same sex, you are not gay.
>You don't need to be gay to do stuff with guys.
>t. average trump supporter
What is it about supporting trump and taking big black dick up the ass?
Sup Forums hates what is taking over the gays space.
>also, see last slide
funny how faggot propaganda never talks about niggers on the down low or other mud faggots, only whites. the kike pushes fagotry specifically for white people
>oy, procreation is meant only for schwar- er, black people!
What counts as youth btw
>this thread
pls cease your faggotory
Where's the exterminatus when it's needed?
Sup Forums has always been a spic.
I remember this even two years ago.
He has never had blond hair. /lgbt/ is the german norse looking cutiepie.
I kinda agree with the dike. Doing an elephant walk doesn't necessarily make you gay, it's gay if you enjoy it. I was never in a frat but I guess I can understand the cost/reward motivation of doing gay stuff to be in one - you get to fuck lots of loose chicks and there is prestige in being in one that can benefit your career. I guess it's like doing gay stiff for money, I know I would if the money was right. But doing gay stiff on the down low just bc and claiming to be straight, no, you are bi at least
Come have a seat over there
What about reversing the gay polarity? Does that still work?
He needs Trump™ hair imo.
Hearty kek
holy shit that is amazing.
Somewhere before you need to breed women. Wich in todays society can be anywhere from 16-30 years old. However, most people are to ugly to gay it up in their early twenties.
Only genetic prime specimens can gay it up in their twenties. Only the strongest, purest, most genetically superior, can pull this off.
top bantz
He looks like an avatar
What the fuck am I reading?
blacks are already the gayest race, a young white man gets excited to go to college because he's seen lots of movies about it and thinks he'll get laid, a young black man is excited about prison for the same reason.
Fucking nasty
>You forgot your leaf faggot.
shit canada, that's aussie-tier bantz
But buttholes are poopy and hairy, and men are smelly, gassy, and hard!
Interestingly enough your posting inspired me to go to the gym about 3 months ago to make myself better believe it or not. Thank you for that.
I sincerely think people shouldn't waste their youth and it is a tragedy to do so. Homosexual or not.
Canadian bants are better tbqh
You're talking about hazing. It comes from ancient greece. The point of it is to build cameraderie, trust and loyalty.
If you guys had gayed it up more in your youth, the entire feminism thing would never have happened. It is not that fault of the loyal gay men, but the fault of cucks. Let me tell you, most gay men on the left don't get laid, they look freaky and wierd. They are failed genetic garbage who are doing feminism for the same reason as women, sexual frustration.
Is this about the balls not touching or saying 'no homo'?
it really works, tried it with a couple friends, it was amazing.
There's literally no reason for a normal guy to want to have gay sex to be socially accepted.
My dad's hazing consisted of picking up a grape with his butt and landing it across a line. That was back in the day when normal hetero guys didn't care about being naked in the locker room, and didn't need to have sex with each other to be friends.
Were we not before?
Here's an archive for whoever wants it.
faggots like (you) need to be sent to the gallows