>University of Toronto has "Transgender studies"
here's an interview with a Canadia professor who is actually right wing (and outnumbered)
>inb4 too long
just listen to it in a background tab
>University of Toronto has "Transgender studies"
here's an interview with a Canadia professor who is actually right wing (and outnumbered)
>inb4 too long
just listen to it in a background tab
i listened to this yesterday, and it's easy to see why the average marxist college professor would hate his guts
Sounds like these trannies need to take some alpha brain
this fucking keyboard I swear..
Absolute required Sup Forums listening.
this is too:
watched this last night, was very impressed.
I took him seriously until he started talking about
>Muh Jesus
>Muh religion
ALL of religion needs to be banned. ALL of it. The people that still needs it - should be put down. Only then can mankind start to prosper again.
It's now believers of the sandnigger jew christ from America goes:
>Somalia swede
>Cuck Swede
Cooper isnt right wing, just oppose to this transgender shit.
Maybe if you had respect for Christianity your country wouldn't be inviting sand nigger mudslimes in droves
We need Christianity to fight against the darkness
t. euphoric atheist
You missed how he just stated religion is just how you should act, not what you should believe about muh science.
He even went on a lengthy talk about the shitty potter stories being successful due to Rowling getting the story arcs right.
Fuck, my countrymen are the most autistic shits ever.
Is Joe usually this quiet? Watched the whole thing and Based Peterson does most of the talking
His point is that religion contains truths even if they aren't literal, and that by abandoning all that collective knowledge built upon for years and years, we've ended up weaker.
Pretty good point, if you look at the cohesion and strength of religious vs non-religious people on the whole.
Almost never. He usually jumps in playing Devil's Advocate every two seconds. This time he seemed genuinely humbled.
He was compelled by Peterson's charismatic virtue (referred to as 德 by the Chinese).
>right wing
He's against ideologies, but not against the principals of a healthy society like freedom of speech.
jesus fuck son did you even listen to what he said about it? we really need the few good swedes left to drag fuckers like you out into the streets and kick the shit out of you. holy shit.
think joe was being quieter than normal because he didn't want to interrupt the flow of this good man.
>He was compelled by Peterson's charismatic virtue
C'mon, Jordan has a shitty charisma. Joe is just really interested in psychology and got several truth-bombs that blew his mind away. Joe seemed numb at the end of it.
>be Sweden
>be one of the most atheist countries I'm the world
>a shining example of success
Accept Jesus.
Religion is necessary in society.
This sounds like nonsense being babbled out by a new age hippy Kermit, just because he is against retarded SJWisms doesn't mean he is a coherent person.
Sup Forums once again taken by a hack.
Peterson identifies as a liberal.
He's not right wing you retard.
However, that video of him (about this whole thing) is his best one yet.
Highly recommend watching
Christianity can stay until the Jews and Muslims are gone. Then we can ban it if we really want to.
I think Joe felt a bit...dumb. At least I would.
Worth every minute my friend.
'You're Next!'
>think joe was being quieter than normal because he didn't want to interrupt the flow of this good man
I was pretty impressed, and I think Joe was, too.
I saw someone post those video in another thread, there's something a little disturbing about underage girls being publicly trained to do this without any real outrage.
pol pot had the right idea. kill everyone with a jewnivershitty degree and the world would be a better place.
I was just listening to this and wanted to make a thread about it
No, he was just out of his depth
I mean this in the best possible way. This man could start a cult, or revolution and be WIDELY successful. This was amazing, and I've never seen Joe Rogan be so undouchey before. He's usually SUPER aggressive against religion, and here he seemed to grasp at straws.
Also A LOT of commies in the comment section...I hope to see some trolling /pol.
>start a cult
>talking at the end about being the auschwitz guard and how he recognizes that they were human and that he is human and he too has the same capacity for evil so he uses that to actively make himself a better person
>people literally try and argue against this man
fucking lefties
read the ten commandments, only christianity gives freedom from religion and ideologies. nobody can take from you and claim they are doing it for good
>Marxism in educaiotn
No such thing stupid goy!
The first few minutes:
I love our timeline...sooooo much now. Praise kek.
He didn't even go into any depth of what that even ment just that he's spent decades thinking about it. Seriously I'm sorry your mom got blacked but calm down. No where did he even try to proselytize or argue for any religion.
literally a retard filter
Peterson is a good man who wants to do away with this hyper-egalitarian, morally relativist degeneracy plagued upon Western civilization, but his fatal flaw is that he denounces "authoritarianism" and implores libertarianism/maximum freedom in an effort to do away with this vermin. How do you think these people were allowed to spring up? Where do you think this (((critical theory))) of moral absolutes arose from? Absolute freedom is a codeword for decadence in the name of freedom (i.e. if you don't like it, don't look! Gays don't hurt anyone, etc.)
The solution is to physically remove the degenerates, to do away with this great brainwashing, or else you will allow them to do away with your freedoms (which is exactly what is happening) in the name of tolerance and diversity. Hoppe says: The principled opposition of the libertarians to the Vietnam War coincided with the somewhat diffuse opposition to the war by the New Left. In addition, the anarchistic upshot of the libertarian doctrine appealed to the countercultural left. For did not the illegitimacy state and the nonaggression axiom (that one shall not initiate or threaten to initiate physical force against others and their property) imply that everyone was at liberty to choose his very own nonaggressive lifestyle?
Did this not imply that vulgarity, obscenity, profanity, drug use, promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, polygamy, pedophilia or any other conceivable perversity or abnormality, insofar as they were victimless crimes, were no offenses at all but perfectly normal and legitimate activities and lifestyles? Not surprisingly, then, from the outset the libertarian movement attracted an unusually high number of abnormal and perverse followers. Subsequently, the countercultural ambiance and multicultural-relativistic "tolerance" of the libertarian movement attracted even greater numbers of misfits, personal or professional failures, or plain losers. Murray Rothbard, in disgust, called them the "nihilo-libertarians" and identified them as the "modal" (typical and representative) libertarians. They fantasized of a society where everyone would be free to choose and cultivate whatever nonaggressive lifestyle, career, or character he wanted, and where, as a result of free-market economics, everyone could do so on an elevated level of general prosperity.
Ironically, the movement that had set out to dismantle the state and restore private property and market economics was largely appropriated, and its appearance shaped, by the mental and emotional products of the welfare state: the new class of permanent adolescents.
This intellectual combination could hardly end happily. Private property capitalism and egalitarian multiculturalism are as unlikely a combination as socialism and cultural conservatism. And in trying to combine what cannot be combined, much of the modem libertarian movement actually contributed to the further erosion of private property rights Gust as much of contemporary conservatism contributed to the erosion of families and traditional morals). What the countercultural libertarians failed to recognize, and what true libertarians cannot emphasize enough, is that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social discrimination and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multi-cultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians. In other words, libertarians must be radical and uncompromising conservatives.
Exactly, he is part of the problem. He does not see the forest for the trees. If you allow these social degenerates free reign, this is the future you get. You must employ helicopter rides to alleviate the Marxism.
Will Trump fix the universities?
yes, only an authoritarian and protective national state can allow its citizens to live free and in peace. without borders or armies civilians are forced to live at the front lines and do battle in their daily lives. there needs to be a union between authoritarian military and the liberal society otherwise someone else will eventually have authority over your society
just put a high tax on schools that teach social studies because feminism is cancer and cause a lot of harm in society. let the free market handle the rest
this professor is dangerously based desu
I watched this lecture of his long before this happened and realized it was the same guy
Start with Islam then, cuck.
this was an amazing podcast
>not starting with judaism
>cutting the intro/end
not bad so far
not as good as randall carlson or graham hancock ones though
By far Joe's best podcast, was fun to watch him trying to take in Peterson's nonstop red pills
Peterson gives me hope that this mess of a country has a chance
keep the killing outside of science&tech domain please, we're not getting indoctrinated(as much)
It's not even Marxism. You actually start to quote Marx to these liberal faggots they start to cry and tell you how you're lying.
it's cultural marxism. cherry picked fantasy version
>Podcast #877
Kek is real
I know. I've actually read Marx and actually liked what he had to say. Sure you need to think about the execution more but the criticism of capitalism is spot on.
Also the part about armed populus keeping tyrants in check is a time proven idea but that one wasn't his in the first place.
> When the USSR started to reveal the horrors of Marxism, the French intellectuals changed the focus from class warfare to power and identity, but the underlying philosophy remained much the same
Anyone got any more sources on this? Seems like an important realization.
this is how the kikes brainwash you. say water is dry but also sand is dry.
>he actually said sand is dry so he's okay with me
you need spoon feeding? you have the fucking internet at your fat finger tips. search for it.
That has zero to do with anything discussed by Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.
For example, Peterson would not be opposed to flag burning, as he would cite it under freedom of speech. But what he does not realize is that guaranteeing freedoms to the traitor is exactly what created this degenerate dystopia.
He means well, but will come full circle, just as Molymeme did.
His talk about religion was absolute brilliant. Jävla tomte.
can you not see what that post is replying to?
>triggered neckbeard who thinks he has zero chance of pussy if every girl isn't a degenerate whore
He has like 60,000 videos on his youtube channel. Very interesting to listen to his lectures. Kind of hard to imagine you have these kinds of lectures in the same place you have all the marxist shit.
>But what he does not realize is that guaranteeing freedoms to the traitor is exactly what created this degenerate dystopia.
This is completely untrue. Did you even listen to the show? You're doing exactly what they were talking about. Defining things superficially between "us the good guys" and "our enemies the bad guys."
It has been, precisely, our movement *away* from freedom that has caused our problems.
my university is also 99% liberal marxist now. only 1 non-liberal lecturer left.
>>triggered neckbeard who thinks he has zero chance of pussy if every girl isn't a degenerate whore
It was actually generate
Centrism is a false redpill. They literally are the enemies, denying to name them for what they are will prolong the issue.
>It has been, precisely, our movement *away* from freedom that has caused our problems.
Completely untrue, you should always kill a traitor before the enemy. Relaxing traditional norms and weakening discipline for maximum freedom has resulted in this modern degeneracy. Homosexuality, now pedophilia, general obscenity, feminist cancer, and other form of decadence will follow. But you suggest giving them more freedom? Walk onto any university campus and take the redpill as a suppository, because you have been swindled.
>Centrism is a false redpill. They literally are the enemies
you sound like such a fucking retard.
>weakening discipline for maximum freedom
What maximum freedom, leaf? There was more freedom in the US in 1808 than there is in 2016.
If there were "traitors" in the US, it would be everyone who is not a libertarian.
>100% off the Future Authoring Program code:
>"ChangeYourself" - The offer is valid until the end of Nov 30th.
Any of you faggots try this?
It's not so easy to search for this specific conclusion and I'm not getting a degree in French philosophy history so that I can reach it myself. If someone remembers some historian who said this somewhere, it would be better. Thanks for your useless reply, idiot
wtf is that? elaborate
the numerical ouija is expanding beyond our format!!!!
he stole that mask from the "i, pet goat" video.
He seemed to be speaking less about muh jesus and more about an essential and basic human spirituality. He just used Jesus as one example of many. Also >Joe seemed numb at the end of it.
Joe is a legitimate american who believes in free speech.
Canada having "hate speech" laws is legitimately fucked up and fundamentally anti-american (and anti-freedom and anti-human at that)
Basically i think Joe got redpilled that "The idiots can and will get a law passed that constricts free speech if they want to"
>Anyone got any more sources on this? Seems like an important realization.
Classes have power or influence, and classes have identities. Poor people and rich people can easilly be categorized and identified by even just their appearance. (If you were black in the american south during the civil war you were probably a slave. Appearance = Class)
It would be incredibly easy to just slip the book cover "Class Warfare" off and replace it with "Power and Identity" and then never actually change the content of the book. Same shit, different wrapper.
There are memes that describe how ideologically retarded you are; I will allow you to be with your own devices to root them out.
>it would be everyone who is not a libertarian.
Libertarianism, and an-cap, is just as moronic. Open up the borders in the name of the free market. As long as Schlomo brings in a profit, who cares! There's a market for BLACKED porn, so it should exist, right? Esoteric Hiterism is the true redpill.
Granted, the likelihood of another Hitler coming around is very slim, so I'm all for weakening the modern government as it is, but capitalism is globalism when left to the devices of the (((international bankers))).
>There was more freedom in the US in 1808 than there is in 2016.
People also respected their nation and their ethnic lineage enough to preserve it, to a degree higher than today.
Enjoy giving xir full reign to virtue-signal how constitutional you are, it will be your undoing. You won't have a constitution once they do away with the white males of your nation. The only solution is to physically remove them from society.
It's Jordan Peterson's writing exercises that he talked about in the podcast. I'm thinking of giving it a spin before I have to pay for it.
well, if it's free, try it, and if it turns out to be shit, then stop.
He's pretty legit.
I'm fucking pissed that my city has become as stupid as it has been, everything he's done is sensible. Fuck Ive campaigned for LGBT human rights before back in 2011 and the culture of their "movement" has become alike to blacks in which they become oppressed professional victims who act like complete, mentally ill degenerates and then blame society for not pandering to their mental illness, and its only worsened thanks to that dyke Premier Wynne.
Day of the rake for the AIDS infected leafs are coming
You just said that maximizing freedom is a slippery slope towards the destruction of a society--and now you're saying that the US used to be more free because "People also respected their nation and their ethnic lineage enough to preserve it, to a degree higher than today."
Make up your fucking mind, sjw.
There is zero difference between "Hiterlism" and Marxism. The Nazis were just Germany's red army:
>capitalism is globalism when left to the devices of the (((international bankers))).
Try it user. Haven't done this exercise in particular because i'm scared it'll be too painful but the last time i did a similar exercise it has exactly the effects he claims in the video.
I love Peterson, I think a lot of people would change their mind about this kind of stuff if they actually listened to some of his lectures and this podcast.
well he said it could be painful, but still necessary for self-advancement
Only the future authoring module is free, so you don't have to go through your tragic dark past unless you wanna spend money.
>You just said that maximizing freedom is a slippery slope towards the destruction of a society--and now you're saying that the US used to be more free because "People also respected their nation and their ethnic lineage enough to preserve it, to a degree higher than today."
In case you haven't noticed, the entire premise of my argument is against giving freedoms to lefties, as they are not human.
>Make up your fucking mind, sjw.
pic related. Go back to r/thedonald, seems a little more up to pace.
>There is zero difference between "Hiterlism" and Marxism.
You need to focus on making your bait less overt, it is clear as day you have not read a single piece of literature on this topic.
>the entire premise of my argument is against giving freedoms to lefties, as they are not human.
You didn't watch the video. This is clearly what Peterson lays out when describing ideologues with easy answers "it's all the fault of X! They're not human!"
>the entire premise of my argument is against giving freedoms to white males, as they are not human.
>the entire premise of my argument is against giving freedoms to capitalists, as they are not human.
>the entire premise of my argument is against giving freedoms to Jews, as they are not human.
>it is clear as day you have not read a single piece of literature on this topic.
The third reich implemented the majority of the same policies as the USSR. The difference being who the bogeyman is.
>when describing ideologues with easy answers "it's all the fault of X! They're not human!"
okay Sargon.
>white males, as they are not human.
>capitalists, as they are not human.
>Jews, as they are not human.
You have successfully personified the meme. This is the power of meme magic, it has the capability to shape the minds of the weak.
>The third reich implemented the majority of the same policies as the USSR. The difference being who the bogeyman is.
Wow, you are so enlightened. Surely, this blatantly obvious comparison can be proven beyond reasonable doubt, correct?
>dude horseshoe theory lmao
Sargon, you're already getting thousands on Patreon, go home.
this is getting out of hand kek is real