Does drumpf have a mandate?

He lost the popular vote. Hillary should be president

Yes, with 48% of the popular vote he has a mandate. Only 52% of America voted against his shit. But yeah, let's let empty shitholes like Wyoming and North Dakota determine our politics.

>this thread again
Popular vote doesn't pick the president.

>It's much better to let LA, San FagCISscum, Chimpcongo, and Jew York decide the course of the nation!

Why do you hate democracy? Why should a minority of people, in a minority of empty places, dictate democratic leaders?

USA is not a Democracy its a Republic. Next automated answer shill.

Let's just admit that the electoral
system only is good when it's in your opinions favour. If Shillary had lost the popular vote but won the electoral votes Sup Forums would be just as pissed.

Wyomin and North Dakota farm the food that allows you to live in your libtard cities. Take away their voice and they take away your food.

Hillary stole 5 states with illegals and dead people voting for her, and still lost in a landslide.

pure democracy doesn't work for a nation of this size. We are a republic, get over it or leave

Why are you so upset?
Should california get some more electoral votes to better represent those 2 million excess blue votes?

>Sup Forums are gonna fall for this thread again

It's the easiest bait user, why do you keep falling for it?

Also, Trump won the popular vote. There were over 7 million illegitimate votes cast for hillary

>Why do you hate democracy?
Well for one were a Constitutional Republic, not a pure democracy.
Trump won more states, which is why he won the presidency.

Need sources for this m8


>Trump won 30 states
>Hillary won 20 states

Oh look another retard who doesn't understand how the elections work.

Because it's already here taking up space, we may as well do something good with it.

Then why do we shove it down everyone else's throats if it's so bad?

Why are you retarded? We aren't going democracy shit lord, we are a constitutional Republic. Fucking read a book.

We have machines that replaced most of you in the past 30 years. In the next 30 it will be totally automated and owned by ADM.

Fuck your "muh family farmer" buillshit.

>We won this time
>We cheated, but we won
>Deal with it and Let's Come Together

Fuck off.
Not without a fight


If you want to be really technical, the race isn't over until the electors actually cast their votes on December. Liberals know this and are trying their damndest to get them to change their votes.

>We cheated
>Following g the rules both parties agreed to that have been in place for over 200 years is cheating

Why should bunch of niggers and illegals in CA be in charge of America?