When will you faggots admit that this cop is not a hero?
When will you faggots admit that this cop is not a hero?
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what happened in this prank?
Kek'd and check'd
CNN is already fake news, you don't have to make up fake headlines.
Oh shit
Based Arab bro pranking liberal college students. Ran over a few with his car and stabbed a few. It was top kek
Does it matter anymore?? U can be doing ANYTHING and cops will shoot you bcuz of ur skin color
Kek those are top ladbants
And everything goes according to plan..
Nice fake news
Pick one.
What difference at this point does it make?
Were the students that the muzzie ran over STEM or libtard multi-gender intersectional otherkin studies? I can't decide how to feel about this until I know.
Alan "Remove Kebab In Under 2 Minutes" Horujko
This is a good point. If I knew the rapefugees would only go after leftists, I'm not sure I'd be bothered.
Attackers best photo ever!
>When the meme is supreme and you let out a scream
pfffft, you might as well try to suggest that Darren Wilson is not a hero
CNN no longer has credibility.
>literally IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO
praise kek, kill muslims
>baiting so hard
He was just practicing the holy day of runnumover nstabbum.
When will evil intolerant trump supporters stop these acts of intolerance and bigotry against these peaceful Muslims coming here just to make a better life?
heh you goys just got duped
Racist White Cop Murders Peaceful Spree-Stabber
Happened outside Watts Hall, a ceramic engineering building. It also hosts several math and chem classes.
I'd say STEM
This to be honest desu.
Go home reddit
I cant even tell if op's picture is real or not. If it is, its probably one of the most jewish pictures I have seen in a while.