doctor says i have stage iv pancreatic cancer and 6 months to live
should i believe him?
doctor says i have stage iv pancreatic cancer and 6 months to live
should i believe him?
That sucks, dude.
>believing the medicinal Jew
Do great things with the time you have left. Not posting on this fake news cartoon board would be a good start.
no, stop living like a neet
>believing the Hindu Jew
Take out Merkel or Soros
Ride forever, shiny and chrome
Fake news
Sounds like something a kike would say
Does it feel like total freedom?
Might as well try rick simpson oil. Unless you like being cucked by chemo...
it fucking sucks
I`m sorry, friend.
It's not like it'll matter if you don't believe you have it, there isn't really a good treatment for it anyway. Believe whatever you want.
If you have something to live for then live. Otherwise do whatever you've always wanted. I'd personally kill myself in the most spectacular way possible. Something that will be talked about for ages.
Yes, love your family
Had a family member die from pan can years ago
user died in October for some heart thing
semper Sup Forums user
Pancreatic cancer is usually a death sentence. Lifespan goes from 6 months-2 years usually. The doctors tell the patients the minimal timeframe as to not disappoint patients and their families.
Either way, be happy that you get to experience whatever happens next.
Make a will so the people you love get the shit you want them to have.
Know that we will always love you friend.
Try to make the best of your last month's, hell, even do drugs now they won't kill you due to intermixing with painkillers.
Stay positive as you can. Don't go shut-in
That's some funny shit right there, lmao.
You know have nothing to lose.
Mate you're lucky, you're not going to be alive to see your country fall.
This life is not the end but use it wisely while you can
i knew BREXIT was a bad idea
I hope you die sooner senpai
Accept Christ
>falling for the medical jew
It's all bullshit. Do not fret, you will be alive and kicking this time next year.
Whatever yoy do DONT fall for chemotherapy jew. Thats what kills the goy.
Off topic...go die somewhere else
iv? Unless they have a needle in you dont believe him, but call hospice and have a blast. Try to bang the nurse
They told me that 6 years ago.
Whatever nigga.
be sure to accept jesus before you die if you didnt do it already
Thanks Brobro
how do i 'accept him' exactly?
Yeah, you should, but you should take the estimated date as a target to beat, not match.
Pallitaive care is good stuff m8, you'll be floating on fentanyl for quite a while yet.
Aim to double the estimated date, it fucks with the survival curves. Give yourself a full year, and set yourself something to achieve that doesn't invovle leaving a chair.
Don't worry about dying, most of us unfortunate people don't get forewarning like this. Plus most belief systems describes thus far indicate you are not your body anyway, so get comfy, beat that date, and do something awesome if you can.
OR Geroge Soros still lives m8. Think about that for a bit. That fucker could live for another decade unless someone does something about it. Someone with nothing to lose, eh?
Start eating a very low carb diet immediately, low carb diets have been proven to promote apoptosis in malignant cells.
Don't go full retard and not take any chemo and surgeries offered. Combination of that and diet is your only hope.
911 two:electric bigaloo
If you really have only 6 months left and nothing to lose, you could do just about anything you want.
If I was dying I sure would want to do things that people would remember me for, if you know what I mean
My mom died a few weeks ago from lung cancer that got into her bones. Fucking hard as hell bri, I feel so bad for you I really do. I'm so lost.
Look at the bright side, you still have the Falklands.
it's a shit show, could be six months, could be six years
the estement is how long you have until your life becomes shit on average
You have "Cum" in your id. You'll be fine.
You have to send him a facebook friend request
The worst thing he can be eating is meat.
You best be blazing dat dere kush and using cannabus oil.
I feel for you, brother.
Also my dad died of that. It's going to get extremely painful before the end, like you have to be on morphine 24/7 painful.
My advice to you is don't wait that long, no only you will suffer for no reason but your family will have to watch you suffer for no reason
That's a real horrifying way to go man. Even as far as cancer goes Pancreatic is one of the worst.
Live it up as long as you can. Take as many loans from as many banks as you can and run with it. You're going to be in too much pain to do anything soon so fucking LIVE while you can man god speed
Christ OP, only this
I'm telling you not to kill Soros ;)
try yoga and homeopathy..
they really work.. they are made at himalayas
My mom died a week ago.
You`ll get over it.
Oh my pancreas is cancerous huh!?
*shits in hand
*throws shit at doctor
How cancerous was that?
live as healthy of a lifestyle as you can, that should help fight it.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
words of wisdom
Bet you could get laid having a death sentence a few times
>i just don't want to die a virgin
>you'll be floating on fentanyl for quite a while yet.
im not actually in any pain yet, i'm pretty much fully functional, i feel normal even. but i know its gonna kick in next few months....
I knew I shouldn't have said extremely painful
I came here to say this
fresh green veggies are the way to go. Worst thing you can eat when you are sick is processed foods. Fruit probably ok too. Gerson therapy apparently helps, but you get sick once you go off it again. Thats what i would do.
Start smoking pot, it can cure you
We all die
Eat what you like with the time you have
Can I have your stuff?
>but i know its gonna kick in next few months....
Why? Because he said it would?
Fuck him.
Just eat healthy, get exercise, and don't short your sleep. Try to lay off of sugars (as this is what your pancreas processes)
go vegan, exercise frequently, plus take lots of pic related
Sacrifice yourself for the cause m8
Give your last six months a purpose
LAD get some weed and don't eat meat
Also the NHS is still a thing so you might get some help
wish you the best
not potent enough. need dat oil
Start smoking weed.
Look at the bright side.
You wasted so much time with us on Sup Forums :)
you simply have to believe in Jesus. Believe he died for your sins and rose again and saved you by doing so
Do all the degenerate shit you always avoided, go out with a bang and leave a goodloking corpse.
She was my grand mother who saved me from a shit start and was always there when I had a problem. I use to out Christmas lights up with her and she would bring the family together. I keep thinking there is some way to change get things but I know there isn't, God damn I miss her.
Try to party so hard that it kills you before the cancer.
No, the worse thing he could be eating is pixiesticks.
It's pancreas, not stomach.
Sure thing kikes. The well documented fact that a low carb diet fights cancer is wrong I guess because 2 kikes on Sup Forums said so. Meat isn't processed food. Meat is meat.
Go for Hillary or Trump.
Make yourself famous. But please don't do anything reckless.
I heard if you pray 5 times a day and slaughter the infidels God will cure you.
I did that, and now I have more than 5 forms of cancer instead of 1.
You can go the jewish way: spend everything you have (and don't have) in expensive treatments giving you few more months to live in horrific conditions, leaving a huge debt to your family.
You can go the american way: start selling crystal meths
You can go the japanese way: start a world tour impregnanting as much lolis as you can all of over the world (there's a sad panda link for this one).
Accepting Christ did not cure my mothers lung cancer. In fact, he let her die in a very, very agonizing way. Fuck your false god!
I'm just recovering from a pancreatitis. Man, you have to do something about it. There has to be a way. Drink as much water as you can, eat rice and low-fat freshwater fish. In the evening, eat nothing. But drink as much water as you can, you may as well ask for an infusion, so it doesn't get too exhausting. The last step is to pray. The sun might help, so you better spend this winter in Australia.
Good luck!
It`s not about this life, Frikandelbro. It`s about the next.
Worse advice ever. Hes about to die.
Why advise him to do pointless repeatitive lifts and jogs and eat lettuce amd blt peppers so his ass burns?
You're such a cuck.
Hes hes gonna die but at least he'll hwve a six pack
Kek what an idiot.
God bless brother
Start drinking high PH water, and avoid sweets. Look up the pH diet, and learn about cancer in an alkaline environment. Might be worth it. Chemo kills you
Ask God to forgive you for your sins.
Make effort to stop sinning.
Put faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
His death paid for your sins.
His resurrection showed it was successful.
All who trust in Him will likewise conquer death.
Begin attending church.
Pray daily.
Build a relationship with God.
This life is finite.
After death is infinite.
Let that sink in.
Medicinal opiates are great m8, don't fear them. You'll be blissed out.
Yes, this situation sucks. But it doesn't have to be shit m8. Think about the people who died today out of the fucking blue, in car rides they'd taken every day of their lives, for example. You're in a better position than any of them.
Trite, maybe, but Don't Panic has to be your new motto or that estimated date is going to shrink. What information are you taking with you when you go m8? Was there anything you wanted to know but never got the time to find out?
>cucks still unironically believe this Muslim-tier shit
>It's not about this country, it's about the next, so it's ok if the planet becomes overrun with muslim apes ;^)
Medical science has to be pessimistic. A doctor who gives you 2 years and you die in 6 months will be blamed while a doctor giving you 6 months and you're still alive 2 years later, you won't give a fuck because you're still alive.
A familly friend got HIV and every doctor kept telling him how he will be dead in 3 years... this was 30 years ago.
Americans are the last in line talking about value
whatever you do OP
DO NOT kill any Muslims on your way out
Did you really think (you)'d make it out of this world alive?
Kill yourself via helium if it bothers you that much.
what were the symptoms?
Hypothetically speaking, would it be possible for an unauthorised plane to enter Saudi Arabian airspace for long enough to fly safely past a place like the Qasr Al Hukm and then purposely avoid crashing headfirst into the main building which would probably cause enormous damage and potentially kill multiple high powers depending on the time and date?