Do Asians have souls? Seriously...

Do Asians have souls? Seriously, all the crap they've pulled over the years makes me genuinely believe they do not have a soul
>Mao killing millions just for shits and giggles
>North Korea existing
>Pic related
>The massive amount of animated and real child pornography
>The complete lack of empathy in asian people
What's going on over there?

Other urls found in this thread:

Soul is for cucks.

Russia's kind of right

>no one is getting into heaven until we fix this shit

I wonder how bad that hurt. He got fucked up.

All the nerve endings were destroyed so after a while probably not too much

Mao might have killed most of the ones with empathy genome sequences.

> nice Aztec civilization you have there, would be a shame if something... happened to it
> want blanket? lol fuk u, u get smallpox
> (((6 hundred gorillion)))
> why nuke civilians once when you could buke them twice?

Not that there's anything wrong with obliterating your enemies so hard their grandchildren still get birth defects, but come on.
Besides everyone knows that Asians are robots, we can only copy the methods of whitey :^)

Asian dudes are the nicest people I know

>North Korea
You're one to talk, OP.
The US is far worse than best Korea under Drumpf

WTF is that?

>Besides everyone knows that Asians are robots, we can only copy the methods of whitey :^)
Nothing wrong with that statement.

>tfw the guy who experienced the most excruciating death ever was named ouchie

people dont seem to understand how different people socialized under different forms of society act and think.

Asians often seem cruel and alien because they have no use for a conscience.

What s right and wrong doesnt need to concern the individual if there is society ready to shame anybody into submission.

You did something wrong? Dont even think about it, as long as nobody else knows it never happened.

You know that "if a tree falls in the woods" riddle thats supposedly about finding inner peace or some shit like that? Its actually about identifying asians. Asians could never grasp the idea of there being sound if nobody could hear it, a westerner would think the opposite.

I've seen that image before, they kept some guy alive in excruciating pain after the Hiroshima bombing to run medical tests.

To answer OP they just look at morality different than we do. I don't know where your getting the real child porn thing from though it's a problem in America too. But yea, Asians aren't morally corrupt they just do things differently.

what is a soul exactly ?

They're basically all born autistic

Do you really think that picture is from 1945?

Are you okay?

The higher rate of honor suicide is actually one thing that convinced me that certain asian peoples have actually already ascended to 4th density.

>this pic
Wouldn't it be less cruel to simply end his life now rather than let his own body slowly dissolve?

what happens when a society evolves without jesus

17 sieverts of radiation.

The picture is from a more recent lab accident in Japan. Post-Hiroahima/Nagasaki they probably did the same, which made more sense (less knowledge).

I'm just parroting what I heard before, come to think of it yea that doesn't make sense. What was the original story again?

People sell dogs to asians,instead of culling them.

Oh thanks man, I must have seen a similar picture or something.

it was the family who wanted to keep him alive though

It was a golden opportunity for live research into what the body undergoes after massive dose of radiation. It wasn't misplaced compassion that made them extend his misery.

China was subverted by Cultural Marxism and Mao &a his cronies were educated and aided by ((((foreign)))) intelligence.
Do the math.
There is a reason China is becoming the fastest growing Christian nation

Japs have souls.

Chinks do not.

That's still pretty fucked man

>Mao killing millions just for shits and giggles

American education

Jizzskins are worse. Everyone else sees whites the same way you see Asians.

Are you retarded

>China was subverted by Cultural Marxism
Surely "overted"?
The Chinese Civil War wasn't exactly subtle

Oh look it's the "China eat dog" meme
>there is only one city in China where they eat dog and everyone fucking hates those people there

Probably part of the same death cult Hillary is part of. Keep in mind China was infiltrated and destroyed by Marxists. Total coincidence where Marxists go abortion and baby-eating/dog eating & other degenerancies follow

soulless chink detected

i don't think that that is a picture of hishashi ouchi there's no record of that picture being associated with his case, and it was only recently that it started being circulated.

only ouchi's front, the part that was exposed to radiation, deteriorated. his backside, according to his doctors, was clear. ouchi also didn't have any limbs severed, unlike the guy in the picture who is missing a leg.

the doctors did the right thing and people who disagree are misguided. everyone was in unison that keeping ouchi alive was the right thing to do, even ouchi.

Asians are based

>Guy got infected by nuclear radiation.

He couldnt get cured, he was asking for death. He didnt got killed, slowly and painfully he breathed his soul out.

I was explaining their reasoning not condoning it, dipshit.

No links pls
But do Asians really make a lot of cp? I've never heard of that, and I assume Clinton would visit a lot if true

>China = all of Asia

Japan and its former colony Taiwan are pretty human. They also happen to be uncucked as well. I dunno about South Korea.

As populations increase the more disposable people become

Murder is such a big deal in the west because there are overall so little white people compared to the rest of the world

Remember that time the yanks dropped an atom bomb on the yanks killing a major city's worth of jap civilians just so they could end the war quicker? Haha souless japs and their dead children.

Feelings are pointless, business is what matters

Westerners invented nukes and sarin gas though...nothing the asians have done can really measure up to that

yeah thats why everybody wants to live in our countries, wear our clothes, listen to our music, drive our cars, play our video-games, use our language and fuck our women.

The atomic bombing have been discussed to death user, it was a logical course of action

Nah, the Asians are a totally moral racial group.

Dog meat is a delicacy in certain parts,they pay good money for stray dogs,plus no one cares,many stray dogs get rabies.

Nah, it's mostly eastern Europeans.
Nips were some of the latest in making it illegal, however, and there are many softcore model firms based there.

Asians dont go to heaven because they lack souls which essentially is the astral body.
Asians transcend all planes and lose individuality to become one with the absolute, hence religions like buddhism and taoism.


Before Mao took over China was Christianising. The Republic of China was dominated by Christian leadership and had other-thrown their pagan Emperor. Now Christianity is spreading like a flame throughout China.

> plus no one cares,many stray dogs get rabies.
When the streets contain only a diet of curried feces, maybe

What was that one Japanese research facility during WWII where they did horrible experiments on POWs like purposefully spreading syphilis, deep freezing arms and hitting them with hammers, live vasectomies, and other horrible shit?

>Pic related.
Why is it the Americans "me too, Im USA" always fucking claims shit about Asians not having souls and use this one single picture.

We have on fucking film, of us going to a native Island out in the ocean, and saying "hey, we wanna test the affects of a nuke on humans, so we are gonna give you some canned food and shiney beads"

Then bombed the motherfucker and mutated the shit out of them and their offspring. In the 1950's, we did that shit knowingly, testing it out on live humans because "fuck these savages."

Now I think their Island gets used as a vacation hot spot for rich assholes, and the footage gets used in history lessons and movies. "Most recent was the Godzilla movie"

yeah and for a nation of such apparent smart people you sure like to shit in the street a lot

This has been posted before but

I'm gonna copy what i've found.

Apparently he was working in a nuclear plant in Japan that cut corners everywhere possible. Him and his colleague were mixing uraninium in an extremely unsafe manner with zero protection. The mix went critical and him and his friend got hit with 17000 sieverts of radiation. About 8000X more than a recommended dosage..basically equivalent to being close to a nuke.

What followed next was complete horror. Ouchi and his friend had no idea at the time, and even though only his hand was swollen when he checked into the hospital, he was a dead man.

The cells in his body had completely been destroyed and his t-cell has plummeted to zero. His chromosomes completely annihilated. He was burning from the inside out. At first he was calm, but his cells started dying off one by one, and the damage multipled. His organs shut down one after the other, until he was kept alive on machines. The doctors had NO idea what to do and hooked him up to every contraption they could think of and tried every experimental cure they could find. He was heavily sedated at the time, and no one knew what was going on his head as his body literally MELTED down into a puddle of goo. After the first 10 days he was unable to speak, but if he was able to he would have been screaming constantly. Even though he was a pile of human sludge, the doctors vainly kept him alive on machine after machine, and used him as a sort of guinea pig to study the effects of radiation poisoning on humans.
For instance, when his intestines melted , they stuck a camera up his rectum.

He was kept alive for 83 friggin days in this stage of undeath, and resuscitated 3 times when his heart begged for death. Unable to speak, unable to move, unable to die. The pain, if he was able to feel it would have been monstrous and completely above pain killers.

An expert from a book written about this:

After suffering patiently for a week, Ouchi suddenly cracked. "I can't take it any more. ... I am not guinea pig". (p.52) His words shocked the physicians and nurses in charge of his treatment. Was this the time to shift the focus from cure to palliative care? Even if a case could be made for persevering a bit longer, what purpose could possibly have been served by resuscitating him on the 59th day, after his heart stopped three times for a total of 49 minutes? (p.92-95) This was a man whose chromosomes had been destroyed. "[N]one of Ouchi's chromosomes could be identified or arranged in order."(p.38) Ouchi's body was destroyed from the inside out. (p.122) It was a slow, painful and presumably unpreventable death. Surely the doctors should have been able to recognize very early that he could not be saved."

And another, describing what the coroner found when Ouchi was finally released from his prison: "“At first glance, Ouchi’s body was bright red, as if he had been scalded. But it differred from burnt corpses whose entire bodies were pitch black. The front side of his body, where he had apparently been irradiated, looked severely burnt. No skin remained on this side and it was smeared in blood. The back side was entirely uncolored and the skin appeared normal. There was a distinct border between the irradiated and untouched areas. Misawa had never seen such a body. . .

“. . . Organ alterations which he had never seen appeared before Misawa’s eyes.

“The intestines were swollen and looked like a writhing serpent. There was 2,040 g of blood in his stomach and 2,680 g in his intestines. It was obvious that the gastrointestines had not been functioning.

“Every mucus membrane in his body had disappeared. In addition to the mucus membranes in the intestines and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, mucus membranes in the trachea had also disappeared.

“Hematopoietic stem cells that ought to be in the bone marrow could not be found either. [Neither Ouchi's or his sister's transplanted cells] Areas with active cell division are known to be sensitive to radiation and susceptible to damage. Tissue such as mucus membranes and bone marrow had been severely damaged.

“What most astonished Misawa was the muscle cells, normally thought to be the least susceptible to radiation damage. Ouchi’s muscle cells had lost most of their fiber and only the cell membrane remained.

“There was only one organ with vivid red muscle cells which had remained intact.

“It was the heart.

“Only the muscle cells of the heart had not been destroyed.”"

Also the source of that fine picture.

It also goes back to the concepts of absolute truth. Asians don't think in abosolutes

Thanks man I keep forgetting the name. Definitely one of the most fucked things I ever read, WWII Japan was on another level of fucked up.

wtf happened to her?

This guy was exposed to 17Sv of neutron radiation.

> purposefully spreading syphilis
That is pleb level. US kept doing that until 1972

>deep freezing arms and hitting them with hammers
I doubt that japanese had the technology for that in ww2

>live vasectomies
most vasectomies are done to live people. It kinda makes no sense to do it to dead people unless for training purposes.

>and other horrible shit?
Unit 731 and other units experimented by spreading diseases to victims, injectim them with various substances and testing how big part of a body person can lose via surgigally applied lesions

Only siths do. Are Asians secretly the jedi? The japs were samurai and shit

damn i thought gooks were smart

3 edgy 5 me

They also did live surgeries without painkillers. The deep freezing thing more like they'd have them stand out in the cold until they got hypothermia then hit the body parts with hammers. And yea it's all pretty fucked.

I think I'm part asian.

The whole Jedi bullshit and whatever is 100% ripped form retarded eastern religions. Plus the story arc of the original movies, etc were all inspired by Nippon Samurai movies

Fuck that shit

Isn't observing and recording the results the logical thing to do? For the sake of accurate science and history, and to better understand the effects of radiation. One dude's misery shouldn't outweigh the progression of science and knowledge.
I'm quarter chink though, so I might be soulless

>t. Bang Ding Oouch

>use our language

Who the fuck wants to spraken ze Deutsche, Hans?

What on earth makes you think Indians are smart? Their average IQ is in the mid-80s.

half of this is right half of this is wrong. The first part about astral bullshit and heaven is wrong. Inb4 gook. Nope. Just someone who realizes eastern philosophy is god tier philosophy and nothing comes close.

There was a movie about japs fucking up china ppl in war time, anybody care to remind me the title? Would watch. A lot of hardcore torture stuff was shown in that movie.

Asians don't give a shit about the individual but they are not cucked when it comes to giving a shit about themselves as a group (i.e. nips don't let toxic ideas infect their society).

Whites give a shit about individuals and can't currently into protection of their group.


>why nuke civilians once when you could buke them twice?

Maybe the shouldn't have started a war if they didn't want to get nuked twice.

Not that it matters. The Asians have more of a soul than the mudslimes, niggers, or jews.

White / Hispanic / Poo in Loo / Asian are real people.

Mudsilme, Nigger, and Jew have to go.

This shit looks like a montage

That's why almost nobody wants to make kids in japan and the majority is older than my grandpa? Come on, every county is a shithole right now.

>Pic related
>asians are reponsible for a russian men with radiation poisoning

they should just kill him instead of making him feel pain for so fucking long

stuff like this shouldn't go unchecked

Was it Men behind the Sun?


The problem was that american spies knew that they are going to fuckin surrender. There was no point to even send one more soldier in there. Instead they send two bombs fuck knows why

>russian men
That's a japanese man that got exposed to extreme levels of radiation and kept alive for experimental treatments disregarding the absolutely horrifying pain he must have felt due to his body literally melting over the course of 3 months.

Souls aren't real.

He clearly meant conscious vivisections stupid finland.

yup mate, thanks

It might also be known as The Black Sun in some places

You'll grow out of it, unless you're some kind of liberal, Hollywood celebrity.

The flowers of war?