Sup Forums explain to me what this means:
'Trump to pick Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary'
Is this good? Bad? She was in the Bush administration. She is married to Mitch McConnell. So...this is bad right?
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Sup Forums explain to me what this means:
'Trump to pick Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary'
Is this good? Bad? She was in the Bush administration. She is married to Mitch McConnell. So...this is bad right?
Pic related
Bullet trains here we come.
a chink woman in charge of transport
everything will crash
>Mitch's wife gets a job
>in turn he doesn't get in the way of Trump fast tracking infrastructure, tariffs and deportations
Sounds good
Will she be god at her job?
Trains are cool and as the U.S. population continues to grow, it makes more and more sense.
No idea if she'll be any good.
Trains will be necessary in order to provide the kind of industrial infrastructure to enable rapid re-industrialization and restoration of transport capabilities
Amusingly liberals will get their "muh trains" under a Republican, so they'll probably bitch about "muh spending". It's like that smuggie about how atheists try to get Christians to do things harmful to Christianity by citing Christian theology despite not caring about it themselves.
Good. My dad is in transit and has worked with her in the past. Apparently she wrote a few policy positions for the RNC a while back and that was the basis for picking her. She's also very willing to approve more oil/gas pipelines and more rail construction. If she kills Amtrak I will love her forever.
First for bullet trains in Texas
Elaine Choo-Choo!!!!
>Dallas to Austin in under an hour
I. Want to believe
She´ll be hand picked by Trump. That´s as close to god as you can possibly be.
>Houston to Austin in 20 minutes
>Get to Big Bend in 2 hours from San Antonio
Also can we get some trains from Huntsville to Galveston please? 45 and Houston drivers are the worst.
>Mitch McConnell married an asian qt (decades ago I assume)
Is he /oneofus/?
Mitch McConnell's wife? I don't know.
We are so fucked.
45 is ass I'll agree, Houston drivers are just aggressive, San Antonio drivers piss me off completely stopping on ramps getting on the highway, and people on the fuckin highway stopping for people getting on from the ramp, idiots!
Why not use her where she is experienced?
>trumps only "diverse" hiring are asian
to be fair.... thats how a meritocracy would go
>mitch mcconnell has the yellow fever
What's your beef with Amtrak
Trump puts the best people in the best position. Lots of experience doesn't mean she was good at the job. Look at Shillary.
Then why no Ron Paul for SoS?
good math which will help with cattle car capacity and logistics in order to maximize efficiency
>asian woman in charge of driving
uhhhhhh dotards?
Gee, I wonder where she will transport all those people?
Would Ron Paul even accept the offer?
Ron Paul is a meme and has been about as negative towards Trump as Romney and JEB! Ron Paul hates Trump because he succeeded where Ron failed.
This is great. He knows they are going to moan about his ''lack of diversity'', but this will only show their hypocrisy if they moan about diversity while he has asian women in his staff.
This will fight will draw the support of Asian-Americans to Trump in a white-asian alliance against the niggers.
They probably aren't gonna put rail out toa big ass pile of desert rocks on the border, user
Ron Paul cannot compromise on his ideals, Trump needs someone he can actually work with.
Because Trump is a fraud who pushed the alt-right meme to get elected.
>He succeeded where Ron failed
Making anime real?
He never denied when asked, he just said it was unlikely.
Is this cuck McConnell cucking trump, or is this Big Don cucking Mitch.
So much for standing up to China
It's bad because it would make an asian female in charge of all American drivers.
It's bad enough out there as it is.