Makes you think
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they took british jerbs!
they should go help their own countries
>In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year.
too many shitskins working in health care.
>Spanish guy looks less white than the Pakistani
What means?
Not all pakis are niggers
>Take in large amounts of people
>realise your services aren't prepared for this recent influx of people
>take in more people to provide said services
>repeat ad nauseum
Sounds like great policy tbqh
And not all French women are whores but I wouldn't hedge my bets
you literally can't make that shit up
>no niggers
Fake picture. Affirmative action wouldn't let this happen.
Or just we are lazy as fuck and will not do all the jobs.
I was in Belgium and all the construction, nurse, driver and shitty jobs are in the hands of immigrants.
Without them probably we are doomed
The britfag is pakistani
>British (Pakistani)
How many whites were denied a job based on racial hiring due to political correctness.
>British (Pakistani)
>literally a greek word appropriated by latin, then old french, then english.
People can't be this retarded
>4 "doctors"
Made me lol more than think
t. Dutch intern surgeon
I thought the joke was all the Spanish were scrubs
And this, better people get turned down to make room for lesser physicians just because muh melanin
I'm fairly certain that most of the people in the OP are white you fucking moron
>Anything but french
I would try and find an identity too if I was french.
Not really, for every foreign doctor or nurse there are 10'000 immigrants waiting for their free healthcare.
>Pakistani guy is the only one with a British passport
Thank you based Greek. Without you we'll not have a word for the urine and we'll call it probably ooga-booga
too many retards confuse nationality with ethnicity
Maybe we'd have more English docotrs if they got paid better. Our trained doctors all fuck off elsewhere for the money.
Not really. People are generally fine with educated useful immigrants. It's the unwashed hordes of violent and backwards plebs we don't want.
It's not that, people should have a problem with refusing to integrating such as using non-English languages in public, and strictly hiring people of your race when you get into a managerial position. This is why Indians are so bad.
A barrel-chested and swarthy man who is enthusiastic about urination?
Oh, like all those chinks buying up all the real estate in Canada, Australia, and the West Coast? As long as they're wealthy and smart they have no negative impact, huh?
Found the shitskin.
>not a single nigger
Made me think.
wrong pablo
>By your powers combined, I am Boris Johnson
>british (paki)
Makes me think that arabs are into penises and spanish are too stupid to be anything but a nurse. Good for the Irish and the German though, not sure what they were trying to prove.
and he will touch your dick probably