Majority of Americans did not vote for Trump
Majority of Americans did not vote for Trump
>Majority of Americans did not vote for Trump
Illegal Mexicans who hate America and deal drugs for money to send back to their family are not Americans.
I think you mean the majority of illegal Mexicans didn't vote for Trump.
>.4% of americans should be able to decide the fate of america because they felt cheated
>a handful of cities should dictate the fate of all 50 great states
I shiggy diggy doo
That isn't how our system works. If it were, California and New York would be the only states that mattered. Not to mention that it's alleged 3 million illegals voted. If only half of that number is true Hillary's lead shrinks significantly.
A majority didn't vote for Hillary either, a lot of people stayed home.
Majority of Americans did not vote
>Majority of Americans did not vote for Trump
>3 Million illegals most likely voted for Hillary
A majority of Americans voted for Trump. A majority of foreigners who are here illegally voted for Hillary.
Yes they did :^)
Oh yeah
Accept the system we have or change it legally. Otherwise, get the fuck out commie filth.
A majority of Americans didn't vote Obama in 2008 either.
2008 USA population: ~300 million
2008 Obama popular vote: ~70 million
Obama in 2008 with all his popularity technically got less than 25% of the American population to vote for him.
Deceased and illegal votes don't count
A majority of states did vote for Trump.
The majority of Americans did not vote.
Same argument I use with the Second Amendment. Don't interpret my rights away. If you don't respect the Bill of Rights, change it. Although I have guns so....
That's what they get for living in a highly dense city
Nice thumbnail you saved there.
>California and New Yorks massive populations represent the whole of the other 48 states.
Its UNITED STATES of America. Not POPULIST COUNTRY of America.
By the power of Lord Kek, be gone shill!!!
majority of americans didn't vote for hillary either
Poor iceberg about to get obliterated...
How is posible to vote if you are illegal?
You can't. Trumpfags are just delusional and would gladly bend over to take his cock in their ass given the chance. It's a complete cult of personality but makes sense since unemployable manchildren need a strong hand to guide them, since they are unable to take responsibility for themselves or other people.
The irony of all this of course is that they bitch a lot of about illegal immigrants and being "strong white men" when in reality they will never be strong enough to support a family and will die poor and childless while the niggers and libtards next door lead happier lives than they do and leave a bunch of children behind to keep their genetics alive.
>Majority of Americans did not vote
The majority of americans didn't vote for Hillary either, the majority of americans didn't vote, what is your point?
>trumpcucks still regurgitating the CTR meme
There's butthurt. Then there's anal annihilation. Then there's this emotionally charged fantasy. Look in the mirror next time before you go on a retarded rant like this ;)
>he's so buttblasted he has rape fantasies about Trump
Majority of Americans did not vote for Hillary
>saved a thumbnail
I'm not surprised you voted for Hillary.
just speaking the truth kids.
i know you were too young to vote/be conscious in 2008, but you guys are identical to the liberal/college student faggots that thought obama would "change everything".
two sides of the same pathetic, childish coin.
You can't probably.
>le everyone is young but me
Kek, I'm almost 30. Nice try.
>both sides are bad, people shouldn't have beliefs
Ok Sargon of Acuck
>Kek, I'm almost 30
so 30 and unemployed? you do realize that trump isnt going to show up at your doorstep and hand you a job right?
I'll say it again: SAD!
If the Titanic had struck the iceberg head on it likely would have stayed afloat
>be american
>come home from shipping missiles to isreal
>get attacked by protesters
>get shot in a mass shooting
>nurse slaps me for not using xer preffered pronouns
>can't get obamacare because i spent my data cap on asian cartoons
>lose my job because it got moved to mexico
>get arrested for collecting rainwater
>serve three life sentences for resisting arrest
>cellmate trades my asshole for toilet wine
but at least my flag is on the moon
>projecting this hard
Lol, wrong again. I make $60k and have a wife and kid.
Sorry pal, but most states till don't require voter ID making it perfectly legal to vote even if you are illegal.
Illegals aren't American
Majority of Americans didn't vote.
And yet he will be president. :^)
I think it's actually a federal crime to attempt to vote if you're not a US citizen.
It is a deportable offense, whether you are here legally or not.
Three million illegals voted for Hillary. A majority of AMERICANS voted for Imperator Trump.
The majority of Americans also did not vote for Hillary.