How can we make india great again?
India seems nice when they are occupied by persian, arab, centural asian and mongol...
Do we need to introduce islam in India?
How can we make india great again?
India seems nice when they are occupied by persian, arab, centural asian and mongol...
Do we need to introduce islam in India?
Other urls found in this thread:
They can't even be potty trained nuke it all
I know how to make them Great again
Stop shitting in the fucking street and stop dumping trash into your drinking water
They need a white male to show them how it's done.
Why don't you go die in cram school you stupid nip fuck
That's one weird looking LOO.
unregulated capitalism
low government regulation
low gov spending
she seems bored
proper hygiene
Nice proxy ching chong go eat a puppys dong
She's trying to remember what toilets look like
why so butthurt? pajeeet?
I just wanna be your friend.
Kangaroo education system will bore anyone to death
How much yuan did you pay for the vpn ?
what do you mean by this?
>how to make india great again
We need memes. Lots of good quality memes.
kekus maximus
why the ranjivs are always angry posting?
fuck the gaijin nips doe
>implying lee can't use proxy
because Sup Forums always keeps insulting them.
I know a few and they are good people. Much better than the Muzzies. Also, India must remain a Hindu state for global stability.
>lee can use proxy therefore he is proxy
amazing logic.
Grade A+
Who are you then?
>Relocate all Indians to China to paralyze them
>Bulldoze the curry cunt settlements
>plant forests in the designatedly fertilized soil
It's great again.
I like India bro. Buddism is so chilled and way ahead of any abrahamic religion. Spirituality is more important than doctrines.
Genocide the Dalits.
Not wiping one's arse with the hand he shovel EU donated rice in his mouth isn't doctrine.
One nuke and your entire country will be rubble.
No matter how many times your country is cleansed with nuclear fire, the all-permeating smell of feces will never vanish from the land that you have despoiled.
As an Indian living in the US, how to make India Great Again.
> Remove caste based affirmative action.
> Remove cash and make everything digital. And no, it is not a plot by ((them)). It is real thing which we can do to remove corruption
> Stop race mixing with different races from different states.
> Enforce one child policy
Pajeets believe everyone how thinks India is a shithole is a Chinese shill. They seriously believe they are recognized by the rest of the world as a civilized and relevant country, because some white nations decided to use these turds as a proxy to annoy and become a punching bag for China and Russia treats them nice because they buy Russian shit.
Rekt. Nice one estonia. You win.
Fuckin kek
t. barbarian
I used to wonder what the whole dalit deal was , then my gramps explained it to me .
In general.
Dalit is just a guy without a god ,without a family name .
People distanced from them because they spread deadly germs , even plagues . As illnesses kept spreading throught many kingdoms , The kings of old time quarantined them outside the city.
As time passed the the ill died but the fear stayed . And so began the oppression of the dalits .
And, by the the foolishness of the ape-like t*rk, these cousins of yours were spread even here. They even have their very ethnostate right in the middle of Europe named Romania.
Most of India is already race mixed , its genetically proven . The only exception are kerala ,south tamil nadu & Andaman Nicobar
Y-you are chinese proxy111
>How can we make india great again?
>Implying India was ever great
India seems pretty cool.
But seriously, fellas. We need to purge Islam from the face of the Earth. Deus Vult.
Third time's the charm, Takeshi.
Y-you cannot type exclamatory mark in your shitty touchscreen keyboard. Chinese proxy confirmed.
Your gramps is an idiot and so are you. Read a book, lad.
They are as indian as you are African. We dont consider the fucking Nepalis as indians , here you show a pack of a iranian race mixed half blood as indians?
Han go home before the cpc finds out you want to be a nippon
Through a millennia of exile, these proud curry-loving street designators have uncannily retained the disposition and an appalling lack of intelligent thought so closely shared with you, their cousins a thousand miles away.
I do not give a single streetshit about which mudmonkey howls the loudest in your miniature africa and which prides themselves the most.
>implying India has the same history
This is a common knowledge in my gramps village , there is even a fucking tribal songs & poems writin about it in tulu.
>How can we make india great again?
Impossible. India is complete and utter shit. It looks more hopeless than Middle East. There, I said it.
Just fucking glass it.
>have uncannily retained the disposition and an appalling lack of intelligent
Sounds like a average Estonian to me
W-would you reconsider ;_;
Literally shaking
Know tulu western ghat bro?
Don't talk to Japbro like that you piece of shit. You and your literal shithole of a country
>have uncannily retained the disposition and an appalling lack of intelligent
That's not a complete sentence you sad, creepy little pseudo-muslim.
Bathroom hygiene and stop gang raping would be a good start
You better look at your own desu country which was once muh
> we have strong nationalist anti mzzie govt who give zero fucks to what others say
> you better make your own army n nukes rather than begging USA
India on its current path will be a World Power by 2025, and a Superpower by 2040.
I don't know what everyone is so worried about. I would be more worried about your birth rates, Takeshi.
> India
>literally 1.1billion Hindus
Goback milking your goat snow nigger
KEK. You really are an idiot. Relying on anecdotal evidence of a dead language.
There are songs of Jesus pleasuring sheep in Glaswegian while riding a black unicorn.
Does that make Jesus real?
ctrl+f "poo"
What the fuck is happening here, an india thread and no poo jokes
ctrl+f "designated"
install nazism
kick out anglo jewish democracy
same as japan
>make India great for the first time.
I don't know if it would be a good thing for us, every asian country oblitering each other would be the best outcome tbqh
No hard feelings indianbros, you are just too much of a threat
India is gonna rekt every country in the future, and you'll come to us for guidance on how to life
We already have spirituality and strong nationality, the things about population not being civilized can and will be and is being improved with time, look at the state of west -you went full circle with materialism and now you're cuckable like nothing else, that stuff would never fly here.
Like it or not, but today or tomorrow India is where answers are at.
Now this is truly shit posting
Don't get hurt
> info here is only a fictional for fun
> only a fool will take this as a fact
>materialism wouldnt fly here
Wrong. We are not immune to that. Literally a single most poisonous threat we face IMO
I am talking about immigration crisis
When people kejriwal try those tactics they're laughed at, the 'desi' population is immune to SJWs.
Someone should kejriwal twitter account and post pak glorifying videos
I didn't know such many indian posters in Sup Forums...
Daily reminder that if you're not a Brahmin, you should kill yourself.
thermo nuclear annihilation
>We already have spirituality and strong nationality
>all the high-quality human resources, such as doctors, engineers flee to other Western countries
What, mate?
really enjoying yourself huh OP?
We are 1/6th of world
and reliance sim has given us unlimited 4g connection this year under indirect orders of based PM Modi
Most of the history from the pre-wadayar dynasty era are scriptures from peoms . These poems are documented scripts not some floke lore .
Iirc this was around the same time the dalits even converted to lingaeths.
Wtf are you expecting a live witness ? Its from the 12th century. And its common sense for why the dalits were segregated from society . They spread all kinds of illnesses .
Congrats, you're a fucking retard.
Once the infrastructure here improves, that'll stop.
All Indians I've spoken to have been decent people, poo-in-loo aside.
false, islam was a sham in india and did nothing but harm. as islam does. islam does no positive in the east
>This coming from a guy who worships flying monkeys & elephants from literally the same quality of source.
Before you throw the religion game , I'm a agnostic
Abrahamic religion in general has failed in the east.
The only thing Christianity brought to india is creat Christian terror groups .
Agnosticism is a philosophical stand
Knowledge does not equal Belief senpai. You can either be an agnostic theist or an agnostic atheist. There is no middle ground.
how the fuck did you make that jump, i'm not religious
you really are a retard, but atleast you don't believe the religious dogma in this country, that's a start at the least, but why would you trust poems describing society but not krishna or brahman? seems like a glaring inconsistency.
>i'm not religious
>Poo in the loo's butt mad that foreigners think their country is a shit hole
Apologise now. Super poeoer 2019
the existence of god/gods cannot be proven , hence its a middle ground by definition.
I didn't , i was pointing at your hypocrisy. Since all sources from or prior of that era are documented in only scripts in form of poems.
>the existence of god/gods cannot be proven
Thus they don't exist
and that makes you an atheist.
If you're still having trouble apply Occam's Razor. Take the thesis with the least assumptions i.e. gods don't exist, which also results in you being an atheist.
Here's an article if you're interested in further reading.
But don't say that you're agnostic and leave it at that, you'll look like an idiot.
So what I'm getting from this post is that I'm not a hypocrite but you are.
Glad to have had this conversation.
Also listen to the other user, he seems to know his shit about theological classifications.
Big difference
a Atheists believe god doesn't exist , since he can't scientifically prove it
While a agnostic believes in the concept of said gods but knows cannot prove it to take a stand axs religious.
They may look similar but a agnostic deals with portability which atheists do not.
Look if you believe in God, doesn't matter if you can prove it or not, you my friend are a theist. I do not understand why is this so hard to comprehend.
Agnosticism and Gnosticism are empirical position not religious positions.
Thus, you can either be a Gnostic Theist/Atheist or an Agnostic Theist/Atheist but you can't be just Agnostic. Your stance on knowing(or possibility of knowing) is not a middle position.
Another jio nigga?
There are agnostic atheists and agnostic theists.
Knowledge != Belief/Faith
Seriously just google it, there have been multitude of philosophers more intelligent than you or me who have debated this for centuries, don't be ignorant, you have no excuse.