Eyes wide shut 100% legit?
Kickstarter fundraiser?
Creepy Angelina Jolie Illuminati Ritual Video
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Eyes wide shut 100% legit?
Kickstarter fundraiser?
Creepy Angelina Jolie Illuminati Ritual Video
Vid related
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you can learn alot here
yes, its legit.
this guy talks about all the pizzagate shit in 1995, 2 decades ago.. satanic rituals, pedophilia, human trafficking all within the CIA and govt.
After the Siege of Vienna.
btw that video of Angelina Jolie is not about illuminati
shes diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.. shes just into all that BDSM, cutting, etc
but maybe shes in it too, who knows
at least since ancient egypt
why do you think their symbol is a pyramid? why do you think we're only learning about kek being real now?
Fuck off shill, you don't know what you're talking about.
"Illuminati" is a disinfo conspiracy project spread by the government to confuse people from finding out real conspiracies.
benis :--DDD
freemasons used to be a good secret society that got taken over by jews around 1776
since 1700?
we don't know exactly when it started, but here's one of the earliest recorded Illuminati meetings:
"Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"
here's the same guy being quoted by a reliable witness:
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:"
>freemasons used to be a good secret society
doubtful, considering they were just cryptokike goyim thugs during the crusades
3,250,000 years ago, stupid.
the 'illuminati' is just the surviving reptile people from the age of dinosaurs.
reptilian dinosaurs ruled the earth for millions of years, and intelligent life arose just like humans arose. then most everything died, but they already had an advanced civilization. they went into hiding from the atmosphere for millenia.
humans happened, and their super advanced race manipulated us as we developed, and were in power long before we became an advanced civilization.
it's possible that there are even older Archean illuminatis from the time before dinosaurs that rule the reptile people.
eventually a new form of life will arise, and we'll be the illuminati to them.
it's the circle of life, faggot.
First of all, the 1700 is for Freemasons. The whole "Global NWO Illuminatay" is a recent phenomenon.
I suspect that the Freemasons are either scapegoat pawns for the elites, or they are the actual good guys getting framed by a stronger and deeper power creating these false conspiracy theories.
Ancient Khazarians
>1700 is for Freemasons.
Lodge 0 claims a 12th century origin, pic related was found under a bridge in Ireland, dated to 1509.
Again, this , is the defining moment of modern history, from here on in, the masons became a religious/militaristic order.
they were here for several thousand years. Promoting their master/slave idea of civilization. Keeping everyone in the dark about their "knowledge". Which includes accurate facts about history, science and technology far beyond what we perceive possible, and of course they're in charge of the world's finance and governments. Illuminati/Freemasons are just some names being attributed to them.
>the 'illuminati' is just the surviving reptile people from the age of dinosaurs.
can we eat them?
wouldn't it be funny if some creeps had convinced her they were the "illuminati" just to have sex and do stuff to her? it would be the ultimate date rape, a whole cult made up just to fuck people
This poses an interesting question. Do reptilians taste like chicken? Truly the question of our time.
i don't know but they definitely eat us.
>he's never had rattlesnake tendies
who hurt you like this
Since as long as Jews have been jewing people. What the fuck you think illuminati means?
its time to turn the tables on them. reptilian tendies for all
it means enlightened one. "one who see's the light".
stop calling them the illuminati and call them what they are
I'm not concerned with the "true meaning" of illuminati, just like most Christians aren't concerned with the esoteric meanings hidden in the bible. All the conspiracy theories that label the Illuminati are talking about Jews. Some of them know they mean Jews, and some of them are stupid and have no idea they mean Jews. Alex Jones is one of the stupid ones.
jews aren't really at the top levels, they're just cretinous panderers of filth and usury at the levels of
besides, there's more then one group of illuminati, and they all have different interests and war against each other.
Idk, but I know the goy that will bring them down
Illuminati began with Lucifer when he fell and became Satan.
>all the fucking illuminati/freemasons are jews
>Alex Jones isn't sincere
thats what they want you to think
you're a lost cause
go back to worshipping moloch
I never tried to study freemasons, but my understanding was that it is a group of goys who try to adopt kike strategies of high in-group preference.
they are an arm of yhwh developed to control the remnants of the crusaders who fled France on Friday the 13.
Nice series to show you exactly what their nature is like.
> youtube.com
They're the mafia.
Before watching the videos, I'll just point out, in my previous comment I said
>goys who adopt kike strategies
In your comment
No contradiction there. Mafia is Jewish tactic. The Italian mob is a propaganda put out by kike hollywood.
you won't find their exact nature on youtube, or anywhere else. They're a group of individuals and individual factions within it, with individual agendas. Their whole idea is that they know things we're "not meant" to know. Anything tangible you can find, especially on the clear net, is speculation at best.
>exact nature
The series in question exposes how they can control society vertically without actually openly ruling.
They're a sect within a sect, a club within a club, a clique within a clique, and a firm within a firm.
Sure it's a glimpse, which raises more questions then it answers. But nothing more. Otherwise they would never let anything like this get published.
The pedophilia stuff is for the purposes of BLACKMAIL.
The jewish mafia videotapes pedos raping kids and then use the footage to control those people
This happened a lot back in the 1700s.
It began with the Rothschild family, they coined the term and founded the group.
even before the 1700s, footage from the 1300s was recently declassified
Would you believe, people actually recorded history in the past, it's how we know who we are.
> piece of garbage