What caused the war, Sup Forums?
American Civil War
Americans being dumb enough to import niggers into the country.
People in the North wanted Southern shekels. South said no. North imported Irish to work in their factories and give them an overwhelming advantage in the Electoral College. Lincoln and his party of radicals won without a single Southern state. South left, told the US to vacate its property. US refused. Shots fired. Civil War.
The British and French started showing an interest in intervening on behalf of the South. Emancipation Proclamation! Suddenly, it was about freeing the slaves all along, despite the South starting it. The Euros get cold feet.
The War ends and the soul of the US is ripped out. No longer will the US be referred to in the plural because states don't matter.
Cotton jews not wanting to give up cheap labor
same thing that caused every war
someone wanted more money
The north wanted to free the slaves? At least thats what i was taught
The South Created their own Boogeyman that Lincoln was coming for their slaves. rather than admit to their own stupidity, they doubled down and attacked government buildings.
Then why didnt they free their own slaves?
North had factories, south had farms.
Less people died in the whole thing than in any of the bigger WW2 battles.
Slavery. Anyone saying anything else is an apologist or has a bone to pick.
t. Civil War nerd
But both sides had slaves
The slave owning democratic elite could not cope with losing their power so they threw a fit and killed a good chunk of the american population, probably were sacrificing black babies to moloch aswell
Didn't the north fire on fort sumpter first which is what ignited the civil war into full scale war?
The Republicans had slaves?
the south fired on fort sumter.
The Union had slaves
Border states had slavery (very small number of slaves relative to the rest of the South though), but the majority of Northern states didn't.
Southern attempts to force acceptance of slavery or make Free States accomplices to slavery through the Fugitive Slave Act and other actions like the Dredd Scott decision royally pissed them off, and Northern abolitionists and Free State advocates pissed off Southern slaveholders, who had crafted an entire social narrative and mission around slavery and maintaining it. The war was entirely about the issue of slavery, which is why after Lincoln realized reconciliation would not work he switched to destroying slavery because to end the war but not the problem that caused it was just a recipe for another Civil War.
The secessionist documents were literally 1860s Sup Forums
>south had farms
They didn't even have those. Plantation owners needed that room for cotton. so farms, railroads, public works were either small or non-existent because King Cotton needed all the land he could get.
>The war was entirely about the issue of slavery,
So the Union would have just let a non slave state leave peacefully?
Ah yes you're right. Thanks
The jews.
Super rich people with a lot of resources who wanted to gain control again. Act of 1871 a good example of their incremental incursion back into power of the nation known as America.
>impying the war was caused by anything other than jews
Do you all think another one is coming?
No, but non-slave States never had a reason to leave in the first place so it's a moot point. Slavery was such a contentious issue that it pushed people to the breaking point. The Southern Slave States left because Lincoln banned the spread of slavery in the Western territories to prevent more Bleeding Kansases, which would have eventually given Free States the majority of Senators, and they theoretically could have used their numerical advantage to abolish slavery.
Shoo now, the adults are talking.
>reason to leave
How is being a permanent minority in a democracy not a reason to leave?
What was the reason to stay?
Fort Sumter was a federal fort inhabited by federal troops. They were told by the SC government to leave as SC was no longer under the control of the federal government. Sumter troops refused and Lincoln started to resupply them so the SC troops fired on the fort.
Not for at least another 10 years. People right now are too content to fight because there's a lot to lose if we go to war, but not enough to be gained. I'd imagine if there was another civil war it'd either be a race war or California attempting to leave.
greed, and a traitor.
a president bent on control of all, moved slavery into prisons, creating wage slaves so we are now owned.
ponsie leftie northeners, who believed white gentlemen should not have a few nigger slaves, and also taxation
i believe any fucking modern day american-nigger who thinks he/she would have been better off without free boat rides for their great-granpappy, should fuck off back to the motherland with its mudhuts and rumage about in piles of shitty garbage for scraps of food and recycleable shit to sell for pennies
Niggers, you fuckers are privellaged compared them truelly poor black fuckers in africa who are aids ridden, starving and thirsty + all the other bollocks we see charities begging for donations on tv and documentaries
go home and reconsider your life and choises you theiving drugdealing scrounging cunts,
and be sure to thank the next white man you see for bestowing on you a better quality of life than you deserve and would eitherways would ever have had.
Oh now we split the vote by running multiple candidates against Lincoln and we won't get our way anymore, I guess people need to die now.
or Texas saying fuck this
>I guess people need to die now.
We could have just let them go peacefully
Call it what it was. The War of Northern Aggression.
tbqh he was a good at-war president, but he was a cuck when it came to reaping the benefits of war
also fuck mexico, cali strong we deserve the baja, it LITERALLY has our name in it
Baja California is rightful californian clay
texus, checks-us
worshiping the son of a jew , lol
>a permanent minority in a democracy
But the USA is not a democracy. It's a republic, whose rules until after the Civil War were even somewhat tailored to slaveholding States' benefit: they fought hard for and got the 3/5ths rule, where each slave would count as 3/5ths of a person for purposes of representation in the House. The Senate, which before the 20th century had Senators appointed by State governments, was also another broad check on attempts to outlaw slavery, should it ever have happened.
Most people advocated staying in the Union until people freaked out and went all #NotMyPresident in 1860 and in the heat of the moment the secessionists gained the upper hand and the momentum in State governments in the South. This was the result of a built-up fight over slavery that had consumed the 1850s, but few in early 1860 had ever foreseen let alone advocated for secession. Most prominent leaders of the Confederacy (from Jefferson Davis to Robert E. Lee) were Unionists until the last minute. But if most Slave States left, then you truly would have been a minority if you were a Unionist Slave State; the fire-eaters forced the hands of other, more moderate slaveholders. It snowballed out of control, really.
>Baja California is rightful californian clay
secede and then invade it
Yep shooting people. seizing elected officials in states and putting them under house arrest so they can declare their secession unopposed.
You know, peaceful.
fuck you, it's always the jews.
This. Lincoln didn't even start the civil war over the slaves.
>tailored to slave states
Are we just going to forget about the Missouri "compromise"
People also forget he wasn't even in Office when they started their insurrection.
The South believed that due to shifting political balance in favor of the North and basically anything but the South, they must succeed or else they would be forced to give up their traditions (primarily slave-owning)
They then sperged out after Lincoln got elected (despite him not guaranteed to abolish slavery), attacked Fort Sumter, and got fucking destroyed like autists.
only border states. The South started the entire thing to preserve slavery and we attacked them to preserve the union after it was clear that diplomacy would not work (aka after the South staged an attack on Fort Sumter)
So therefore because the South caused the war and they caused it because slavery, the war was caused by slavery. The states in the union with slaves were merely the slave states that weren't retarded.
Go back to fucking your sister
The war wasn't inevitable until the Kansas-Nebraska Act/the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, so it wasn't Polk's fault
desu we would be fully capable of being a country if our government didnt spend so much on welfare and focused SPECIFICALLY on border security and water renewal plants
We could save millions each year and wouldnt need to rely on water from other states
Also mexico aint shit we could take it if we wanted, all of california except the big cities are red conservative
Well still dont think it was worth going to war over
What did we gain by preserving the Union
Whatever it was they would not be able to be elected ever again
Pluralist states will never work
>The war wasn't inevitable until the Kansas-Nebraska Act/the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, so it wasn't Polk's fault
Ehhhh the slavery thing kinda pushed it though, I agree he dindu mostly but still. He should have made his mind up sooner xddd
we gained the ability to have cotton for our factories on the cheap lol
>only border states.
it was federally legal
nailed it user
>he doesn't know about the Richmond Jewish community's letter to Jefferson Davis
Yes goy, the Jews were totally rooting for the North to win, which is why they forced the North to invade the South, where Jews also lived. Hell, you can even read the diaries of Jewish Confederate soldiers and they're just as racist as anyone at the time. The idea that THE JOOS did anything in the Civil War besides live through it is asinine.
That was a compromise, as in each side should get 50%. The Southern States believed they would get Caribbean lands and more of Mexico, so the deal seemed to be a good one to them. That's why they agreed in the first place.
>Whatever it was they would not be able to be elected ever again
Because the Western States today are massive population centers that decide elections... no wait, they're endless prairie and desert.
Would you send your son to die for cheap cotton?
Also look at DC now
The Feds need to be dissolved
lol. revisionist history. Lincoln couldn't give a fuck less about the slaves. it was a political move to disrupt shit in the South further.
>Because the Western States today are massive population centers that decide elections... no wait, they're endless prairie and desert.
They each get two senators
There is no reason to stay in a "democracy" if you are a minority
>All of california except the big cities are red conservative
this is extremely false, if you removed San Francisco, LA, San Jose, and San Diego then California is still more Democrat than New York is WITH NYC. even if you remove the entire California Coast+San Bernadino and Riverside counties, California is STILL majority Democrat. We had a thread about this yesterday
It was illegal everywhere except the border states moron
I wouldn't send my son to die for cheap cotton, but to preserve the union probably. The issue with letting the South go peacefully is that it legitimizes secession and whenever something doesn't go somebody's way entire states would secede. This almost happened with the Confederacy, I think it was Mississippi who almost left the Confederacy because they were butthurt about something.
It's not a democracy though. And they would still have powerful chances to hold the House and the Presidency, and even the Senate through the power of broad coalitions as the Democrats had done throughout the 1800s.
>It was illegal everywhere except the border states moron
it was up to the states
> but to preserve the union probably.
again what good is the union now
They are the ones attacking our rights not defending them
>go back to fucking your sister
Ah, the superior northern wit
1866 Black men get the right to own property, 1868 white women get the right to own property.
Harriet Breecher Stow (Trump's GGGrandma) equated women as slaves because men controlled their houses and families finances.
>It's not a democracy though.
I put it in quotes for a reason
> House and the Presidency, and even the Senate through the power of broad coalitions as the Democrats had done
maybe but why take the chance
What do you gain by staying?
Two different ideologies cannot coexist in the same country
>it was up to the states
yes and the border states allowed it but virtually every other state banned it either at their admission to the union or in the very early 1800s
>again what good is the union now
>They are the ones attacking our rights not defending them
Virtually nothing would change in that department if the country dissolved besides everyone being far worse off.
Literally the only reason the US is as good to live in as it is right now is because of the union. If we didn't have this then most places would be far worse off.
There are traitorous elements in the Federal Government which see the domestic mainland as 'fair game' for war profiteering, and have fostered+maintained 'civil war' scenarios and conditions with that in mind.
The Clintons were a major part of that cabal, so possibly the final death of that bullshit will be one positive outcome of this election.
Hitler invading Poland.
>yes and the border states allowed it but virtually every other state banned it either at their admission to the union or in the very early 1800s
I never said it wasnt
Just that it was legal in both the Union and Confederacy
>being far worse off.
What do we need the Feds for?
They are literally importing millions of foreign invaders
Perversion of the federal government to serve sectional interests by the northern states. Lincoln's election triggered it, the republican platform was unconstitutional. South just went fuck it, if you won't abide by the compact we'll leave.
Well, you got a point...
I live in east side San Bernardino city, and its growing super conservative. Wayyy more people voted rep this year than in 12.
I would argue that many of the blue counties that arent big are still turning more red than they were the last 2 years
Its growing red and soon we I will be right, y-you'll see
top down regulations from washington meant to harm the livelihoods of southern americans
additionally, because reality did not match a sjw presidents narrative, he started a economic war against part of america he didnt approve of. sounds alot like obama and coal.
The Feds aren't literally importing foreigners sperg, they can't raise the flow but they can restrict it. The Obama administration didn't even restrict it any less than Dubya, he just made it possible for a lot of them to permanently stay.
The Fed government provides money to almost every state to actually function among other things such as making it easy to trade between states.
Also false, San Bernardino got more democrat and less republican compared to 2012
California is actively turning very very blue. Bar some major event that magically makes California less absurdly polarized all the way to Democrats, it will not be red again until this party system is over.
>he started a economic war against part of america he didn't approve of
which president? Buchanan didn't do jack shit to anybody because he was incompetent, and Lincoln wasn't even in fucking office yet when the South started to leave. It was literally impossible for what you describe to happen unless you are referring to some president before Buchanan.
>they can't raise the flow
yes they can they provide federal assistance
>The Fed government provides money to almost every state
Where do they get money?
>easy to trade between states.
States could easily make free trade deals
The South wanted to maintain its right to own slaves and the economy that came with that so they went to secede and the North was like. "Can't do that Johnny." And Lincoln sent Troops in order to maintain the Union. A couple of brutal and bloody years later the South is pacified and Donald Trump is now president
The north tried to break the degenerate southern shit out of their degeneracy and make them work for themselves.
The southern fucking shits had a chimp out of historical proportions that started with an attack on a single fort.
Lincoln invaded a foreign country.
North was getting plenty of shekels, thanks to Hamiliton's American system (Jackson almost invaded SC over tariffs). Electoral college thing was always an issue (3/5ths etc). The compromise of 1850 broke the balance of power in the senate, when they let Cali into the union.
The South hoped to get the british or french to intervene. However foreign supplies of cotton and surplus from bumper crops in the previous decade reduced economic pressure to do so and the Gettysburg campaign ended the chances of intervention.
Emancipation Proclamation was a wartime measure only freeing slaves in rebelling territories. It actually triggered the worse race riots in our history. The Irish tore through NYC lynching any black man they could find.
Anyway fuck the overreaching federal government, the compact theory is sound. Sovereignty flows from the people to the states (the direct agents of the people), and then from the states to the Federal government.
look up the declarations of secession of the confederate states. the south wanted slavery, and didn't give it up because they were fucking morons.
the scumbag federalists wanted the money and land. the plight of africans did not improve, the north didn't give a shit about africans
liberals are not leftists
The federal government not respecting states rights.
Kikes brought in slaves and sold them to rich farmers in the south during the late 18th century and then a shitstorm occurred when an abolitionist was elected.
If Lincoln was not assassinated the slaves would have been shipped back to Africa and we wouldn't have a nigger problem. He was preparing for this when he got assassinated.
>yes they can they provide federal assistance
Unless you mean physically moving foreigners themselves from their countries to America then no federal assistance does not increase the flow, and no that does not happen. Obama has actually deported more foreigners than any other president to date although Trump will probably outdo him.
>Where do they get money?
Various places although it mostly comes from taxing NY, Cali, Florida, Texas, New England states, Minnesota, and Illinois, as most of the other states take more than they receive from the government.
Giving more than you receive to the government also does not mean that the state can survive without the government, as they need trade with other states to survive.
>States could easily make free trade deals
In the meantime everybody suffers and becomes pretty impoverished while the states work out the undoubtedly complex free trade deals.
Also as shown by the Articles of Confederation, with all states holding total sovereignty the country dives into anarchy.
The South left before Lincoln took office, the South attacked the North way before the other way around.
Lincoln invaded a rebellious portion of the country that had attacked the property of the non-rebelling part of the country first.
>Hamilton's American system
this doesn't exist, the American system was created after Hamilton died and was not a direct cause of the civil war at all.
>Electoral college thing was always an issue (3/5ths etc)
The college made it possible for the south to keep slavery for much longer
>The compromise of 1850 broke the balance of power in the senate, when they let Cali into the union.
The loss of balance wasn't a direct cause, it was a compromise and the South liked it because it involved the stronger Fugitive slave law that basically let them enslave any black person they saw.
Slavery was legal throughout the union. Property is protected by the Con. The supreme court ruled on this shit Dred Scott "improperly deprive Scott's owner of his legal property." Have you never heard of containment? North wanted the territories for free white labor.
Which side was cintrolled by the Jews?
Northerners and their endless greed.
>Slavery was legal throughout the union
Slavery was banned in every single state that didn't rebel except for Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware. They all banned it way before the war. The Federal Government didn't ban it because outside of the states that did ban it, abolition wasn't that popular of a thing.
Reminder that Abe Lincoln didn't give a shit about black people.
>implying the Eternal Unionist isn't 1000x worse
>Internal improvements, tariffs, nullification crisis
>Senate, the states came in as pairs to maintain balance of power, until 1850.
>complete nonsense.