How to stop racism?
How to stop racism?
that's fucking awesome
Seems like a fair exchange to me desu
>chink gets offended at words so assaults people
no better than niggers
>someone says something
>assault them
This is how people get shot baka desu senpaitachi
>Talk shit
>Get hit
The man took the risk the man paid the price. Sounds fair.
What a child fucking gooks
I Think the chen has the right idea
>some nigger calls a stormcuck a CRACKA! to his face in the street
>nigger gets pummeled by the edgy neo-nazi
>some guy calls a chink a chink
>"WTF? That's fucked up. Fucking animal chinks. We should have killed them all back asjckadhfh"
>kicked the guy in the face
so it's true that all chinks know kung fu
>>some nigger calls a stormcuck a CRACKA! to his face in the street
>>nigger gets pummeled by the edgy neo-nazi
Literally never happens because white people just hurry along or laugh at the drunk nigger
Butthurt zipperhead
>Implying chinks and white people are equal and should have equal rights
>Sidney CHAN
Deserved. Hate speech has no place in 2016.
Shut it racist nazi fascist far-right hitlerite heteronormative cis-geneder scumbag
Seem fair. White people need to start doing this when they are called a slur. inb4 "We aren't fucking savages". This is why white people are treated like a joke in their own countries, you don't do shit to people who talk it.
Saying any level of violence is deserved or allowable is "hate speech" in my book.
I should kick you in the face.
You'd deserve it.
Your opinion is irrelevant. If someone assaults me for calling them a chink, they're getting a few ounces of lead thrown at them at 1200 feet per second.
I just dropped my sister off there on our way back from Thanksgiving two days ago on Sunday. If you see her around campus say hello for me. Oh that reminds me, I was going to buy her a TV for her new apartment... Shit, I missed Cyber Monday didn't I? Fuck.
it's all in yer head frog fry
>they're getting a few ounces of lead thrown at them at 1200 feet per second
>French hapa shilling for chinks
Can you not?
dont talk shit, dont get hit. it's very simple, stormfaggots.
Holocaust the Mudslimes, Jews, and Niggers. Those are the only shit races. Everyone else is a pretty cool guy.
>assault white person for no reason
>claim they called you a racial slur
How to stop racism?
Stop hating on white people for your own failures.
Ship niggers, jew, latinos, and LGBT community to Palestine; that's how
I'm not sure if this was supposed to insult me or not, but yeah, someone assaults me and they get shot. I don't know why you brought race into it. Seems kind of racist imo.
sounds fair enough....the guy was unable to defend himself from kick so go kicked
that sounds like a pretty normal day in Australia to me
>You're 100 years too early to defeat me!
100% badass. Do NOT fuck with Jackie Chan.
id say chink to his face and then beat the shit out of him too
Forced racial integration causes what is called "racism".
>Prosecutor Paul Fairley said: ‘Why, given your account that you were frightened and thought that you were being assaulted, why did you seem so eager to get back into the fray and engage Mr Kent?’
>He replied: ‘Because he was persisting to get back up and continue the fight.
This chink is practically a nigger.
>Get called a chink
>Do kung fu
>Stereotype that all asians know kung fu
>get double offended
>don't want no trabbu
>ip man all of congress
>locked away in a pit never to be seen again
>his powers are too great and he will only use them for evil.
>fairy tales are made about him
>200 years later
>movie is made staring jackie chans great great grand son
>no one watches it
It's only how to stop pro white stuff. Once chinks get more control over western societies, you will see them do whatever the fuck they want.
But you won't care because racism is only wrong when white people do it.
thanks for the link, NOT
Google is so fucking hard
kek 10/10 would exchange commodities with
>implying self-cucking modern whites are even above Arabs
If Asians use kung fu, is it okay for them to chimp out?
Segregation, monoethnic states.
Talk shit get hit.
It's a universal law.
The only people who hate this are usually punk ass white people afraid to throw hands. Free speech lets you say anything you like, it doesn't mean that you're free from the consequences.
>tribalism is inherent to all races
>men have violent tendencies
when will people take responsibility for there faults and actions and accept that these things happen so the individual can look at there own actions though a critical lense and be mindful of how they behave in the world.
>responsibility is dead
Chinks confirmed for niggers
Not so fast. Turns out the gook instigated by racially insulting the white guy, and then pushed him unprovoked. When the victim was on the ground and drunk, Chan kicked him. That's some nigger tier shit
>walk up to a rich chink
>call him a chink
>kicks me in the face
>sue him for a million dollars
>buy a new house
I think he did the right thing!
Free speech isn't against the law, assault is. Go back to the Chinkostan if you can't deal.
He kicked him twice in the face while he was on the ground. That's gay as fuck.
Yeah it's almost like I care more about my race than others
By letting yourself get outbred and replaced, die peacefully, Erbfeind.
Just kidding. The Arabs hate the niggers even more than you hate them.
>When the victim was on the ground and drunk, Chan kicked him
Aww that's not cool
I thought Chan had done a cool kung fu kick
He got sued but then released without any charges
It doesn't matter. All the Chinese girls date white guys, and no white girls date Chinese guys.
Asians genes are disappearing
Based. Most of white """"men"""" nowadays would not do shit about but puss out when they are insulted for no reason. Mere a hundred years ago in the Western part of America, you had to risk your life when you insulted a random guy on the street. Modern men are so fucking pussified.
Get rid of all non whites
Physically attacking who says mean words? This chink is literally nigger tier
Those cats was fast as lightning
It was a lie, the cumskin provoked a conflict and can't fight back
Pretty based chink right here
For fuck's sake, you cannot.
You can't get rid of that which is naturally inherent in people. Racism and Xenophobia are a constant of all life that has a brain with a functional Amygdala
Laws do not encompass all social conventions.
If you're afraid of the consequences (aka violence) of talking shit, don't talk shit.
It goes back to the dawn of time, seen in all animals. You talk shit, you get hit. Don't cry about it when you asked for it.
>Getting upset over an slur as lame as cracka
ITT: Cracker mad at chink for beating him up. Kek. Talk shit get hit
I'd love to see you try. It's my right to talk shit. If you try to hit me, you're getting shot in self-defense.
Wew. We got a big boy over here.
> teleports behind you
> shoots you
Nope. It would be equally nigger-tier behavior.
>literally the mind of a nigger
>ip man all of congress
Fucking lost right here
Call it something else.
Typical keyboard warrior response.
Talk shit get hit.
get a Soros grant
Downies are known for their superhuman strength... Oh wait, he's asain?
How can you be racist against chinks and not expect a kung fu attack in retaliation?
What kind of self-respecting American doesn't carry? Shameful.
Hahha pussy Asian bois can't fight without their opponent being drunk.
I don't believe this happened.
And also it reads like a word problem
>chan kicked stephen in the face 9 times stephen called him 5 more racial slurs how many more kicks than racial slurs did chan deal stephen?
Also I have more respect for Asians than niggers, Asians don't break shit when Trump wins.
Plus, he is a hottie
>respond to individual words that you don't like with violence
>expect respect
lol ok
You can't get lower than a black.
The chink actually instigated it because the white man fucked his wife.
No self-respecting person talks shit without being prepped to get hit.
Only white people think offending people has no consequences.
hehe... Ireland trying to flex. so cute!
/fa/ as fuck
that's why i don't fuck with em, they are a quiet unassuming people but like half the motherfuckers are ju jutsu masters
"Head to the word of Kek! Kill thyself for the sake of the master race my children"
>implying the based chink won't just beat the shit out of you for pulling out a gun
>implying you won't go to jail for assault with a weapon and attempted murder
>implying Jerome isn't going to fuck you in the ass for acting like an edgy stormcuck
Gook trying to flex. Oh, so cute? :3
>also happens to be a gook
Go figure. You'll never get a white girl btw - inb4 delusional rantings. You'll kill yourself eventually.
Does that mean I can attack non whites who call me "white boy", "cracker", or "honkey"?
>Delusionnal paki
1 Egg fried rice meal pls - no dog this time.
Prawn crackers optional