Our movement is and always has been anti-racist civic nationalism. Ignore the MSM shill plant Richard Spencer and listen to our real leaders - he has been denounced and BTFO by everyone from Milo to Sargon to Cernovich.
Our movement is and always has been anti-racist civic nationalism...
Other urls found in this thread:
theres no movement, faggot
pol is a large group of people with lots of different opinions
who mostly agree that jews are devilspawn
Then why use the BUF symbol?
I just want shoe to step on me.
Civic nationalism goes away whenever a country(inevitably) fails.
Ethnic nationalism is a bond between brothers and famiy. People with genetics closer to yours.
No country that fails could break that bond, except for race mixing and destroying ties. Why do you think it's being pushed so hard?
Besides, there are inherent intellectual differences between races that will give blacks difficulty competing in the free market. This creates animosity towards the people who are better equipped(Whites, asians, Jews). To attempt to mitigate some of this animosity, social welfare is introduced. The government, in order to keep power against a growing discontented lower class, forces the richer class to open their wallets to the lower class. You're now paying for people who are by every measure, failures. Now you have the upper class, pitted against the lower class, great for those in power.
The fairest system within a country is ethnic nationalism. You only have to compete with your fellow countrymen, it's an even playing field.
You want to destroy whole western civilization because you're too dumb to understand the fact that niggers, sandniggers and asians aren't going to respect it
when did Sup Forums become so anti-white.
It didn't, reddit goons, shills and newfags who refuse to lurk aren't part of Sup Forums
>listen to our real leaders
>our real leaders
>real leaders
>listen to our real leaders
>our real leaders
>real leaders
>listen to our real leaders
>our real leaders
>real leaders
So, lumbersexuals, hipsters and general faggots are what new right consists of.
Wipe the ejaculate from your moustache and then hang yourselves from,the showerrail.
piss off, nigger
go away, nigger
Since when the fuck did we have leaders? Fuck off, JIDF. We serve only Kek, not as a leader but as the one true GOD.
Except it isn't an even playing field. It never is. Within any group you will always have people who are disadvantaged over the others in some way or another.
Shoe is not conservative. She's an average liberal from ten years ago who wasn't brainwashed by tumblr. One of the few remaining of an endangered breed.
>Divide and Conquer
>Huurrrr this will wurk noa loulz.
Civic nationalism is just as cucked and retarded as internationalism
The alt-right doesn't have "leaders" in the traditional sense, it's an umbrella term for a wide number of political beliefs that agree on certain core principles
>Ethnic nationalism is a bond between brothers and famiy. People with genetics closer to yours.
Except when theirs civil war based on religion or politics
see: English civil war, American civil war
The core concept of the alt-right has always been the belief in reinforcing the ideal nuclear family and nationalism with varying differing beliefs after these facts. Dont go full retard.
Personally the 1488 dipshits can go neck themselves and their msm feeding antics. Limelight makes it harder for us to do what we need to do and these fuckheads just gave us a target on our backs with glow in the dark paint.