How can you white bois compare?
>Sexiest man alive
>9 inch+
And a nigga
How can you white bois compare?
>Sexiest man alive
>9 inch+
And a nigga
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Isn't he Samoan?
But that's a white american
Samoa is nigga, plus he is half nigga as well
>9 inch+
How much +?
LOL, I guess you're too busy visitng mosques in school to learn anything about geography
>sexiest man alive isn't just given to whichever actor/artist's producer paid the magazine more
They look subhuman to me.
he was fat for the first 35 years of his life, even with steroids.
yes he is athletic, thanks to roids, his father was way more jacked than he is
his publicist paid for "sexiest man alive" because he has the baywatch film coming out next year
9 inch, certainly not, he has a 5-6 inch penis judging from his very mediocre flaccid hang. Samoans are not hung.
I don't think it's known exactly but the guy is known to have a huge dick.
He cucked basically the entire Attitude Era WWE roster.
He is literally half Samoan and half Nigger.
Guy was an awful wrestler who only got over because he could deliver a decent promo and did that thing with his eyebrow.
It bothers me that they let him show up and bury new talent once or twice a year, the guy is cancer.
They look better than 100% of Jap and Korean women.
It's a shame that they all have a gene that causes them to go fat.
Proof? His Nignog genes are enough for 9 inches
literally negates all of those
He is Samoan. Not a nigger. Still a shitskin but the Polynesians are pretty based.
>watches wrestling
Kill yourself.
the fuck are you on about
His mother was a Samoan. His father was a leaf nigger.
>How can you white bois compare?
>implying the rock wouldn't lay the smackdown on your candy ass
one eye is higher than the other in op's pic, someone fucked up in the character creator,
That's anecdotal, redpilled me hard on penis size
as Dr.Phil says
genetics may play a role in who can be fat, but not in who WILL be fat
Steroid user, try 2 inch
Samoans are bro tier navigators
As a bi guy, these figures are accurate. The 6 inch average is a myth
>one eye is higher than the other
uhm, no?
How could I ever compete?
Vin Diesel was always hotter
Damn Phil, I had no idea things were so bad now that you have to shill for your show on 4channel...
you do understand that steroid abuse leads to testical shrinkage as you no longer need to produce test naturally.
>unrealistic body standards are destroying our girls, make it illegal to use skinny models!!
>also dwayne "the roid" johnson is the sexiest man alive
>reading people
What do you care? You chopped your nuts off ages ago.
>9 inch+
did you measure with your mouth
oops forgot to add your dick doesn't shrink.
I have an 8 inch cock and my bulge is a LOT more noticable than this practical cameltoe.
Wait, 6 inch isn't average? HA!
isnt he gay?
have he ever been rumored to date a woman?
"number one guy in Hollywood for 10 years never got his picture taken with a I cant say that I'll never work"
What did "Big Sexy" Kevin "Diesel" Nash mean by this?
i have an 8 inch dick and it's nothing special when it's flaccid
He's married with kids. He has the voice and mannerisms of a faggot, though.
I don't think Samoans would agree with you at all
Not a drop of nigger blood in his veins, the Rock is an Islander you MASSIVE FAGGOT!
That he has smoked too much pot.
Rock has been married and has a kid with his current partner.
This thread reminds me of that cuntyjealouslandwhales.jpg where all these catty women try to downplay how attractive that asian volleyball player was
Feel better, fag?
>Sexiest man alive
wut, I don't understand preferences of women. I think Mads is sexier than that meathead although I know some women who think Mads is not hot at all.
no homo
he's basically a slightly tan white dude. have you seen him talk about stuff
its not women who pick, its old white jews
Implying flaccid shows erect size.
Battle me I'm an expert on the penis
I'm pretty good at guessing dick size and the rock has no 9 incher.
Why does Asian blend so well with black?
He is a nigga end of discussion.
Sup Forums is a gayer board than it used to be
wew lad
>sexiest man alive
>formerly known as "The Rock"
>literally looks like a rock
yea, no.
Everyone loves the Rock. I don't give a fuck if some magazine called him sexiest man alive. He's manlier than those faggots Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
Looks like goddamn Mr. Clean, no thanks
As a gay this man is not at all sexually appealing.
People magazine know what's up
women love mads
>stretched is generally equivalent to erect
Is this true? Flaccid stretch is barely 2/3 or my erect length. Could be an outlier, but it seems like bullshit to me.
What race is he...?
How is it that guys like this become sex symbols? I know that women in real life also look at a man's face in addition to the rest of it, so it's kind of baffling that someone who looks the way Johnson does can be considered the "sexiest man alive".
It's like when Vin Diesel was a big deal. Guy looks like an ape.
.t an actual handsome man
Why do you assume we're all "white bois" user?
I'm at least as black as that guy.
Check out any strong man competition. It's all white guys because whites have more upper body strength than other races. Most elite body builders are white but they're not like the strong man competitors. I don't understand what this post is supposed to prove if anything
Nonsense, I'm the sexist man alive.
He looks like Mr.Cleans rival.
Only if he kills a fully black kid.
That's not how that works. It should be about the same. Maybe a millimeter or two difference
masculinty is attractive. The "handsome guys" only attract ubarrage girls until they get married and have a real man fuck their wife
>those mongol cheekbones
Why are high cheekbones so desirable?
>cries when called fat
>could not possibly have 9 inch cock if gets so upset about being called fat
>shit tier movies
>looses sexiest man to Channing Tatum
Dwayne "the Soft Cock" Johnson can't even open a bag of crisps without getting fustrated and crying.
ol tanned mr clean lookin ass
why does it seem like media is trying to push bald men as sexy? it's as if they want men to turn into a formless blob. this isn't just about the rock and this people magazine bullshit either. it's all around media
Damn, that white dude is chiseled. Who are we talking about again?
prominent cheekbones in general are a sign of high T, thats why
Hes fucking huge or he was for fast 7. He has to be the perfect storm of genetics dedication and roids/hgh whatever they can find to inject into him.
These sexiest man alive things especially on magazines are 90% popularity during that year and 10% actual hotness. Therefore Mads has no chance despite being aesthetic as fuck.
It is possible to be both masculine and handsome. There is a big difference between being handsome and being a pretty boy. You can be masculine without having a bulbous gorilla face.
Not him but a bit.
This makes sense. Was talking to girls at work and they were talking about 4 inch and smaller guys and I was like nah you full of shit.
>Octaroons are black
Are we really that Jewish about the one drop rule?
anyone advise on getting a bigger neck?
Sexiest Man alive is bullshit. Its a competition for publicists not for the men involved. The Rock got it because hes somewhat desirable and has movies coming out that might benefit from this.
It does and there is a correlation, 8 inchers will have 5-6 inch flaccid when in relaxed state, you could argue he was in super suboptimal conditions but I'd argue with that.
The "no correlation" thing comes from delusionists, men with 5 inch erect penises do not have 5 inch flaccids.
Reminder that as long as the rest of the package is average, most women only care about face and social status. Look at for instance the women in the comments of this HIM song getting wet over the lead singer who probably weighs 50kg:
Bah gawd, dick bigger than batistas
do whatever this guy did
Year after year it was George Clooney or Brad Pitt. No one bats an eye. The Rock appeared once, everyone starts literally shaking. Wtf happened to westerner men? Tremendously sad!
im one inch flaccid and 6.5 hard
youre an idiot. the ONLY thing flaccid dicks determine is the lower limit for dick size
People also made a man Woman of the Year. Clearly they're stupid fucks.
>he was fat for the first 35 years of his life
He was like 40 when fast 7 was being filmed and in the peak of steroid ABUSE, even with dbol and test of his NFL and WWE days he was a puffy swolefat man, he needs clen, t3 and megadoses of tren to stay lean because he eats like a complete fat fuck.
half black his dad is rock johnson
Because Rob Corddry is much funnier on Ballers?
The rock is redpilled
Would rather see him on there than some lefty cuck celebrity white boi