Islam will dominate the world.
Islam will dominate the world
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Not so fast
inshallah brother
inshallah brother
Btw animefags will be the first to hang after the World Caliphate is declared.
Wallahi what you say is so true
B-but when all white women get in hands of brown stallions of Allah,no one will give love to unibrow chan.
Shitskin scum
inshAllah brother
Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim
Kek does not will it.
Islam does dominate the world.
They refused to burn books for the Christians, and that eventually undid the dark ages.
islame can't even control their own wives and their children are apostates
No, my brother it's haram~
Jesus is a disgusting pig, don't use pictures of Jesus.
enjoy your russian nukes.
inshallah my muslim brother.i want r*pe some infidel wh*te w*man
C-can I convert?
InshAllah we won.
China will.
>I know what you're thinking. "Does he have six shots left or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a 9mm glock, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your turban clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, mudslime?
if that happens, you'll be reigning for all of a few hours over atomic ash
We just voted in an Islamophobe. The world will soon follow. Hail victory
Is getting blown away by a white Christian American haram?
whats this?
Whatcha up to Muhammad?
The second British empire will allow safe spaces for Muslims.
Don't ask for any guns or sharp objects.
doubt it KEK has already spoken on this matter
It'll dominate the world list of casualties.
Your sand religion friend on the right pulled taqiyya to convince us his was a peaceful muslim then tried to jihad a bunch of unarmed college kids yesterday.
/OurGuy/ Turned him into swiss cheese in under a minute and saved every last infidel before he could finish them off. All casualties are expected to survive except 1: The idiot that served a pedophile pig fucker named muhammad.
"A Real Hero by College" is a song that played after he killed your islamist warrior
>Real Human Being, and a Real Hero
Show their pagan frog mighty allah and give us digits to confirm
Get removed you pigfucking pedophile worshipper
fpbp as always.
That's cute. Our boy did it with his fists.
christians BTFO
>btw this is ali, not muhammad
>for a picture clearly labelled muhammad
>in an "infographic" for jesus vs muhammad
jesus christ how PATHETIC. you self-deceiving fucks have to lie to yourselves and dont even have the balls of a dog to stand up for what you are trying to argue, because your own religion is so ALLAH BE DAMNED shit-tier you risk the whole thing blowing up in your own face if you even talk openly about it. FUCKING WOMEN all of you.
We cant possibly glass you fast enough. Its been fun playing you against yourselves for what, centuries now? while we rape your lands and steal your future, but games are over and frankly there just isnt any room on the planet for idiots of your calibre.
Notice me senpai
yes, where indeed
Fucking based. Why can't more scots be like this guy?
Hubris comes before the fall.
>jesus is a disgusting pig
jesus is a prophet according to the koran and the hadith, and both refer to him as being born of a virgin.
you are obviously not muslim and just here to bait.
Literally what language is he speaking holy fuck
I will kill every mudslime myself if needed
>Kek give me strength
Muslims BTFO
>I will kill every mudslime myself if needed
yeah if you can get out of your mom's basement first
the only thing youve ever killed in you life was your parent's hopes and dreams for you
Kek wills it
Don't you have a Russian invasion to prepare for?
Pls stobbit
Nahh...Europe is going to chimp out and slaughter you all. Won't even need us.They'll just freak the fuck out one day and the gutters will run red. It's coming. Soon.