Fascists BTFO
>a fucking leaf
What purpose does flag burning serve
No one is perfect.
He also said torture is constitutional.
And now he's dead.
Connection? I think yes.
Trump is playing hyper-dimensional 4D hunger games, faggot. Burn the flag because it's their right but I still hate it. Now go back to tumblr and ask ur leftist if it's ok to burn the rainbow flag?
But what about the faggots feels tho
It is.
Not in my country. You shouldn´t be allowed burning your country´s highest symbol.
Americans already don't have:
>freedom of choice in school
>freedom of choice in insurance
>freedom of choice in healthcare
>freedom of association in the economy
>freedom of choice in the stock market
>freedom of choice with 30% of their income
>freedom of choice in hiring procedures
But not having the ability to "express" oneself in what is the physical equivalent of saying "I hate the nation that I am currently reaping the benefits of, but refuse to leave" is a step too far.
>>freedom of choice in school
>>freedom of choice in insurance
>>freedom of choice in healthcare
>>freedom of association in the economy
>>freedom of choice in the stock market
>>freedom of choice with 30% of their income
>>freedom of choice in hiring procedures
Wut? We do have most of those.
it lets you know who's your enemy
Wait, I thought that Scalia was literally the devil?
Hopefully this will trigger a spat of public flag burnings to further alienate real america from multiculti neoamerica.
Then I can take your flag, that you bought, burn it, claim my first amendment right and hide behind performance art.
Finally a fool proof plan that liberals get away with.
Are there any flags left in Romania?
Or are they used as napkins?
Because it is
Actually, you don't. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
Scalia's dead. And Trump is replacing him
Because it is. Scalia was an honest man, the Constitution is neither what the liberal hippiefucks think it is, nor what the right-wing day-of-the-rope retards think it is.
>Get a million hours of butthurt
Master troll.
OK I misunderstood some of those.
You don't