Anyone who uses shitter should be lined up and shot. All of them.
Hes not btfo if hes right
>professional protesters
but this is incontrovertibly true
Almond status
[X] Activated
[ ] Inactive
As if he really sits there all pissed off while he shitposts.
He is a billionaire with a great family, a supermodel wife, and is the President-elect of the United States. He is a happy man.
lol but theres proof he was harassed,
Low energy. Poor Form. Learn how to produce dank meme's.
I was hoping he'd show a bit more restraint with his twitter now that the election is over.
The one who is actually tweeting is Barron
>Twitter bird coming out of forehead like a cuckoo clock
Wow, normie boomers are so good at memes, how will he ever recover?
>Trump is craaaaaazyyyuy xD
Not an argument.
I browse twitter daily. Cum at me.
trump uses twitter. Are you planning to do something to the president elect of the best country in the world?
I was worried he would, and he did for a while. I want Trump to be Trump, that's why I voted for him.
I wish Trump would blast these shitty comics on Twitter too
Oh, man, this comic finally made me see the truth.
We were so wrong all the time!
wtf I hate twitter now
all those things are true though
which smartphone does trump use?
Is there an argument here? Are you mad because your welfare check may end and you will have to get a real job?
Think before you post
You hurt people's feelings OP
Nokia N900 running a custom mobile Linux distro
I wish these people would realize that it's more like this than what you posted.
>uhuhuhuhh look at this retard telling the truth so BTFO
> swedes asking for each other to cum on one another
Typical. haha jk you guys hang in there
Remember when political cartoons were insightful?
Trump gets mad on twitter. Goes on a rampage! Disgraceful! Sad!
based trump
no. they have always been the lowest for of commentary and satire. I'm surprised that one doesn't say "TRUMP" on trump.
I think we can track Trump's bathroom regularity by assuming he only twits when he takes a crap.
I love how people project that Trump is the one getting upset when he makes these tweets, when it's clearly the media/liberals getting booty blasted every time he takes ten seconds to type 130~ characters.
Fuck off mate. You do know Sup Forums has it's own army on Twitter, right?