>German genetics
ayy lmao
Is she fucking autistic?
I mean, she doesn't look great, but I'd marry her for her money
Not everything Trump touches can't be perfect user.
Grow up and praise kek.
Wow, she mings.
are her eyes photoshopped to be small?
She looks like Miley Cyrus without the batshit insanity
She's mostly Anglo. I guess you could say Donald is half Irish but Irish are Anglos too.
There's something very uncanny about her face.
JUST indeed.
>Drumpf genes.
tell me again why did you vote for this retard?
He's scottish
you forgot to post chelsea clinton
chelsea is a qt tho 8/10
Not bad, you really should stop being so intolerant and having such unrealistic beauty standards Hans, mama Merkel wouldn't approve. You might get v& by her tolerance stormtroopers..
Gaelic speaker from the Hebrides.
That's more Irish than the people of Ireland I'd say.
Living in another country doesn't change DNA.
I bet they tried to abort her
Proves how Slav genes are superior. Compare Ivana's and Melanias kid to this abomination.
>ywn travel back in time and save qt hillary before she went down an evil path into darkness
Why are her eyes so small even under all that makeup.
I'm scared to see what she looks like in the morning without makeup on...
>mfw I fucked a fennoswede that looked just like her
>"user, what's going on? Where are you taking me?"
So she was an Asian woman that loves black cock?
What was his name?
I would fuck the hell out of that hot mess. Why does this do it for me? Honestly more stimulating then her sister.
just missed the get... sorry lad
Fucking potato face looking bitch kek
She's fucking hot and if you don't want her to sit on your face then you're a butt-fingering homo.
She looks like a potato
>implying you wouldn't eat her shit for a lifelong pass to the aristocracy
You may not be respected, but your offspring will have a better station in life.
Start beating off to tiff, some asshole posts the Waco lady ruining it.
I was talking about Trump
Someone post that weird hobbit kid of hers
I honestly think she looks pretty cute, maybe a little awkward in comparison to the chiseled high-society look all the other Trumps have, but that makes her more sympathetic and relatable imo
underrated post
An oven.
Yes, Trumps mother is a Gael from the Hebrides.
Tiffanys mother is some American Anglo.
Tiffany isn't very German, probably less than the average English person.
honestly, i'd give her a 4/10. smedium as hell desu senpai
Yeah Trumps bio says he's scottish
Scotland is a social construct.
Scottish have every right to be ya wankstain
>Tiff will never be my gf
>you'll never impregnate tiff
>the Don will never be your father in law
It's the eyes