>loses by 2.3 million votes
>becomes president
Behold, the power of American "democracy".
>loses by 2.3 million votes
>becomes president
Behold, the power of American "democracy".
Other urls found in this thread:
think before you post OP
you might hurt people's feelings
he won if you factor in the illegals who voted.
[citation needed]
>why don't just massively overpopulated states vote for the rest of the whole country?
We are a democratic republic ya dumb shit.
Even if a majority voted to, idk, kill all blacks you cant do that because its against the law of the land which is the highest power.
Not the people
He won legally and that Trumps democratically
>why not just let poor desolate redneck states vote for the rest of the whole country?
You had 8 years to change the system under Obama, don't cry about the legacy he left you with.
>obozo encouraged illegals to vote
>(((they))) bussed people into across multiple states to vote as shown in project veritas
>no voter id required
it's common sense really, someonething you are probably lacking.
How about you just leave to Canada so you can join Castros son in Marxist glory?
Give me one case of an illegal voting this election.
You literally can't.
>it's this e fucking thread again
>no one can resist posting without even using sage
Jesus Christ I hate this board sometimes.
Why not just suck my dick fuzzy man peach
By the same account the recounts on WI, PA and MI are not justifiable.
God damn, stop whining.
It's a republic, faggot.
>On October 28, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that automatically registers all holders of a drivers license as a registered voter for all California ballots, including federal elections. Opponents expressed concern this could offer suffrage rights to non-citizen residents as a January 2015 legislation decreed the right of a drivers license to non-citizens.[43] However, as the Sacramento Bee pointed out, "people will need to attest they’re citizens before being able to register," "undocumented immigrants applying for driver’s licenses, a right they gained this year, will not be offered the option."[44] Citizenship status is verified at the DMV when applying for a license.[45]
>While voting as a non-citizen in a US Federal election carries legal penalties, California Assembly Bill No. 1461[46] leaves the choice up to the individual:
>"This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.
the United States is not a democracy, you jew nigger.
God dammit I hate that image so much. It's impossible for the checkmate to have been delivered like that.
Wow. You failed.
>5/45 elections have worked this way
>bwaaaaa unfair 40/45 elections were decided by popular vote
>Trump wins 30 states
>Hillary wins 20 states
>Trump wins the presidency
How is this so hard for you cucks to understand?
Hmmm maybe we should have voting ID laws in places like Commiefornia to make sure their massive illegal immigrant bloc doesn't vote.
Oh wait that'd be racist!
It's pretty unfair when this is the SECOND time it's happened to democrats in the past 16 years.
Maybe democrats should get their shit together
Maybe democrats should stop pandering to their coastal strongholds and try to reach out to the other 40 states.
>won 98.15% of the country
>shouldn't be president
>Farmers vote counts more than than people than make money and support the entire economy and make capitalism great.
Maybe Dems should stop trying to rig elections by importing millions of foreigners into specific states with no voter ID laws and bribing them with gibs in exchange for votes.
>loses by 2.3 million votes
How many of those were illegal immigrants? (too many). This is why total votes idea is bullshit. Elections can be stolen. Look up JFK. He wouldn't have won if not for chicago mayor daley and his dead voters. Fact.
good thing we're not a democracy
damn this evidence is really insane
> herp derp I don't understand population isn't evenly dispersed!
No actually it makes sense the last times this happened were already relatively close together too
Because state populations change very slowly as do political platforms. Right now conservatives are more likely with the exsistibf lineup of swing states to get an upset electoral victory.
As the state populations and electors shift the chances will fade but you might see it happen again before that occures
for the nine billionth time, its a republic, not a democracy. The difference is in a republic, some people still get screwed, but the frequency and amplitude of the screwing is less than in a democracy
>appealing to "it's just obvious" is proof now
British education
You have proof this actually happens right?
Thats why we're a Republic and not a democracy. You literally proved my point.
America's not a democracy.
America is a Federalist Republic.
Why are liberals all retarded dipshits?
>changing the rules of the game which were known beforehand when things don't go your way
Is USA the only country where there is no voting record or ID required to vote?
You don't need id in Australia. They have a big book of names and addresses. You tell them your name and address and they find you in the book and Mark you off
That's the response I always hear to that image or ones like it.
>B-but that's a near impossible chess scenario
Get over it cuck. It's the point it's trying to make, not the actual position of the pieces. If it bothers you too much consider also how improbable it was for Donald to win.
>only 1 mp
>56 mps
Behold, the power of British "democracy".
Mad cause he got btfo.
More like
Behold, the wisdom of American "representative democracy".
>fptp is better than ec
>I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
>for which it stands
Not a democracy, retard.
Representative Republic, yo
Democracy is mob rule and therefore doesn't work
Don't get brainwashed by everyone using the term "democracy" like its honorable or something
No, the power of a winner!
this is such a pathetically underage post
go bob your head on trump's cock more faggot.
when did you figure out you were gay?
>Dems spend entire campaign cycle gloating they start the General Election phase with 242 Electoral votes in their pockets to Republicans 102, needing only Florida to secure the win
>cry like little bitches when they took their core constituency for granted and lost bigly
that isnt evidence of voter fraud you moron.
>ask for evidence
>post something almost completely irrelevant
-The fact that Dems fight tooth and nail against simple voter ID laws.
-The sanctuary cities in every state with no voter ID laws and the politicians and police who protect them.
-The millions of immigrants that have been imported into these states.
-Project Veritas videos where Scott Foval (Dem operative) admits, on film, to voter fraud.
Nice concept, but you can't arrive into that position during a chess game.
>California and New Yorks massive populations represent the whole of the other 48 states.
Its UNITED STATES of America. Not POPULIST COUNTRY of America.
>letting 3 big cities decide every election
kys my man