What do liberals mean when they tell us to fight our "implicit biases?"
What do liberals mean when they tell us to fight our "implicit biases?"
Stop disagreeing with them.
It means to give rothstein o'goldbaum money by taking (((diversity))) courses in college.
"Every point I don't agree with is implicit bias"
It's like trying to debate with an NPC
You: You're absolutely right.
The fastest way to (legally) shut them up.
fucking kek
That their utopistic ideology doesn't fit reality so they want reality to change.
If something seems natural to you, you should do the opposite. Don't trust your gut, just do what Rachel Maddow says.
No, according to liberals making observations about the world based on experience is wrong and bad and bigoted
i don't get it. pls explain with no blly.
retard. I bet you have dark hair and brown eyes. Get off Sup Forums
several women are observed being bad at math, so the last guy observes that girls generally suck at math
>never understanding statistics and extrapolation
wow liberals suck at math
>that picture
Just multiply about a hundred frames of "wow you suck at math" for the girl until the last panel where he makes the logical conclusion "wow girls suck at math"
>insulting someone for having a statistically likely phenotype
he said no bully
Whoops someone beat me to it, nice
that was rude.I'm not going to respond to you anymore.
Literally this doesnt happen
>observations about the world based on experience
Is there any other way to make an observation about something?
the copy pasta fogged up the joke for me. thanks user, have a dolly.
Most of the stories liberals tell are never true and are fabricated specifically to garner sympathy from the fools they bamboozle.
we can make projections based on what we observe, like with black holes or dark matter
9/10, implying they learn that quickly
>drawing conclusions based on evidence
>using empiricism to test and confirm observations
nice try, you disgusting mysoginist.
They mean you have to stop making decisions based on demographic trends and pretend everyone is an autistic English major just like them
It means there is no truth about anything or anyone except what they want to feel at any given moment for whatever their agenda is at the moment.
Leftism is as fanciful as any religion. Like a religion, its believes in metaphysical ideas that must be taken on by faith (even when disguised as 'science'). The fundamental component to the leftist doctrine is egalitarianism.
Of course if you just think about that for one second you will understand that nobody is equal, not in any physical form, or in any metric of use or value. To form anything out of nothing is to segregate that thing from the nothingness that was there before. In that respect it differentiates itself from all other possibilities. To be different from another is to be UNEQUAL from that thing, and because we judge the world based on its value in relation to our betterment as individual organisms or to the greater tribe (as we are social creatures). Thus hierarchy is the natural way that existence is structured.
Now for the egalitarian, they lack the sense to understand this. So when they see unequal outcomes between designated social groups, they believe its by the oppression of societal and human action (see: the "hegemony"). They think even if we are not overtly oppressing people, they think we have been 'cultured' to value things in ways that result in unequal outcomes. What they don't understand is that that oppression is not from "white patriarchal men" but from tyranny of nature and totalitarianism of physical reality.
Because reality has a right wing bias.
It means you have what they consider to be bad thoughts that you don't even know you have so you need to undergo some reeducation. Reading that back it sounds like some retarded conspiracy shit but that literally is what they're saying.
Probably empirical data and not just anecdotal evidence. I agree that empirical statistics dont lie, but every human has the right to act according to his experience.
They mean they failed stat class 101 and can't even phrase it properly.
there retarded that word is a oxymoron, or they are trying to confuse you .
tell them to get rkd.