Trans women are real women, straight meb are the weird ones
Sup Forums BTFO
Trans women are real women, straight meb are the weird ones
Le feminine dick meme.
Yawn, it's called informed consent, he was raped.
Eh.. No. They are mentally ill and should be hospitalized or put down.
How would he not have noticed the dick?
Isn't having sex sexist?
the real question is how didn't he notice the dry alien "pussy" made out of a set of former cock and balls
This is why they get murdered.
I see nothing wrong with killing one if they do this. In fact, I question your sexuality if your first instinct is not to kill the tranny faggot that tricked you.
Look up Blair White, not all trans are retards..
I don't get it
Pretty sure this is literal rape.
The artist is basically saying they don't believe in informed consent.
They probably think it's okay to fuck drunk men while being sober themselves, too.
Trans people are unhinged social deviants and for many of them their ultimate dream is to have sex with straight people. A lot of gay men fantasize about having sex with straight men, too.
based swede
i dont even care if your an achmed
post-op are noticeable as fuck, it's a clear open wound.
>it's a clear open wound.
That's called a vagina you fucking virgin.
Pinche joto
It's literally an open would. Trannies have to sleep with a plastic plug in their fauxgina or else it closes up. Their own body's biology is fighting their decision to transition at every corner. This is one of many things about trannies that Hollywood and Tumblr don't want you to know.
Vaginas can be pretty ugly but not even the worst roastie in the world would look like a post-op.
>what do you mean I just fucked your asshole and didn't notice your penis??
>what do you mean I never noticed that inside out frankendick down there that we had to dump lube into despite the foreplay and the diaphragm you took out before I put my dick in that abomination against God?
Awful lot of knowledge about this
Someone post the real face of the creator of these comics.
He looks so god damn hideous that is hilaous
How do those man made "pussies" work?
>put down
based abdullah
This comic is kind of counter-productive... It reinforces the myth* that trans women* want to trick men.
This one?
someone needs to post one
Looks pretty cute. Sup Forums BTFO again.
Reverse the genders and watch this same exact person cry "Rape"
I'll only be with a woman that I can impregnate. Since I want a family.
I consider this rape....
>but what about hermaphrodites user
man, Family Circus has changed.
protip: google search...
desu some of those actually look close, read: could be simply mistaken for an ugly vagina
Neither girls nor boys, and outliers which shouldn't destroy the concept of gender.
Now i know why you hate mexicans Norway, (besides our crime problems)
You are a trans that hate brown and black people.
Hey I can actually answer this cause I worked at a hospital that did them. See, it's not really a pussy, it's more of a wound.They geld the patient, but thgey save the scrotum sack meat for cosmetic purposes. That is what gets rearranged and sewn up to look like the mons and labia, as well as the split penis itself which is repurposed to be the interior of the vageen.
However, want to hear the extar cool, shits-and-giggles part? the body, being golverned by science and biology and not fee-fees, sees it as a wound. So guess what it does?
It tries to heal it shut. And so, for the rest of their lives, MtF trannies have to pound themselves with big medically issued dildo to keep their snatches from collapsing shut and healing closed.
A post-op tranny vagina looks like fuckin pic related. It is in no way similar to a real vagina and only a turbo-virgin would think otherwise.
For shits sake man, that's what google is for
Louis CK getting cucked by trannies, as usual.
Stop posting these stupid tranny thread GTFO out /pol
Hermaphrodites are split into true intersex and pseudointersex.
Pseudointersex are stuff like XX male or XY female which have a mutation they got due to crossover fucking up and moving the SRY gene to the wrong chromosome. They are sterile but have relatively normal external genitalia, but reversed to how they should normally have.
The true intersex individuals are actually chimeras. They are actually dizygotic twins of different sexes that fused early in their development (incomplete fusion gives you conjoined twins). This fusion causes cell lineages from the founder zygotes to build up different organs, but these individuals can develop weird penis-vagina hybrid genitalia, with skinless penis, scrotum-labia combo, the whole shebang, not to mention the fucked up hormonal development.
Hermaphroditism does not work in humans at all.
Would fuck a cute trap and call her whatever she wants
user, WOMEN are mentally ill. Men being women and pulling it off nicely are a rare gem
Women are the real traps, pic related
>tfw no pseudointersex gf
Traps are not girls or trannies you dumb faggot
He's indebted how many millions because of this series? It's boring as shit. How could this cost so much to make?
> telling someone you're trans AFTER sex
What a scumbag, this should be illegal.
Can they enjoy sex with mutilated genitals??
Fine with whatever they are
I-is this true?
There have been precedents set where if Person A has sex with Person B and is not the gender they presented themselves as - it's rape. Because the lied to person was under the impression they were sleeping with someone else. There have been several convictions based on this.
What makes it most interesting, is somehow lying and saying you're a doctor just to bang a chick is still perfectly fine.
What would be the point?
That's beyond disgusting what the fuck....
Did you never cut your arm or leg open when you were a kid?
It grew together entirely on its own again, right?
That's what happens with any wound.
>It grew together entirely on its own again, right?
Fucking reptilians.
It felt like a preachy stage-play. Its only redeeming qualities came from a couple good casting picks.
skip to 14:42
Gender does not exist. There is only sex. Sex and gender are the same thing and anyone who's identity deviates from that is categorically mentally ill.
No, I mean I didn't know that it was literally an open wound that they have to use tools to keep intact.
as a faggot I can attest that a lot of trans people are fucking disgusting
Why they lump us together I will never understand, I dont want to be associated with those asshats
If you think about it, what else could it be?
>that makes sense
No it fucking doesn't. They just made some bullshit assertion that flies in the face of material evidence, and this strawman ally for the author just nods their head and goes 'yeah, why not?'
I googled it.
>'So you might have a chunk of your inner labia just die off, just fall off, and it’ll just grow right back. It’s hard to believe because when you lose a limb or a toe it doesn’t grow back. But it turns out that your p***y does. It’s strange.
'And it’s gross and it’s funky and it’s awful and you think, "Oh my god, What is happening? My p***y is melting. I’m dying." But it turns out that it is perfectly normal.'