People here always tell about how they were redpilled into being conservative/republican etc but anyone out there ever were that way but decided to go in the opposite direction to more liberal/democrat etc. ? What made you go this way?
Redpill but in the other way
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it's called getting kicked in the head
I've heard a lot of people on youtube talk about it not being the case. Meaning that people either start out being liberal or conservative, and then later in life some liberals become conservatives, but not the other way around. I don't know why it is.
I'm sure it exists though.
If you can't prove it, it doesn't matter what you think (read feel).
Being a centrist is the true redpill. Everything else is an edgy phase.
How can you get blue pilled after being redpilled?
People become redpilled once they get the facts, statistics, and all the information omitted from them.
Truth is a one way street.
I'm personally pretty moderate, maybe closer to libertarian left corner vs authoritarian right corner. Maybe sometimes I can agree with libertarian right though. Personally I feel a bit overshadowed and unable to really help bridge the big divide because too many are being pulled into various extremes.
You can't become un-retarded.
The only example of anything remotely close to that I can think of is my dad who was brought up to be a pretty staunch catholic until he met my mum who somehow managed to convince him that god wasn't real. Since then he has taken the more liberal attitude that people can believe whatever they want when it comes to religion.
Its tenuous at best but that's the only example I can think of. I can't even think of any other realistic hypothetical situations.
This is the reason why leftists are terrified of people going to the right in their youth.
Because they never go back.
Divide and conquer. Red blames blue. Blue blames red.
Red pilling isn't about conservative/liberal ideologies, progressive/conservative mindsets, or even capitalist/socialist economics. Being red pulled is about not turning away from inconvenient truths. You think Soros isn't redpilled?
I am against unchecked consolidation of power. I used to be a lolbertarian until I understood that corporations, just like governments, will attempt to consolidate dangerous levels of power.
Nowadays i wouldn't say i'm leftist, but more of a pragmatist. I wish 3rd parties were a viable option in america because honesty our left-right spectrum lacks nuance.
Yeah you don't have to be a perfect centrist but everyone who is some kind of extreme like libertarian/communist/anarchist/sjw/cuckservative is just edgy
literally only niggers, mexicans, and urban cattle vote blue.
"red pill" is just getting so fed up by these lazy, ignorant, and highly political fucks to decide on being actual opposition to them.
and by human nature, this usually delves straight into finding a group of like-minded people, solidifing a "us vs them" mentality. which is what the left exactly does too.
its all cancer. its all delicious
I grew up in a diverse community with different religions, skin tones, sexual orientations etc, and have built a supportive network of friends and professional relationships
I live in a very liberal city- it is expensive but my standard of living is incredibly high
I have always been liberal, but no matter how many red pills I take I don't process them
Sup Forums is right about many things but fighting amongst other (legal) Americans is something I find incredibly frustrating. The true fight is common people vs globalists, not common people vs slightly different common men
Yeah I wish 3rd parties had more of a chance as well. We gotta get the damn money out with a constitutional amendment.
My theory. Left is emotional, so feminine. Emotions are strongest when life experience is less. See children and college. As life experience grows it becomes obvious that emotions cause unwanted problems. Sex, babies, drugs, selfishness etc. As we mature we apply more knowledge, more self restraint. We become conservative after seeing how self indulgence does harm.
This same cycle happens across time too. As the population is generally younger you get the 60s. The opposite, the '10s (ie now) start the swing back. See Trump.
I was conservative (And still am) but became liberal when it comes to race after moving from a town of 1300 white people to Brampton, Ontario.
Yes I am white
Where does climate change and the effect of it and Western meddling in the affairs of foreign nations as a catalyst on the refugee crisis fall? It seems like this is a red pill compared to the easy answers Sup Forums gives out of gimmedats and "lol, big snow storm here today, see guise? Fuck climate change shills"
Also extreme indulgence/left/feelings leads to the 'no morals' satanist pedos. That is the extreme point on the pendulum left swing. Now we stsrt going right. See Sup Forums.
You get wiser as you get older
>Shitting in a toilet is preferable to shitting yourself
>Santa isn't real
>Going to amusement parks costs money
>McDonalds isn't the best source of nutrition
>Free stuff for everyone is a good thought but not compatible with human nature
That's not really true. Plenty of young women raised as conservative Christians move left after taking gender studies and convincing themselves that they're victims.
People who are sheltered are ripe for conversion, because they've never seen the other side. People who grow up as Christians can be converted because they've probably never considered other religions. People who grow up as antiracist egalitarian can be convinced to support their own self interest, especially when they see every other group doing it.
Underrated post.
When are these faggots gonna stop shilling.
lead paint chips
We are beginning to shift the pendulum, if only because SJWs have become insufferable. Many white people, even Bernie supporters, are waking up.
I stopped being religious long before ever going to college. Just from personal experiences and exposure to hypocrisy and things. Why it's hard for me ever be in a group with those types because they will never make me feel like I'd fit in. I just consider myself a "none" now I don't label what my religion or lack of it is
>being redpilled
>believing in political parties
institutional corruption makes every one do what suites the elite.
I was raised Christian, but moved toward atheism as a teenager. When atheism+ started adding feminism and social justice, it pushed a lot of people away from atheism.
Now I'm moving back toward Christianity, but the Pope's cuckoldry makes it hard.
>anyone out there ever were that way but decided to go in the opposite direction to more liberal/democrat
Most people get smarter with time... not stupider...
The center does not exist. "Centrism" essentially amounts to a giant middle ground fallacy. A mental trick to use on oneself for people to feel better about knowing nothing.
Understand that centrism is still a claim to political interest. The left (the wrong) and the right are lines that do not actually connect despite what we've been told. A"center" implies a value of Zero between the two. What exists "between" the left and right is a void, nothing. Not "Zero" but a null value; and it's name is being apolitical.
Liberalism being "left" and opposed to conservatism is to misunderstand (and many """report""" on this misunderstanding purposefully) the nature of these terms. In the past "Liberalism" was used as shorthand to what was actually meant: "more liberal action" "liberal progress never slowing". Now we have the term "Progressive" which reflects the actual interplay of terminologies going on. The left of old essentially claimed the mantle of ""Liberalism"" to imply their opposition wasn't. Even the right fell for this. The truth is that both are Liberal; just that in the left's case they are Progressive Liberals. Which in reality is falsely Liberal.
The thing Conservatives are trying to conserve is Classical Liberalism. Which is to say the liberalism of the founding fathers.
We Conservatives know that Liberalism has two forms: conserving liberal values, and progressing liberal values.
We Conservatives also know that activism is a bell-curve on a graph; that on that graph there is such a thing as too much activism and that more and more of it starts to degrade society where previously it improved it. The Progressive (which is to say wrong) view of Liberalism is that activism for it must keep going more and more never stopping. The Conservative view of Liberalism states that the "sweet spot" can be reached and once activism starts to go too far and starts to harm, we must then conserve the best, provably working, amount of perfect realistic Liberalism