This is probably the worst thing he's ever typed.
Donald needs to stop tweeting
Other urls found in this thread:
am i allowed to burn it
Only if you tie it around your neck and a tree branch, douse it and yourself with gasoline, and kick the chair out from under you as you light it on fire. Oh, and please livestream it. tia
He even used the wrong "there/their"
jk im dumb I read it wrong at a glance
how will i ever recover
Too bad Hillary isn't President.
He is baiting people that hate him to burn the flag while they protest him
You're alright Bulgaria
And she never will be
to be honest.... trump looks like a reatard
I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me. Im with her now
It should be punishable by exile or death.
Both of them think that way? I support Trump all the way it's just saying this right now is not what you should say. Especially when you have over half of a population you need to prove to. He need to keep the less exploitable things off his twitter, he's already won and I'm not exactly sure why he's still pursuing banter.
fuck off
0.05 cents has been deposited into your account.
Do you have a non thumbnail version?
I've should have never doubted him, this is great. haha
So are we all now in agreement that hate speech is free speech?
Then how the fuck is it relevant to what Trump is doing now. Can you imagine Obama saying "b-b-ut John Mccain said this 11 years ago!" everytime he made a comment and received backlash.
Poor cop out.
God I wish I voted for #Hillary
if i had a fucking nickel every time you posted that exact same copy pasta. i thought CTR was disbanned? guess the morons keep on shilling...
>i'm okay with fag burning, it's an expression of free speech
>i'm not okay with the expression of free speech from Trump
Holy fuck! Good catch! 5D chess.
It's objectively not
But I agree this is a dumb statement. I don't care if it's to trigger lefties or. Cause hillary already proposed it, flag burning isn't agains the law
Also the media an dleft are wrapped around his finger and the don't even see it, it's like a giant slight of hand, he can say some goofy shit and thebfixate on his tweet instead of his actions like a bunch of retards
Let's make another thread about it.
>to be honest....trump looks like a reatard
You are allowed to burn it in the US as its been considered protected speech. How you actually get in trouble though is creating the actual fire in public spaces which you aren't allowed to do in public protests.
Oh, look who else wanted an end to flag burning....
Serves those stupid hicks in the Rustbelt right for electing a fucking retard as president.
You reap what you sow you fucking degenerates
ITT bootlickers act like they give a shit about the flag
You know what would be cool?
Another thread about the same thing.
Wow wtf!!!! Im not voting for hillary anymore!!!!
>fag burning
Hey, OP.
I just checked the catalog, and their are only four threads like this. Exactly like this.
You better make another one. Someone might miss it.
He's right
Burning a flag should mean you renounce your citizenship
I'm going to assume you meant flag
Of course Trump can say what he wants, (whether or not that's wise is another question entirely), but that's not the point. No one is suggesting we should revoke his right to say this, it's just kind of worrying seeing someone with as much power as he does seemingly implying a desire to actually enact a change in the law.
Unless you agree with him?
Donald is just doing what he loves, trolling on Twitter. Remember the Nigel thing, A single tweet is all it takes for him to send the entire UK media & political heavies into a panicked uproar for days on end. Imagine the bantz he'll achieve with the NSA at his fingertips..
Holy shit. This dude must be in his own dimension.
How many people did he btfo with that?
This dumb fucker thinks this is some sort of Fireside Chat.
Drunk dialing America at 2, 3, 4 and 7AM is not an example of addressing the public. Somebody please either take his Twitter away, or at least put parental locks on it after dinner.
You should make another thread OP.
No one had Twitter but you. We all just came to an image board to read tweets we could of looked up ourselves right?
So make another thread about the same thing, just because no one should miss this.
Hello Spastic. You know he's said this so Libtards will now post on twitter pictures of them burning the American flag with #Drumpf. Making the average American hate Libtards even more?
What do you mean? You know he only writes this shit so the media won't pay attention to what he's really doing, right? This will buy days of time to work unmolested.
Isn't it funny how he's not even President yet and he's already transparent with the public, stimulating debate and gauging feedback? It's almost like every "controversial" tweet shills try to smear just spreads his influence further, painting him as the underdog against the increasingly autistic screeching of every news outlet...
Almost like it was his plan all along...
You should really make another thread, but exactly like this one. I mean people think this place is an echo box, but we will prove them wrong!
We will make every thread about the same thing and prove our individuality.
>it's just kind of worrying seeing someone with as much power as he does seemingly implying a desire to actually enact a change in the law.
despite what we've seen from obama, a president's roles are to protect the constitution and enforce law, not to create law. unless he has popular support in congress, it's not gonna happen. he's just saying what he thinks, like he always does.
that was the point of the post retard
uuuuh...why the FUCK would it be ok to burn your OWN nation's flag?
fucking cucks
When the US starts killing its own citizens en masse, then you have my permission to burn the flag
until then, you can kindly fuck off
suck my fucking dick
this man wields such power!
OP I checked the catalog, and it's still only four threads exactly like this. Someone might miss this tweet. CNN only dedicated a half hour to it!!! How are people going to know what is being said of you don't tell them?
You should just put this on a template and do it all day. This thread, until it encompasses all of Sup Forums.
/cooking/ not anymore, just trump tweets
/po/ only on pages that have trump tweets
/diy/ only about how to make tweets like trump
Haha what a troll
>This is probably the best thing he's ever typed.
Fixed it for you Opie
We've established that Twitter, Reddit, et al are actively editing posts to push a political opinion. How do we know that Donald even typed this? I wouldn't put it past Jack to put words in the President's mouth just so he can cook some more spirits.
Worst thing Hillary said too
What's up?
Why won't you answer.
I know you aren't making more threads, because I checked.
Make more please. I want so desperately to be like you. Having no purpose in life other than to repeat things... digitally.... endlessly....
I'd do it, but I wouldn't want to rob your glory. The glory only a man who had mastered the art of cut and paste could make.
This thread.
So new, so vibrant, so exactly like the other four threads.
Trunp is going to eradicate the Democrat party one tweet at a time.
He probably has a whole back catalog of tweets he wanted to use but didn't get to.
Holy shit
>a leaf lecturing others on being a cuck
Now watch as liberal heads explode and they make themselves look even more foolish.
>How do we know that Donald even typed this?
By looking at his Twitter feed, you dumb fucktard
I unironically agree, OP.
>fag burning
jesus christ trump supporters are such bootlicking faggots
Nah. He's got tons of them.
>mfw the entirety of /r/politics defends "hate speech is free speech"
>This is probably the worst thing he's ever typed.
This post reads like a woman wrote it.
He is right though.
You spend all your time defending the freedom of niggers, and Muslims to kill your kind and destroy your culture, the freedom of liberals to completely destroy all original American values.
But the second someone proposes a law to stop people who hate the United States (and thus hate all its values) from burning its national emblem, you start crying about it, even though even Democrats did the same thing a decade ago, and actually used to be illegal in the past. Some people got a death sentence during the Civil War for burning the flag.
If Obama had said that Sup Forums would be calling him an unamerican commie.
1st amendment allows flag burning, as it should because the government should be allowed to silence dissidents.
To the non-burgers.
What is the status of flag burning in your country?
Down here you only get a fine.
Where are you?
Are you hard at work storyboarding another great thread?
How do you do it? Do you take hallucinogens? Do you slave over a white board constantly erasing until you copy the thread perfectly? Is it something that comes to you in a dream?
The pre raw creativity to copy that you possess, it's not natural.
It's like your Hamarabe's ghost, brought down to earth to make enough copy pasta to feed the world.
Please oh please, make more threads exactly like the other four.
>loss of citizenship
>one year in jail
Which would you take?
What is really the point of burning a flag? I hate this country as much as anyone, but burning an American flag just seems like a petty, hollow gesture. We get it. You don't like the way things are. How is that a protest? What specifically are you protesting? It's the activist equivalent of clickbait.
Kek why is he allowed free reign on twitter? Everything he types makes him look like an attention whore or an idiot, and it's always full of spelling errors.
I can't tell if he's legit retarded or brilliant and just fucking with everyone.
>terrorists not buying guns
what's bad about that?
Its retard your fucking retard.
They edit the database, dumbass. They can put whatever they want on your feed. Spez admitted to it, so how fucking long has Jack been doing it? How long has Zuckerberg been doing it?
You know, Hillary's gonna stop paying you, eventually. Can you really put this "experience" on your resume, having failed so hard?
>worst thing
Most of the people on the terror watch list aren't terrorists.
Are you really this out of touch with reality or do you think pretending to be stupid is a good way to win an argument?
I love it, he's a true natural born memester.
It points out the media's blatant bullshit. Theyll cover this for weeks, calling him a fascist, a nazi, a dictator. But most people will find out the media's little angel, Hillary, proposed the same shit, yet they never once mentioned it.
If you haven't noticed, literally everything this man posts makes the media do dumb shit that pushes normies away from them. His twitter is pure redpill.
>lifelong trump supporter
>calls people retards and cant even spell the fucking word right
go back to fucking your cousin like the rest of the uneducated trumpkins
hillary proposed the flag protection act in 2005. hes just baiting the media hahaha.
It's pretty much exactly what the left wanted, but people viewed it as a slippery slope to taking away people's 2nd amendment right. Normally you have to actually commit a crime to have a right taken away, and most people on watch lists probably aren't ever a problem.
Personally I think it wouldn't do much good. Terrorist goes to buy weapon, is told they can't because they're on a watch list, which becomes even more pressing reason for them to start blowing shit up or killing people asap. Or they now know when the government has stopped watching them when they're finally able to buy weapons. They should probably be allowed to buy it, but have it trigger a massive red flag with the government who can then heighten surveillance on them.
How exactly is calling for a stricter law than Hillary baiting the media?
Why didn't you just type "I'm retarded"? Would've got the same point across.
Wow, now I totally won't vote for Hillary!!!!
Fuck off you faggot
>Of course Trump can say what he wants, (whether or not that's wise is another question entirely), but that's not the point. No one is suggesting we should revoke his right to say this, it's just kind of worrying seeing someone with as much power as he does seemingly implying a desire to actually enact a change in the law.
Did you miss the part where he specifically did this to ruse the media and dumbass libshits into trashing a bill that was sponsored by Hillary fucking Clinton?
>implying this is bad
Why would you burn the symbol of the country's heritage and pride?
Having a problem with the country should not warrant burning it's symbol. That's just straight up treason.
Plus, it doesn't really stop anything. With two pieces of pipe, a nail, and a shotgun shell, the enterprising terrorist could still kill anybody they want. Buy a bunch of shotgun shells, you can build a big-ass bomb, and the shells aren't even locked up at most retailers. I'm sure I'm on a list now, but as I've established, that wouldn't stop anyone. Why else does Israel do racial profiling?
She wanted a fucking $100,000 dollar fine in addition to the year in jail.