Why is it so illegal?
jews, hemp industry, racism, puritan values
dude weed lmao
Germany should be in the second category.
because potheads are fucking terrible at representing their position and instead always come off as pseudo intellectuals that even normies can't stand
Muh (((big pharma)) and booze doesn't want competition.
That's it. End of story. Anything else is misdirection
so best korea has legal weed?
i know Sup Forums in majority hate weed because they have no friends or connections to obtain but i wasnt redpilled until after smoking weed and doing dxm
Becaus lefties use it and it is so much fun to see them suffer.
Hemp industry would kill several others.
It removes sheeple mentality. Very dangerous!
Because it's a useful product that directly competes with products sold by globalist corporations
Should everyone become potheads? No
Should weed be legalized to spite globalists? Yes
Because Big Daddy Government knows what's good for you.
>illegal but decriminalized
How the fuck does that make any sense? Either it's criminal or not, innit?
America will never be great again until cannabis is legalized.
It's a very profitable business that literally anyone can build, and there's always customers. Even if they were to legalize and tax it, dealers would keep planting and selling cheaper. Just imagine if you could obtain alcoholic drinks directly from a plant (without need of a big distillery) and sell it to your neighbours tax-free with huge profits.
Because it's a drug. All drugs should be banned.
Legalizing weed was one of the best things to happen in Washington. Everyone fucking smoked it regardless of it being illegal. Might as well kill the black market and tax it. It nearly funds our entire education budget.
I don't smoke often but once every couple months I enjoy a couple joints while outside. It's nice being able to go to a nice little shop and get it then have to deal with some sketchy drug dealer.
you realize medicine are drugs, right?
Hahahahaha hahaha
Why? You can't just say there should be laws without explain why, you statist bastard.
Dude, like, smoking doesn't damage your lungs even if you do it every day for 20 years. Yeah. Put that article on, Jamie. You see? This is insane. THIS IS INSANE. We are just a bunch of monkeys. Also we never landede on a moon lmao.
Plus it keeps people away from drug dealers who probably have other drugs they are selling as well. Percs, meth, heroin, etc. All of which are fucking ruining large portions of Washington.
I think decriminalized means that you can still get it confiscated and get a ticket, but you won't go to jail and have a record
Good job being retarded.
Ya because having a couple joints every couple months makes you retarded. Good job D.A.R.E spokesman.
Now do a map of fags. Coincidence?
No but it makes you a faggot.
>North Korea
>weed is legal
What did they mean by this?
You and OP must smoke a ton of weed then.
No, smoking means you're a retard. Why would you smoke it when you could use it some better way? The answer is obviously because you're retarded.
You can smoke weed in best korea?
There's literally no point giving an answer to those kind of people desu senpai
Map is fake. Weed here is as illegal as krokodil
Youre the only one advocating le weed lmao, you fag.
> ID = Dro
What if weed was a privilege you had to earn, like proving you're an upstanding member of society?
Because it is for degenerates and dutch people
It's true, government encourages people to smoke weed instead of tobacco
Come out of the closet then. Were user here. No one will know you are a daily pole smoker irl.
Same with Alaska and Oregon.
Vaping is gay and edibles can fuck up your day. Smoke weed everyday.
Stoners always tell me some reason regarding hemp and the lumber industry.
Because you can die from it. I saw my friend overdosing with weed and it was horrible. I will never try it.
It's legal in Alaska and Oregon you retard.
I just googled it and you're right. They don't even consider it a drug.
based north korea
I've smoked weed before. I didn't like it. I'm not for or against legalising it.
Wish we would legalize boty weed and shrooms, I think we're very close now, probably after the next elections.. We could be a force for change in Europe and make some good money in the process if we force high taxes on it and for production to be local.
Disclaimer: I don't smoke anything.
1. Holdover Christian values.
2. Addictive and cognitive impairing. Drugs like that can destroy a society if not carefully monitored and regulated.
It's best Korea really best Korea and everything we hear about it is propaganda, because western governments are jealous of their success?
I think you could be right.
This map is bullshit. Mozambique is not decriminalized
Fuck weed
Legalize Cocaine, we would get so much work done as opposed to weed which just makes you stupid
It's illegal because it gives the state more money and power.
North Korea is a hippy paradise
helps keep the populous docile and less likely to revolt...
>edibles can fuck up your day
See what I'm saying? You are this retarded.
It's used like Booze and tobacco as an unhealthy but relaxing vice. The difference is, weed will grow in many different places and doesn't necessarily require a large investment or much skill to produce acceptable weed so it's harder for large companies to jew people on without keeping production illegal.
Of course, now that people are so fucking susceptible to branding they can just concentrate on the boutique crowd.
This desu
So many people smoke it anyway it's just extra tax money when legal.
Oh, you've never eaten a corner brownie from an oven that isn't level I take it. Get fucked nigger, there's going to be variations in strength and consistency.
nah, a lot of people can't handle the body high when you eat it
There used to be tiered access to alcohol. 18 was the legal age for "beers", 21 for "wines" and 25 for hard liquor.
Maybe we can limit access to drugs by education (high school -> associate degree -> bachelor's -> master's -> doctorate).
make Mass. blue, we voted to legalize
In a perfect society that could actually work
>There used to be tiered access to alcohol.
Definitely, Switzerland does this and it works really well.
>Maybe we can limit access to drugs by education
Yeah but there should be other paths since trades are also important in society.
>North Korea
Which is why I have no idea why western countries haven't already legalised it, they are probably gonna need to at this rate
>everything i dont like is degenerate
nice argument user
>2. Addictive and cognitive impairing. Drugs like that can destroy a society if not carefully monitored and regulated.
Same thing can be said about alcohol.
Except that alcoholism doesn't just make people dopey, it also destroys their organs and makes people a massive burden on society.
Yet you can buy alcohol in nearly every store and drink yourself to death.
Is there anywhere where it's legally produced and taxed?
Stoners are obnoxious cunts who should be strung up. They're basically the vegans of degeneracy. At least heroin addicts have the decency to hide their dependency instead of telling all and sundry "lol dude I'm so high ayyyyyy xD"
Weed doesnt exist in Japan
Because not everything is a conspiracy you dunce. God forbid governments keep drugs illegal because it would cut productivity.
Someone's never been to Osaka
It threatened the cotton, tobacco and timber interests in the early 20th century, along with a half century smear campaign.
Decriminalization basically means it's among the lowest priorities for cops. My state decriminalized and the worst thing that happens to you is $100 ticket if you're caught in possession.
Largely the US's fault
Wow it sounds like I sure don't give a shit about what you think!
How about you stop telling people what is ok according to your own personal beliefs?
Overdosing with weed is really hard (at least if you smoke it)
No real danger of overdosing.
>Decriminalization basically means it's among the lowest priorities for cops
It means it's no longer a crime so you can't go to jail for it but you can still be fined if there are fines, doesn't have anything to do with priorities