Redpill me on the history of this region, my ancestors are Romanian/ Dacian. Who were these mountain people and when did they become Romania? What did they do? I know there was a thing about those turks, but I'm wondering even before then, back to the roman days and even before.
>ancient Romanians
kek, no such thing. Present-day Romanians are nothing more than brainwashed Bulgarians playing "We WUZ Romans n' shiet"
Read the sticky
You're a bulgarian, so you're biased and your opinion should be immediately disregarded. A romanian could claim the same about you but you're probably just watered down turks. Which is pretty bad fampai.
Then I suggest you learn some history. I'm just stating the facts. They even used the Bulgarian language up until the eighteen century.
Okay, thx I'll look into it.
you are mehmet my son
idk about the specifics but can confirm both are brown as fuck, possibly due to their turkish origins
Hello pissed on bulgarian flag.
Unfortunately, retarded chauvinists in your ancestral homeland, OP, have made progress on the matter of your national origins very difficult, due to a stupid insistance on Rumanian having been spoken in the region continually since Trajan's day. The reality is more complex, and actually more interesting. On the whole, you will have a fair bit of Dacian in you, but your Latin speaking ancestors were more likely Thracian and Celtic in origins, and your Dacian ancestors will have become Slavonicised before learning Romance speech.
Bulgarians are just butthurt that Romania surpases them in every way, from economically to militarily. Dont listen to them.
The west part is Transilvania or by its Hungarian name "Erdély". It was captured by Hungarians around Bc 800-900. We think that incoming Hungarians also meet people here with the same culture. For more than 1000 years it stayed part of the Hungarian Kingdom. Once it became a kingdoom too, but it rejoined under the Habsburg king of Hungary. There was 3 nations what was living in it under an union. Svabish, Hungarians and Székely. But Székely is considered to be Hungarian. Romania captured it, after ww1 when the Hungarian-Austrian army got disorganised, and the Hungarian Royal army was abondoned, because of antant and a politican. Befoure ww2 we part of Transilvania was given back to the Hungarian Kingdom. After ww2 we lost it again. Befoure ww2 and after it there were systematic pogroms against Svabish and Hungarian people. But there is still a big Hungarian minority living there. By the way my dad's side's roots is from Transilvania.
The Bulgarian above is sort of right in a way, but phrases things poorly. Bulgarians are mostly Thracians who were (weakly - look at their grammar) slavonicised and who were ruled by an elite of Turanian (Iranian speaking) origins. The modern Rumanians north of the Danube share much of this story, but with a little less Thracian and Sarmatian, much more Slavonic, and a little bit more Roman. They spent much of the early middle ages under Bulgarian rulers, but are of slightly different stock to their southern cousins.
The fact that we can't even discuss this without bringing up irrelevant contemporary dick measuring is just depressing.
There are more Romanians in Transylvania then there are Hungarians.
Then "Transylvania" as a whole is the wrong level of zoom to be looking at. Zoom in a little closer, and there are distinct Magyar zones, worthy of a greater degree of self determination.
Keep in mimd that the Bulgrian Empire was just that an "Empire" thta means that the Bulgrians King/Emperor ruled over people that weren't of Bulgarian ethnicity.
Its the same shit like:
France-Germany: Elsas
Austria-Italy: Some Tyroll terratories.
Germany-France-Italy: Switzerland.
Polish-German: Sudetan lands
Serbians-Albanians: Kosovo
Our history was forged there, and we are still there. The Hungarian kingdoms nations built everything there what is fancy and old.
It doesnt matters who lives there. Who choose to live there, and Hungarians did should be living there in prosper and in peace...
wonder why
There are more niggers than Afrikaners in South Africa. I fail to see what you're driving at.
It means Hungarians would be a minority in their own country.
Because you lost WWI.
Youre now claiming youre opressed or something?
And you forget that Hungary is the only country what is currently bordered by itself.
But i dont want put the nationalist mask. I had enough skirmishes with romanian nationalists. Iam just here to help a friendly burger about their Fatherland's history :)
And there barely WAS a Bulgarian ethnicity at the time! Slavonicisation still wasn't fully complete. There were still substrate groups knocking around, as well as Romance speakers in greater number south of the Danube than there now are. Many of these would later CROSS the river and found your ancestral nation.
Yupp, the hungarian minority is time to time opressed in somekinde of form and level in:
Slovakia (slovakian police beating slovakian born, but Hungarian girl) Ukraine ( Hungarians got their pass to join Ukranian army and got sent to fight Russians.) Romania (romanian nationalist politicans are fucking skirmishing against old traditional Hungarian flags, beating of people, and harrasment) Serbia ( Same thing happened what i described about ukraine when USA kicked Milosevics)
But i aint want to start telling the problems...
Man Germans and Russians have always been in eternal rapewars
romanian here, ask away. all the shitsking shitposting in this thread are just mad we BTFO'ed em and killed their grandparents (I'm looking at you huns)
OP here, I was born in transylvania, moved to the States a bit later. My dad's senpai is hungarian and my moms senpai is german
I'm gonna snap your neck and shit down it you mongrel
Holy Roman Empire when?
I've looked into it so may times and each its a different story. All it really matters is that now theres a people there that see themsleves differently, maybe it changes in 100 years maybe it doesnt.
The problems you listed are caused by extreme nationalists. It's better if you just don't start shit here brother.
Ah than i understand everything, you would like to know more about your herritage. Well hope your life is going well and prosper will follow you and your family.
>I already told, that i dont want to start throwing the shit on the wall.
> But yeah, time to time extreme nationalism tooks place in every contries politics.
>Hope now we will unite our forces in the future, instead of hating eachoter.
I'm sick of the hate, it doesn't solve anything and the extreme regression is destroying the country.
>inb4 leftist cuck
if you really want to know anything about Romanian know this : the hungarians are our sworn enemies ( there will never be peace untill we kill all of them , and they make problems here, they are not oppressed they have prefericial treatement, last year one of them got arrested with a bomb that he wanted to use to bomb the romanian mayorhall, the huns cae]me out and protested against his arrest, last year a romanian girl living in a hungarian dominated county got death threats for wearing our national colors, persecuted minority my ass these fuckers should be put down) . Also the bulgarians are our enemies ( they are not white like they claim, instead they are brown 100% turk rapebabies, for a strange reason they believe they have any right to the former coastal region conquered by their turk grandfather ,Dobrogea, no problem they come here they eat lead). We also have some lands that we need to take from Ukraine (Cernauti and south Basserabia , and we will). the gypsies are not a romanian thing, they exist in the while Balkan area and actually Hungary has more of them). Our only allies in the region are the serbs(discard pol shitposting ,our armies are close) . also BASSERABIA WILL BE REUNITED WITH ROMANIA
Thanks you as well. Can't wait to visit Europe again.
the bozgors need to fuck off back to mongolia and take the gypsies with them to drop them off in india, fucking asians GTFO
Hungarians left
Hungarians right
#thetriggereing 2.0
>Tells Hungarians to take Gypsies back to India
>Romanians have gypsy admixture
Top fucking kek. Szekler land will be Hungarian again! Nothing you can do about it Mihai.
This is what YOU ass an ethnic romanian MUST fight for. come home white man, we need everybody in the upcoming hard times, but we are not afraid we are tough black pilled people here
I understand all that, Romania alone has more firepower than Hungary and Bulgaria put together. Theres no worry about them.
Except have a bigger army than Hungary.
Romanians have no gypsy admixture you literral 60% nigger
Average Transylvania thread:
>yeah this and this happened
>it is a sad part of history
I'm getting real tired of this shit.
I had my time when my eyes were covered with extreme popular right side views. I did grown up more or less. Now i just want to tell the trueth without having negative effects and labeled is bozgor or nazi.
>Yeah bro, the fucking regression is fucking up our country bigtime because nomather what political party is active. Lawyers, oligarchs, ex-commies and ex-comie socialists liberals, catholic politicans, and nationalist who are financed by Russians cant fucking lead a country in terms of economy.
I'm geting real tired of your shit claiming clay that didn't ever belong to you. also as a bonus tip if you are a white looking hungayrian then most likely your parents were local romanians,
>i cry every time
Same bro, same....
And when anyone from a different country says the same thing as we do, he is immediately a proxy bozgor and shit.
They are literally the poo's of Europe, expect the fact that they are even worser than them
You gypoos have literally no hope no matter how much poo you've scattered about Erdely
Slavonic language was used by the Church, but not by the people.
come in Romania and say that niggers, they will never find you. I'm not even shitposting anymore, you guys can't even begin to imagine the hate years of gypo-calling and identy denial have created in your average romanian
>fastest growing economy
>best military in the region
>biggest population in the region
>huge crackdown on corruption (suprassed italy)
Its litteraly got everything going right for them
>opinion discarded
>Well they will understand after some time, that they are not just Romanians, but Europeans too.
>Than everything will be more chill, and better.
>By the way your totaly right, when Romanian footbal holigans came to Budapest, they were telling that they will beat the Hungarians. Well instead of that they were beating eachother. So we laughed them hard. They dont realise it that we are laughing on them, when they are telling their bullshit historry and how they superior to us and we are their national enemy. Time did pass. They will be hopefully worthy people. Even their fucking nationalists share the same culture as we do.
Make some pasta for me, Luca
Ching chong ping pong leaf gtfo
are you fucking kidding me? the hungarian parlament speaker is right now in Romania campaing for your mobilisation for the parlamentariam elecections with the stated aim of preserving and enlarging the rights of local huns. you fucks keep pushing for independence and the balkanization of Romania in (((economic development zones))) . your kind is literal cancer
I called gypsies, gypsies when i was in Erdély last year. Then talked with and old Romanian and his wife, even brought some goat cheese from them.
Meanwhile we were drinking and talking about fags like you, how people like you try to talk for everyone in your country, meanwhile being a biased retard. He even wanted to me to take her granddaughter to a date, because modern Romanian men are all like gypsies: loud, drinking piece of shits. I will visit that guy next year too, he has some cool stories..
You weren't even a country until 1877 even Canada has more history than the globalist puppet state of Romania
>62 % white including arabs
>we let Hungarians outside of Hungary vote
>your kind is literal cancer
yeah totally
Cry more fag.
savage filename, Chinknada BTFO
> Bro, dont forget that you guys are not in the commie-socialism and balkans anymore. What is standard of the EU and works in the west that should work in Romania too.
And yeah, its a shame that our minister got to go there and have to do that shit. But at the first place if the standards would be meet this wouldnt take place.
By the way you forget, that the "local huns" are romanian born thatway they have romanian citizenship so their rights have to be equal with your rights.
By the way this cancer built the fucking old castles what your nation is currently using in its marketing campaigns :D Maybe there is a cancer what has positive effect?
stop lying hun. and anyway if you are not lying I know your kind, all pussies when you are out in the real world acting like pampered draq queens and eating shit on/pol/ . make no mistake romanians are more east european , like the Ukrainians, Russians, Serbs, you come here acting up we crack your skull. also normal romanians hate bozgor-lovers from some Transylvanian regions, they are country traitors and will hang if the shit hits the fan
learn some history you piece of shit , the romanian kingdoms in the region date too at least 1300s, and before we have proof of federations of tribes , LONG LIVE THE CARPIANS THE FREE DACIANS
you do realise that you yourselves haven't built everything right? that there were some romanian nobility that converted to catholicism. does Iancu de Hunedoara ring a bell, but probably your brain washed history curriculum says he is 100% hun from Attila's bloodline
There's a reason they're called ROMANians lad
But in all seriousness they are just balkaniggers. They were an important colony around Trajans time and the romans used the spoils from Dacia to keep the state from going bankrupt. It was abandoned after around a 100 years to the goths but the Dacian people left a strong impact on the Romans as the Romans did on the Dacians. Many of the Roman settlers in Dacia likely remained there
i'm as kun as possible :)
I am not lying, If i have an opinion i will stand up and i will tell it.
You can call yourself east european, slav, anything. It's still doesn't change the fact that you're an butthurt, overly nationalistic, inbred gypsie.
Even your fellow countrymen are ashamed of people like you. When Romanian footbal hooligans came here to to beat ((us)), they got into an argument and beated the shit out of each other. Your kind is so typical. Backstabbing everyone, even your own kind.
Just stop this madnes, and stfu. You are just making your whole country look like an uncivilized shithole. You can call me whatever you want, we both know i am right. Throwing swear words at me doesn't justify anything.
Oh sorry it does 1 thing. You are butthurt
what if I told that the term RROMA /RROMANI is a made up word by the (((GLOBALIST EU / JOOS ))) around early 2000's and forced down our troaths along with the integration of these subhumans?( in exchange to us getting in EU ) what if I told you literraly NOBODY in Romania uses that term? even on national television we say tigani (g*psyes)
Hunyadi Mátyás's grandfather was only from outside the Carpathian walley. If Your grandfather takes a hungarian wife, your dad takes a hungarian wife. Than What are you? Noone mentioned the huns except you. I mentioned that the homeconquarring hungarians find people in the carpatian walley what shared the same culture. By the way that was around By Christ 895.
When your double country was united? And when was it mentioned first?
Romani here, we called ourself Romani before Romania was a thing.
>Romanian footbal hooligans came here to to beat ((us)), they got into an argument and beated the shit out of each other
Top KEK they didn't got any opposition so they got bored
Member 2 years ago when the hun hooligans came to Romania and got the literral snot beated out of them? Like I said we take no shit
> that you're an butthurt, overly nationalistic
try stiching your country bacl together with lands from all your neighbors ( and 2 superpowers at that time) and then we talk, and the Work hasn't stoped yet we are still halfway to go.
and secondly I know these jewish let your guard down, let's integrate tricks , won't happen
>being this mad
>the homeconquarring hungarians find people in the carpatian walley what shared the same culture.
what the fuck are you talking about nog? there were no huns there. only romanian kingdoms with peceneg, and cuman admixture ( the ruling warrior class)
shut up you filty shitskin and get in the oven, too bad Antonescu died before he could take care of all of you niggers
I was making a joke about them being roman not gypsys, stop being so insecure about your gypsy ancestry you filthy leach. Why the fuck are you mooching off Italians?
Of course Roma(nian)
But sadly my brain had enough from your retardation, i lost enough brain cells already. Thanks for the keks
I am going to sleep, because you know, i actually have to work tomorrow, not like you
Oh the irony
Oops, you already stole the iron part, so only the y left
Anyway good evening, and still beleive in the fact that you are a white, blue eyed aryan :) Im sure it's true
>Yeah i learned how romanians say mortal combat. Was worth a kek.
>Its not about the lands, its about the trueth. And nobility of the history. You can blame the Hungarians. But we are not the nation who survived because we turned the coat at the right time. And we are not the ones who are proud that we can kick an old man in the balls and win the fight.
>Iam happy that i meet you, your not the dumbest nationalist romanian who i did meet. Thank you, i learned when your country was first mentioned in the historry.
learn your place faggots
>inb4 we wuz
you don't name a country after we wuz stories
>But we are not the nation who survived because we turned the coat at the right time
you mean the fact that the retard Hitler gave you huns Transylvania after all the romanian army was doing on the eastern front? And then we couldn't let that historical injustice go ahead while you pussies got clay for crying to your bogger brother? kek would turn coats again if it happened today
Why do you move the parentheses one letter over faggot?
It's Romani(a) actually.
That doesnt make any sense. The ending is -ia.
don't respond to this gypsy
>t. bozgor schlomo margyar who faps at hentai with little underage girls fucked by old guys like george soros
And by the way i'm saying that knowing there's a 50/50 i might have bozgorian ancestry, keep that in mind.
Haven't saw people more butthurt about some piece of land, which wasn't even yours to begin with.
Romanians are Gypsies.
Gypsies are literally the scum of the Earth.
Sit down kids, and listen.
The first Romanian was spawned from the ass of a cesspool-diver gypsy around 1100-1200 AD, when the Lord decided to fuse the loose fecal matter to the third-hand used rat intestines the progenitor managed to steal a few days back. As soon as he reared his ugly head, he slobbered into the nearest village of upstanding bulgarian slav citizens, proceeding to rape every single hole he could find, devouring scrap metal as he went, the massive amount of digested copper giving him the power to wrestle down the town hag in an epic fight, who gave birth to a litter of parasitic abominations who immediately took over the village, establishing the first Romanian kangdom. Soon, they started to breed exponentially, taking over nearby neglected regions of the Bulgarians, impaling all humans they could find on wooden sticks they picked up, weaving dreams where their meaten poles were long enough to pierce the innocence of a maiden hamster. By the 1400's, they have overrun and turned into a festering bog of feces echoing of distant lipsmacking the provinces of Oltenia, Muntenia and Moldova. However, this didn't go unnoticed, as the nearby great Kingdom of Hungary's transilvanian residents made note of a plague spreading across the lands outside. So, the unstoppable Black Army rode to guard the feeble lands of ordinary mortals against this new plague as has been their self-imposed duty for half a millenium. The Romanian hordes ran far and wide before the great general Kinizsi Pál, who slashed them with his two swords lesser people would call "two-handers". Soon, their vile larp-vampire king Vlad knelt before the might of the Hungarians.