Guys,How is this racism even acceptable ?
Guys,How is this racism even acceptable ?
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Did Germany ever import refugees from Namibia? Germany had a genocide there before WWI.
It's not. That was a different era.
They have imported everybody thanks to Mutti
racism is just a sloppy solution towards the real underlying issue that is cultural shock
Not at all. I'll prefer White Mexicans to their "Americanized" mestizo "American" Counter parts.
Because blacks are genetically inferior in areas that are necessary to social growth and stable societies.
In order to actually have your socialist utopia hans, you need to remove the brown skin.
I actually have to agree with this.
i dont get it
Already saw this comic several times and still I don't get it.
Somebody care to explain?
you racists should be ashamed of yourself
I think its supposed to mean that she doesnt understands why they discriminate against her other than superficial stuff
>people post my shit
Fuck I'm glad I'm not that dark, still a shitskin though.
>being proud of some shit oc
>posts a vocaroo of a random dude
>expect us to believe the random dude is german cuz he says so
>implying we give a fuck
Also, when you enter private property you follow the rules of that place, the little girl in the comic is trespassing with the excusse of racism.
>that faggot with the made in china american flag
there are supposed to be stars on there you mudshit
Wtf but Europa was a woman.
I never understood what the fuck this comic is supposed to mean.
Is this lyrics to a famous poem or something?
I see racism as a natural part of human
I think it goes by the hand with primal instincts of the preservation of territory, resources and family/pack.
So in my opinion, racism is in fact good, because is us protecting what is us.
Of couse, the human factor of care and share, while going against their instincts or logic, cuz feelings (I consider this retarded, and to be slowing our progress as species) tell us is wrong
just sayin
>being proud of some shitass oc thats barely recognized by KYM
get on my level, sandnigger
Ok bro, I might have been rude here and I do see your point.
But, you came to this shithole of a page, knowing the way we think (not all of us of course) trying to talk some ''sense'' into us.
My german pal, you words are falling in deaf ears. but I still have to commend your guts and efforts. I wish you luck in your crussade for equality. So please leave this poisonous place.
As a side note, my way of thinking does not represent country, so don't get mad at Chile because of me, you are welcome here anytime.
I'm still racist though, srry
Are you the same malaysafag that made the drawfag threads here on Sup Forums?
racism is very mean and can be ended very quick
remove elements that cause intolerance from society
black humans have their ancestral lands, it is their basic human right to own them and their basic human responsibility to make them great
white humans should not interfere with their destiny, but speak with black humans like equals - on neutral grounds
i dont get it
you're the only one i baited with my fake german accent
jesus christ and i nail it so fucking good
thanks for giving me a free (you)
nothing to apologize chile wink wink
have a nice day
Hahaaa Got me good :^)
Here, have another free (You)
It's on the house.
Nonono, silly, europa was a mythical Figure, to give an easy understandable background to a highly complex topic. Oh you silly slavs, you've got a lot to learn about the World you funny rascals
Woah, is that CS3?
If he wants to lose money for no reason then that's his problem. A feature of capitalism is that competition would drive out practices of literally hurting yourself for no gain.
Wait, fuck, thats version 7.
>that filename
I spot the libertarian
Because it's legal. Blow me.
Because sometimes people who are culturally and economically separate from you don't have the same values or expectations on how to live in a co-operative civilized society. It is unreasonable to insist the host body to change themselves to accommodate them.
survival necessitates discernment. That discernment just takes the form of 'racism' most of the time.
Because shitposting porn is just as fun, that's why.
Can someone explain, what it means?
>the span of my hips
>the stride of my step
>the curl of my lips
Is it just random we wuz kangs or is it referring to something?
>City is built by whites
>Evolving nicely
>Niggers and other shitskins move in
>Glorious metropolis is now going down the shitter
>Just wanted to be alone with fellow whites but can't because diversity and immigration and shit
>Say "Fuck it" and give the city that whites built on a silver platter to niggers
>Just want to be left alone on my side of the sandbox and move far as possible away from the nearest city out in the woods for peace, quiet, solitude, and safety and to be left the fuck alone
>Happy in the woods with wife and kids, doing just fine in peace.
>Other whites travelling find me and we get along and make a community from trading, helping hands, etc.
>A civilization is born!
>Word gets out on JewTube that this town is the place to live
>Town evolves into a nice city
>Niggers invited and the once glorious farmstead turns to a ghetto
>Process repeats again
Whites just want to be left the fuck alone on their side of the sandbox. You have your area to play. Leave us alone. That's ALL we want is for others to leave us be. We don't want outside help. We don't want outside drama. We don't want outside people. LEAVE US ALONE!
She just wanted a candy bar. the bar was the span of her hips, the stride of her step, as big as her lips.
Its self deprecation whether the author knows it or not is questionable. Hilarious when you think about it. All the racism present in the author for an act they didn't participate in but still hold an attachment to for some reason and they still end it by shitting on themselves.
Socialism has never worked regardless of race.
Stopped reading right there, newfag
Rip south africa
I checked out and it's from a poem by Angelou
I don't know what the poem has to do with the picture other than generic strong black wymynn empowernment garbage.
Hello Mike, nice seeing you again
Now fuck off
they can go be kangs somewhere else
>mfw this argentinian rock collecting image board thinks this post is spam
ahmed, how is this proxy even acceptable
The gist is that she just wanted a small thing, a simple thing. Be using all that imagery you can tell the thing she wants is small. She is met with what she sees as a not small reaction to the small thing she wants.
Think Elaine's "just one square" bit from Seinfeld for a more base jew centric version.
It is literally that simple. If you can't grasp it guess what, a literal nignog is smarter than you.
Dont assume my gender shitlord, youve been reported to the EU tolerance police
This is the worst illustration of a child i've ever seen.
It looks like a 40 year old black midget
This is happening to my town, but thankfully NPR just profiled my area, I think because Richard Spencer lives here, and essentially implied that we're a bunch of white supremacists.
Too bad they forgot Ben "kike on a spike" Garrison.
Only problem is I doubt niggers read NPR
The crazy thing is the furrowed brow is in the panel before she is yelled at implying the niglet knew she wasn't supposed to in there. She thinks she's doing an empowerment thing by blatantly breaking the law, only to illustrate exactly why the owner didn't allow 'coloreds'
lets get this onto a tray
I don't get sorry. I guess the nignog is really smarter than me.
>that webm
God she's fucking qt
Another historically inaccuracy is done by depicting a nigger actually attempting to pay for something.
What implies its supposed to be a child?
we need to build a time machine and send all of these ungrateful blacks back to the 50s. muh slavery muh holocaust. Never happened in your life time so shut the fuck but you bitch