He has foreseen the downfall of western civilization
How could one man be so right?
He is right, but he's also a pussyslave who choosed to die because of a pussy.
according to my psychology teacher "stupid parents have smarter kids, and smarter parents have more stupid kids, because the IQ always moves closer to the average"
- t. IT
guarantee your pschology teacher
had stupid parents
I would have said by that logic your parents must have been quite clever. Then I would realize I have a problem.
Smarter and stupider than themselves respectively maybe, but the smart couple still has smarter kids than tyrelius and sharmquanda
Also who was nurture and environment
The downfall of civilization comes when men don't control women. Nu males are the problem. Sup Forums always says that women are like children. Wouldn't then the only logical reason be that """men""" are the problem. The betas are letting women do retarded shit. We as men are the ones responsable of taking care of women. That's genetics.
More like his psychology teacher has smart parents
this is now an elliot rodgers tribute thread
This is wrong. The IQ moves closer to the average of the two parents, not the entire species. Also smart people end up more often with smart people and vice b versa. If anything the gap widens.
One day I dream of going on a pilgrimage to Isla Vista
Supreme gentleman indeed.
Don't push the button!
Nice d u b s
young elliot
>this entire thread
Why have bitter /r9k/ cucks infilitrated Sup Forums ? go back to your own board. Its fucking embarassing to listen to forever alone virgins whine and complain about women all day.
>this is what happens when you race mix
not even once
>believing the "biology"
Postman pat has a helper today
>The IQ moves closer to the average of the two parents
Is this true? I think Molymeme told me otherwise.
if you dont like it, leave nigger.
nah il just keep reporting these threads and waiting for you cucks to get banned again. Works all the time
>Elliot Rodger
An absolute loser.
There is one photo that I've seen once but never seen since, and I hate myself for not saving it.
It's of him in a living room I think, with his seat up and I think also a glass of wine, do you have it by any chance?
ooooooooohhhhhhh noooooooooooo im shaking in my boots. kill yourself faggot
computer set up?
>More like his psychology teacher has smart parents
No matter what, the professor's parents must have been stupid.
I don't think there is a computer in it, but it's been a while since I've seen it.
It's similar to the one in the plane from his POV with his feet up, but in a living room instead.
Kaczynsky, the unabomber, had a much more accurate and detailed manifesto regarding our societal changes 25 years prior
i think it may be this one
Elliot Roger, by his own logic, would not be allowed to breed then.
He was a beta, he was mentally ill so as to think that shooting up a sorority somehow did anything to help anybody.
Not to mention that his own logic would mean attractiveness would no longer be a factor when coupling people since it has no tangible effect on the outcome of society. Only intelligence, physical health and other non-superficial qualities would be considered.
You could end up fucking a rather unattractive person if they are the most fit and most intelligent women in the country.
It wasn't that one but thanks for trying. It's kind of like the middle pic on the right half, but not in a plane
I found it (low quality) from a screenshot of his facebook profile, it was this one
He was such a true gentleman. The autism is very apparent and thats what makes him a gentleman.
Yeah, nothing like the opinion of a literal virgin retard who killed people just out of envy to define your views on society and women