What will his legacy be?
What will his legacy be?
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Having you, a fucking leaf, make threads with said picture every single day, prostrating yourself at the thought of some (You)s.
Go rake yourself faggot.
A fat fuck who almost destroyed America
This is the first time I've used this image.
But since you gave me the idea, I think I will =D=D=D living in the better country.
Eat shit.
xD gett it?
Kill yourself you overweight faggot.
call the janitors, reddit is leaking again
Stop insulting Daddy 'Turkey Chin' Trump.
having a chin better than jay leno's
>Anti Trump
Never stop making a cunt of yourself m8
His legacy will be having his legacy determined before he's even been in office a single day.
Our next presidential funeral.
A fucking gold plated casket with TRUMP on the side.
What will his legacy be??
the wall
best president in the last 30 years
Fall of capitalism and ultimate rise of communism.
Jesus Christ how much does this guy weigh?
He'll have a heart attack before he's even inaugurated.
Quickest impeachment/shortest term in history.
Sorry, just really think this.
canadians are the worst posters on this board
Restoring the Constitution.
At least a few years after he's assassinated by the CIA, I think most people will realize he truly was a threat to the establishment.
has his chin always looked like that? it looks like a sack filled with grotesque malignant tissue.
>assasination necessary
Trump doesn't stand for anything. Why would they need to do that? They could just buy him off.
He only has to make it 32 days to beat known shitter William Henry Harrison that died of a flu 32 days into his presidency
Already actively trying to repeal the first part of it
Nice try little drumpfkinigger!
you're right. I give him until summer 2017
Bringing the world the day of the rake, a revolution needed to kill off the enemy of humanity the leaf.
His son
he really is 70...
Hes not going to make it even half term
A beautiful wall to the North blocking off all the Canacucks.
Making America great again and forever republican.
ww3. the ride never ends.