ITT: We plan the annexation of Canada
ITT: We plan the annexation of Canada
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First we kill all the leafs
Step 1: conquor ontario.
Step 2: Nuke quebec
Step 3: Annex Vancouver
thats about it, job well done.
Should be easy. If they kill us, we win.
You spelled annihilation wrong
kek, with what? An army of blacks and hispanics? In -40 weather?
Goodluck enjoying a nice warm siesta the way you could in Iraq
You can't rule over dead people
They will be broke soon enough. We dont need to work for it, all we have to do is stay prosperous and they will beg us to annex them.
The real question is if we should annex them at all or just build a wall.
We walk in with 8-10 good Sup Forumsaks wielding their trusty rakes and we'll be home for lunch
Yes you can. You stand on the corpses as you tell other people what to do.
Why? That recent c-16 bill of Canada's makes me thing we should stay away.
we just want clay
Just walk in. I'm not even meming.
just come head on at us with the constitution... that'll scatter most of these pussies north
I want to free the land in order to ship and the niggers, Muslims and all variety of shit skins.
I want to see if they can survive and establish a government and society. Or if winter, snow and ice will kill them all. The rest of surviving Canadians can move into the other 50% of Canada that's not inhabited.
B-b-but, OP, if we kill them, they win! How can we possibly be victorious?
Quebec is clearly the most red pilled province and the only one worth keeping.
They have beautiful french lineage women and nice buildings as well.
Do we really want a big, cold california
I don't
maybe we should give Cuba a shot
>red pilled
USA takes everything from Manitoba to the west and north, plus the newfies, labs, and maritimes.
Quebec gets independence but is part of the Compact of Free Association.
Ontario becomes a containment zone. Where we deport all the left wing loonies and brown people.
I want to annex her chunky tits
If you get my meanin
Better put them in jail for a year or deport them. You know, like any "free" nation would.
Day of the Rake
Vancouver is full of chinks, ontario is full of dykes, quebec is full of nationalists
A large part of Canada has no problem with this. Most burgers can't understand but we really hate each other more than anything. You could nuke most of Canada and I'd send you a thank you card.
Nuke London while you're at it, sick of seeing that bitch on my money.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
reads infinite jest once
Probably move troops in from Alaska too. It wouldn't be too hard to overtake them especially since most of the population is based on the border.
>Nuke quebec
proxy leaf detected
No. Fuck Canada. It's diseased.
It would mean taking in its people or wiping them out. Let them kill themselves. The problem will take care of itself.
Just their hookers. Don't want anything else...well maybe the fishing grounds between Straits of Juan De Fuca and SE AK as well. The rest? They can keep it.
don't forget to wipe yer bums first neighbourinos
be mighty uncomfy in -40
Could say the same about you mr. 50% brown.
>posts a picture of a gook
yea no kidding.
LITERALLY the worst song in the entire OST, and worst remixer. It's literally not possible for you to have worse taste
did someone actually spend time making this image? lol
How does it feel to be ashamed of your country syrup-nigger?
That Castro pic seems even funnier now.
We were the outlet for your leftists to flee to when their feelings get hurt. We were a nation politically irrelevant enough that it doesn't really matter who we elect as our leader. We were the cold wasteland dressed up as a liberal safari.
You should have left us alone, burger. Thirty five million leftists will be your downfall.
soon you will know the art of sharting in the mart
Enjoy your chinks and muds.
>being the only province that doesn't bend to multiculturalism
>having a culture that's worth defending
>not being overwhelmed by 3rd world genetics as America is
I don't mind taking the land but we have to kill everyone that's not from Alberta. The rest of canadians are shit, I can only describe them as sheltered judgmental liberals. It's like finding the most naive stuck up liberal in Oregon then multiplying that by 33million.
Also Quebec is the fucking worse. I wished we shared a border with Australia ;_;
>being the only province that doesn't bend to mult
"hurr durr im speaking french only and noe 1 can stop me!!1!"
fuck this desu.
Australia is the superior non-American brit colony
Canadian women cannot fuck. why would we want Canada? I've been with 6 Canadian women and they just lay there like dead fish.
>Castro genes kick in and Trudeau makes canada great again
Montrealfag here, we just prevented a no-go zone from happening
uh no we already are full of cucks
We deport 1/10 of our population north, I don't see the problem.
>the nose knows
this is the dankest timeline.
Fucking this
Canadian pride among citizens is 0%, this is what happens when your leaders enforce a doctrine of """"multiculturalism""", you end up with NONE.
Ironically it's the Chinese that took advantage of our housing market the ones that would be the most adamant to fight back, that and SJW Trudaeu supporters.
A US annexation would be welcomed by A LOT more of us than you think.
>Castro genes kick in
>and Trudeau makes canada great again
Take Winnipeg, all the railroads go through it. If it falls, Canada falls.
Nuke us immediately
Trudeau does jack shit most of the work done by the parliament members
>ameridiot education
How does it feel to defend yours even though it's the chief exporter of degeneracy worldwide
Can't wait till the economy crashes and you morons start killing each other
Liberate Quebec, That way Ontario falls in the dark and the maritimes Starve, But save the acadians.
>nuking sanfran and la
Nuke Hongcouver
Nuke Torcongo
Liberate Quebec
Annex Alberta
>eastern canada dance
Is that picture supposed to be some kind of insult? Have you even played hockey before? It's one of the toughest, manliest sports out there
>Canadian makes fun of someone for saying "leafs"
>sees nothing wrong with having a hockey team called "maple leafs"
I wonder if 80 years later some historian will dig up this jpeg and conclude what terrible antiborialic propaganda movies were produced in the 10's
Leaves -> plural of vegetative matter shed by deciduous trees
Leafs -> Plural of Castro's illegitimate sons ruling Canada
>ameridot education
it's a picture of one of the Toronto leafs.
suck a dick and kill yourself or get a US education because apparently it's better than whatever they teach you in maple-land.
I'd annex her canada if you catch my drift
I live in Kingston... I am so sad I didn't know that happened until hours later :(
That's the team name retards.
If you're not referring to the team then it's leaves
>ameridiot education strikes again
>the eternal leaf
>That's the team name retards.
then they spelled their name wrong
>Canadian pride among citizens is 0%, this is what happens when your leaders enforce a doctrine of """"multiculturalism""", you end up with NONE.
We have the same problem, imagine how it feels when an ISIS supporting Somali has the same citizenship as me just because he was capable of getting asylum. Can you believe his vote is worth the same as mine? He has access to the same privilege as Americans whose blood can be traced to the Revolution?
It's absolutely degenerate that anybody would consider this as the natural progression of America or Canada, or any European country.
Images of US wearing a Canada hat, carefully aiming a shotgun at the hat.
The Minnesota national guard could invade and conquer Canada and they are basically Canadians with American allegiance.
>tfw when I lived in Saskatchewan I use to ride my Atv into the USA to buy cheap cigarettes
What do you expect from Toronto?
You leave Canada alone, mate.
fug off m8
technical mishap. Nothing to see here citizen.
I'm clueless when it comes to Canadian geography. What is even in Saskatchewan?
Not like you're doing much to help, Pop, the submarines you sent are full of holes.
It borders Montana and North Dakota
Horses, Cannola, Wheat and Country singers.
I misread the post. Saskatchewan is like endless flat land of corn and wheat fields. Pic related
Milk in a fucking bag? Is Canada a third world country? #NukeCanada2017
Canadians aren't people.
>I'm clueless when it comes to geography
Fixed that for you Amerifat.
It's to buy in bulk, bigger is better.
they do also have pre-buttered bread.
because leafs are too stupid to put old milk on their toast.
Milk in bags in a regional thing. You can buy milk in bags in Ontario and I think Quebec but out west it comes in jugs.
Also, Canada isn't the only country where you can buy milk in bags.