Michael Savage has turned on Trump.
Why haven't you?
Michael Savage has turned on Trump.
Why haven't you?
I thought only Slavic gold diggers turned him on.
Michael savage is an emotional faggit who lets his fake bravado get on the way of clarity
Not bad, for a leaf
What did he say? Savage gets angry at everything. It's his gig.
>(((Michael Savage)))
The happier I am, the more butthurt others are.
What's he on about now?
Remember when they kicked him off live on air because he question Hillary's health problems? What did he say this time?
Savage turns on everybody at whatever point he feels is most beneficial to his ratings. He'll even tell you from time to time that he is primarily an entertainer. He's fun, but like all other talking heads, not to be taken seriously. Grow up.
Jones > Savage
Savage is retarded quite often. He doesn't see the unseen chess board plays that Trump is making. He only sees what is shown to him.
Literally who
*satanic guitar riff*
*jewish laughter*
Why do the jews hate their own so much?
get out
im sending you a copy of scorched earth
Because Rockstar energy drinks are for wiggers.
Because Savage is incapable of any level of rational thought and loses the debate literally every single time a listener calls in to his show
Immigrant father, immigrant father, buy my book, teddy, immigrant father, buy my book
Savage is based, but Trump was the worst thing that could happen to him. He hasn't turned on Trump (I listen regularly), but if he wasn't skeptical of the administration and pushing for conservative values he wouldn't have anything to talk about besides his dog, restaurants, and warfare history.
Savage is comfy as fuck desu, but I understand he has to rile people up because that's what they want from his show. Who would listen to calm, contented Michael Weiner? Probably no one.
Not surprising considering he's (((one of them)))
you forgot the multiple daily jew hating segments
>t. Guy who got sent scorched earth
Savage hates leftist Jews with a passion
He's the biggest anti-semite on radio
Nobody gives a shit what this fat old goofball thinks.
He's complaining that Trump isn't doing everything the way he would. He's so convinced the Trump got his political leanings from him that he doesn't believe Trump is capable of independent thought.
>listening to him ranting about Sanders comparing him to other Brooklyn communist Jews
he is a neurotic jew playing the part of a neurotic jew
Kek his burnie impression is actually decent
You listen to Michael Savage in Sweden?
What did his ID mean by this?
>Blaming a politician for doing political things
what an ass
Reminder that he and Alan Ginsberg buttfucked each other and there's evidence to prove it.
Also, his degree is in bullshit New Age medicine
He was just bitching about Trump and Romney the other day. I'm sure he would have yesterday as well since he's obsessed with not allowing a single neocon into the cabinet but I didn't hear anything. He was having a fit about that Somali kid the whole time I listened.
Who was that black guy he used to smoke weed with and go skinny dipping? Can't remember his name
>call into Michael Savage show
>"Hey Michael long time list......"
>"You know guys who I listen to for a long time, Bob Dylan but back to the caller"
>"Yea Mike you see the thing with Hillary is"
>"Liberals like Hillary are evil and should go to hell. This reminds me of a story from my favorite sushi place in San Francisco...."
>10 minutes later back to the caller
>"Yea Mike so I wanted to sat I agree with you on everything but I think the Republican party needs to reform a few minor th...."
I haven't listened to him in 6 years but this is how I remember every call with him goes and I can't take him seriously.
I love Savage but he has done this before he got elected when Trump met with Henry Kissinger.
He never was with trump to begin with, and I'm not a neocon kike like him.
>bullshit New Age medicine
You're very uneducated
yes he is on youtube
because im not a cuck or a welfare deadbeat
>a jew turns on trump
Where's the surprise there?
Savage is pissed off cause he isn't getting credit for SINGLE HANDLY getting Trump elected. He's been pissing blood about that since Trump got elected.
He's also pissing blood over Trump not offering him head of National Science Foundation nor any cabinet position. Straight up.
He's also pissing blood because Trump hasn't personally returned his calls or emails and hasn't come onto Savage's radio show, since he thinks he's personally responsible and single handedly got Trump elected.
He's especially pissing blood today because articles are out in the ethers giving Limbaugh and Hannity all the credit for getting Trump elected (mobilizing the base and getting Americans who have never voted or who haven't voted in decades to get out and vote for Trump).
So yeah, its just another day for Savage.
Also, he's writing a new book that he wants his audience to buy 5 copies of, read, and then give away to everyone once he finishes it and gets it published.
you're very presumptive
are you just gonna let that hand with no audio there you cuck boi
Because I'm not a Zionist Jew
Him and Levin are terrible with callers. Even though they've got a much more appealing message to me I prefer Herman Cain.
tldr: Savage is butthurt
Fuck off back to plebbit
I know your type so well
One Jew hand rubs the other.
Marx, Trotsky, commie kikes Rothschilds, Ayn Rand, Von Mises, capitalist kikes
The best comment i saw was that his career and whole schtick relies on him having an enemy.
No matter what Trump does now, he will be picked apart even by Micheal "Savage" (((Weiner)))
Im not sure if it's for show to get his audience in a fit, or if he actually believes what he's saying. Some days he doesn't seem all there or is overly agitated by something minor in the news.
However, he has mentioned the pedo thing and spirit cooking.
You forgot
>"Why do I have to put up with this? I invented radio and that Tesla and Marconni get all the credit. But that's been the story my whole life."
> "More people than every existed tune in to my show every day. I'm the most listened, watched, read human being in history. Even God listens to me when I am talking."
> "Buy my book. Buy my book. Buy my book. Buy my book."
> "You will all die horribly and civilization will collapse if you don't buy my book. Buy two copies, and give one to your dog."
Levin is SO SALTY at Savage right now, bitching that he only talks about meatballs. He was SO PISSED that Savage suggested the era of Reagan is over, Savage is at least in the right direction when not concern trolling
His years of being blacklisted have left him horribly insecure.
Savage doesnt understand pissing in Romneys face.
Time to ally with Putin in Syria
Michael is pretty based about 90-95% of the time. I am a huge Trump supporter but right now is not the time for celebration. We need to hold his ass to the fire and make sure he appoints the right people and keeps his promises. If he appoints Mitt Romney as SOS I'll be pissed as fuck. A man who said during a debate that he never ever forgives someone who betrays him, turning 360 degrees and appointing the man who called him a phony and a fraud as SOS?
We won the election, now is not the time to cut him slack for making shitty choices. Now is the time to scrutinize his decisions because they are the foundation for the next 4-8 years.
savage went off the rocker four years ago or maybe more
he's strong, don't get me wrong. but someone needs to grab him by the shoulders and shake him a bit. he has a brand already. he doesn't need to be "controversial" to grow an audience anymore. we have won.
Savage is a kike.
>Around Jews you lose.
Can you blame them?
how is the book? you can't fool us buddy
Is it true that Savage had gay sex with Allen Ginsberg?
This. He just hangs up on them all the time.
He's incredibly insecure. It's no surprise.
Savage is like many Jews, good for what he's good for, not perfect. I have been trying to talk up Dennis Prager, who is awesome three fourths of the time, but who is not perfect.
Savage and Levin are constantly pissing down each others backs. I don't know why Levin bothers over it, but he does.
Trump knows better than anyone what Romney said about him. If Trump is willing to let bygones be bygones, who are we to judge?
Ive been a long time listener to Savage. Majority of the time he is right, and even when he isn't, thats why we like his show. Because it's not totally predictable in how Savage is going to react to something.
But he is so far off base with Trump. Alex Jones put it very well, give him 50 days or so, then lets see where his presidency is at.
This is Savage's weakest area. We love his arrogance and cynicism, but he was already acting like a butthurt bitch when Trump wouldn't be on his show for just two weeks. And now it is getting difficult to listen to him, because how he is treating Trump sounds petty, and not at all reasonable.
He isn't turning on Trump for any valid reason. He's turning because his precious ego got hurt, because a president elect hasn't had time to wash his fucking balls. That's his vendetta right now. What happened to "I need a break from politics" after the election? Hell, Savage is so butthurt over something so menial, you can already hear in his voice the God book will be postponed for another political book.
It makes it difficult to listen to him lately, and it was hardly tolerable even during much of the election. Savage literally thinks Trump and his people took their ENTIRE platform from his books. Ive been listening to his show for 10+ years and never even read one. How insane Savage can be.
Nevertheless, you cant find a better kike with his gab.
Savage never was with Trump, he was just a deep cover concern shill kike.
If you like his show his books are an enjoyable read. Government Zero has a clear message and theme while Scorched Earth is a more rambling style
He was with Trump. He thought he had a special in with Trump since Trump has been on his show a bunch of times since 2011. But now Savage is so mad, he's pissing blood that Trump won't answer his emails or give him a phone call or appear on his show. That's where all this asspain is coming from. I don't know why Savage thinks he should be part of Trump's inner circle, but he does.
1. Checked.
2. Well said. Very true. Have listened since around 200 off-and-on, hell, Savage made me pick up Poli-Sci as a 2nd major after reading the book with him standing in front of the Golden Gate bridge. Love the guy but he says stuff for the ratings sometimes. And he is nowhere near as bad as that cuck Medved or Levin.
That's just the way Savage is
>"Man fuck Trump he wasn't telling to truth to his supporters"
>*Trump goes on his show*
>*Talks about how great Trump is for weeks*
(((Michael Savage)))
Weird how there isn't a single "conservative" jew talk radio host that supports Trump
For weeks we will hear about how Trump is pissing him off, then Trump will come on and give some bullshit quick 5 minutes just
them talking about how they grew up on different sides of the same train tracks
and wound up successful then Savage will replay that interview the rest of the week and fan his balls
its so goddamn infuriating. How does he manage to have a talk show gig when he cant even field simple calls??
I got Scorched Earth. I hate how he sometimes advertised it as something to give to your liberal friends to convince them. It's just his show in text form and only good if you're already a fan of his.
radio hosts like Savage need to feel like their being edgy and maintaining their veneer of authenticity. its just much easier to do if your against the status quo all the time. Savage only really cared about one thing and that was his book sales.
>He was with Trump.
No, he ACTED like he was in order to get some interviews, but if you listed to his kike pleading his interviews were mainly a combination of concern shilling, and him asking for an administration position over and over again.
>He thought he had a special in with Trump since Trump has been on his show a bunch of times since 2011.
He thought that he could make Trump think this, anyway.
>But now Savage is so mad, he's pissing blood that Trump won't answer his emails or give him a phone call or appear on his show.
Savage was a cock to Trump on his show, so it's little wonder that he's mad at Trump for cutting off the shekels a new interview would undoubtedly bring.
>That's where all this asspain is coming from. I don't know why Savage thinks he should be part of Trump's inner circle, but he does.
Yeah he thinks he needs to be in Trump's inner circle, we can agree on this. I think that Trump's rebuffs were enough to sew the seed of Savage asspain.
Trump wanted to talk about campaign stuff, but Savage had been talking for months how him and Trump grew up in the same city, just different sides of town ("different sides of the tracks"), and that's about all Savage would let Trump do--- agree with him. It was hilarious. Everything Savage does is about himself. Anything else is just peripheral to talking about himself.
About time for him to start ranting about the only reason he's a conservative is because all the liberal jews running the universities told him they didn't want another liberal jew working there, and he got so butthurt that his liberal brothers cared more about skin color than character, he decided from that day onward, he'd piss down their backs for the rest of his life.
Savage even NOT being a liberal is just cause he got butthurt. So with all this butthurt over Trump, I expect he'll be calling for someone to assassinate Trump, again. He's already done that once and had his producers cut him off with an ad, then run a "best of Savage from this week".
>*satanic guitar riff*
Quite a chuckle right here.
Shut the fuck up
Michael weiner is amazing. He sees the truth, even when it hurts you trump safe space faggots
When did Trump rebuff him? He was on his show on election day.
his real last name is Weiner. WEINER!
no, he's gonna call himself Savage. Like Wolf Blitzer
why do ((( they ))) do that?
>Instead of Shlomo Shekelburg I'm gonna be called Eagle Vampire
He's not Jewish, you fucking moron
He hasn't turned on Trump you retarded Trump nuthuggers he is putting pressure on him to make the right choices so the neocons don't take over again. He already said that even if Trump does nothing he's still better than Hillary.
God Sup Forums fags are so stupid. Anything that even slightly criticises Trump is seen as backstabbing. And they'll defend everything he does even he hires Goldman Sachs guys and neocons
>Makes fun of Anthoney Weiner's last name for weeks
I hate this (((cunt))) so much.
>When did Trump rebuff him? He was on his show on election day.
Savage consistently hinted that he'd be great in Trump's official administration, and Trump always sorta slid on to the next topic. Every time Savage brought this up he got rebuffed.
Wrong you retard
Anthony's name fit his crime though. It's an easy joke to make.
I tried to listen to his show....
It is just so jewish, all of his sayings and mannerisms etc..
I could not take it.
I honestly thought this guy was dead,
typical non-Eddie
Are all Jews as big of complainers as he is?
Savage was born Michael Alan Weiner in the Bronx, New York, one of three children of Benjamin and Rae Weiner, Jewish emigrants from Russia.