
>we need someone like Scalia!!!!
>constitutional rights!!!!
>I hate PC culture!!!!

>Flag burning (constitutionally protected) is criminal and disrespectful!!!!
>We need to make it illegal!!!
>It's offensive

This is completely inexcusable. Bring out all the non-existent chess metaphors and "but hillary did it!!!" all you want. That doesn't matter. It's irrelevant and there is no endgame to this. This man is suggesting stripping our liberties. This isn't going to do something that suddenly gains him a billion supporters. It's a self-congratulatory masturbatory tweet for him and his deluded cult fanboys. I don't like flag burning, but it's not my right to stop your right from doing it.

I voted Trump, and I still very much support him, and this is STILL completely indefensible.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hate liberals

Who are you quoting? Read the sticky newfag strawmaning is not an arguement

Sup Forums has been subverted by alt-right faggots from /r/thedonald. Theyre autistic memers with daddy issues who look to Trump for life advice

Theyre degenerates. You only need to see the Trump general to get a grasp of these aspies

>4D chess!!
And shit like that is R-eddit bonafide

>its not an argument because I don't like it



Isn't it funny how he's not even President yet and he's already transparent with the public, stimulating debate and gauging feedback?
It's almost like every "controversial" tweet shills try to smear just spreads his influence further, painting him as an underdog against the increasingly autistic screeching of every news outlet...

Almost like it was his plan all along...

liberals have a rough 8 years ahead of them

Why is CTR still campaigning?

I don't give a shit about scalia, I give a shit about nationalism.

>muh constitutional conservative

Fuck off with that, we need someone who does the right thing regardless of what is written on the constitution. Democrats got abortion legalized, yet that should have never passed. I think flag burning is much fucking lower on the scale of importance, but it doesn't change the fact that both should be illegal.

still waiting for an argument...

>self-congratulatory masturbatory tweet

These are the only kinds of tweets I'm interested in him posting.

you got baited

>Hillary's retarded, lord drumpf can be too!!!


God forbid we have opposing thought over a piece of fucking cloth you commie faggot

Not an argument

Why is questioning anything Trump does, heresy? This is Bernie-tier faggotry

He stimulates debate, this must mean the constitution is shit!!!!

There is literally nothing wrong with what he said. If you burn the flag you have no place in America

what would be the proper way to dispose of old tattered flags if a law against burning them were to be enacted?
a respectful burial ceremony?

But Antonin Scalia voted to protect flag burning as a constitutional right, and Trump loved Scalia

How can you disagree with a flag? It's literally just a flag. You can voice your opinion and do something about what you don't like about the country. Try to make it better. Burning a flag gets you nowhere and gets you no respect from anyone. I agree that they shouldn't be allowed to stay in this country.

So you say it's just a flag, yet you want to kick people out for burning "just a flag"?


>There is a justified reason and dignified way of burning the flag when the time has come for Old Glory.

>"U.S. Flag Code 1 simply reads: 'The flag, when it is in such a condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning,'" said Les Donoho of Boy Scout Pack 133, who participated in the ceremony.

>The four Servicemembers carried it to a burn barrel, lit it on fire and saluted the flag one last time.

Fuck muh liberties.

Right wing death squads when?

>this thread for the 30th time today.
>having any effect on Sup Forums whatsoever
just kys now

You're conflating your butthurt libertarian faggotry and "anti-statist" positions with our nation (not country or state, but nation) and our right to defend its most sacred symbols from the vermin who would desecrate them. A nation (again, not a state or country, but nation) who will tolerate the defilement of its most visible emblem by creatures who want to destroy our nation will tolerate anything at all.

No more, faggot. Take your butt-marriage-combined-with-corporate-tax-cuts Jewish nonsense elsewhere, you fucking crypto-kike.

I was being sarcastic because he said it was 'just a cloth.' You can't be in disagreement with a cloth. You can be in disagreement with a symbol of the United States. If you are burning the symbol of the United States then you obviously don't love it or it's people, and you should not be living here.

Burning our flag is something our enemies do. We're not going to accept enemies into our country and we need to remove the ones that were mistakenly let in.

Letting in all of these people was a mistake that needs to be fixed by removing the shit.

>Even Trump supporters are getting mad at one of Trump's early morning shitposting sprees
It's gonna be a fun 4 years

>mfw in your life time you will legally be allowed to curb stomp a flag burner.

Make it illegal

OP you're fucking clueless

Mexican border wall is wrong!!
>Mexico has its' own Southern border wall

We should be allowed to burn the flag!!
>Mexico has heavy fines for anyone publically tarnishing the flag

Again, cuck standards that only apply to the US.

Or better yet I live in a country (at least I thought I did) that wasn't so retarded to get butthurt and persecute over burning a flag which is usually construed as a symbol of country. Burning a flag can represent the amount of actual true freedom you have in the country to stand up against tyranny that you can do such a taboo thing

Now I'm not saying we don't have big brother shit regardless but banning flag burning is an actual step towards that universal thing

>jew jew jew jew

Good goyim, cant question the overlords!

Right when your Israeli masters take over

>fuck commies!!!

>trump hates the 1st amendment. Wtf i love castro now!!!

Not an argument you stupid little kike-redditor

Trump's a joke. What did you expect?

just seems like that would be difficult to enforce, if the proper way of retiring a flag is burning it and burning it would be against the law.

yeah they could write exceptions that differentiate when it's being done as a protest and when it's being done with dignity and respect, but proving what the intent was behind it would be tough.

I would agree with you if we didn't have so many people in this country already that hated it's guts. Not to mention, I do not understand the big brother argument. Flag burning was illegal up until 1989; we didn't have any sort of tyranny in the hundreds of years where it was illegal. There was no encroachment of liberties. It was just a country where you respected it's flag.

I don't see how it would be difficult to enforce; it's been against the rules in the military since day 1 and they've gotten by. They end up dealing with more flags than anyone else combined.

There are lots of flagburners
Who have got too much freedom
I wanna make it legal for
Policemen to beat em'

he does not really want it to be illegal, idiot

If people hate the country what difference does banning flag burning do? Why not ban anti-American rhetoric too?

>just le pretend retarded xD

Sup Forums isnt IRL kiddo

(if you meant all flag burnings would be handled by servicemen disregard this wall of text)

what i mean is, say it's 2017, a federal ban on flag burning has been made law.

jimmy (a member of black lives matter) is out on the street with other youths, he pulls a flag from his backpack and lights it on fire, saluting it afterwards.
he's subsequently arrested. at his court hearing, his lawyer, saul shlomoberg, tells the court he's not guilty because he was just retiring the flag, and not lighting it on fire out of disrespect or protest.

could the prosecutor really prove he's lying?

your post has nothing to do with my post

Flag burners should be expelled. You don't like the team you're on, then get the fuck out.. Go wipe your salty vagina somewhere else.

Welcome to fascism 101. Authoritarian rule is desirable but only when we are in charge.

You are so angrily defending free speech

could a prosecutor prove that you didn't stab a man because you were "trying to give him an emergency appendectomy?"

>he's already transparent with the public
He ditched the press corp twice. I have serious doubts about any belief in a "transparent" Trump administration.

Yes it does you retarded fuck

It's weird watching this place become self aware. You voted for an incompetent would be fascist if it weren't for Pence, Sessions, Ryan and every other conservative he was forced to align himself with. Now you have a diluted puppet for the hard right, not the alt right. Guarantee in the first 100 days every liberal and alt righter starts to hate this guy.


>he does not really want it to be illegal
Trump's words have no meaning or it is opposite day?

>liberals pro flag burning

Nothing new.
The only people burning flags are pieces of shit, criminalize it.

Anti Americanism is now illegal.
Deal with it libcucks

Thanks for agreeing. Why so stupid to begin with!?

Discussion thread getting slid
Authoritarian Nationalism vs American Freedomism

>we need someone like Scalia!!!!
Funny that. Scalia once wrote about flag burning:
>that was the main kind of speech that tyrants would seek to suppress

Yeah gubberment rules!!! All hail Barack!

You knaive sad fuck

Red Guard

Obviously, burning a flag in the middle of the street while protesting isn't respectful.

I personally think burning the flag of the country you're in should be illegal. However, I understand that it's basically the 'ultimate' sign of freedom. People should have the respect to not burn it. It shouldn't be fear that stops them from burning it.

I don't see how you could interpret his tweet as anything else.

This isn't the "alt-right." These are the CTR faggots. Did you think they would just get up and leave?


Stop with the fucking CTR boogeyman

I know it's news for you, but even people who agree with your presidential candidate can be incredibly retarded
Especially on this board

Retards still don't understand Don. It's a ruse. Hildawg proposed legislation to do just that in 05. When will they learn?

He's just posting it to trigger fag liberals like you and trick you into saying anyone who even proposes that is horrible, HORRIBLE!

This. Obongo should have been prosecuting people for this.

Don't burn the flag fags.

yeah i know it's really hard. tip: if trump ever says anything about an unimportant meme issue like this it's to fuck with the media. i'd be surprised if he ever speaks about this again

Hillary spent 10s of millions of dollars to infiltrate the web with CTR cocksuckers and they are still being paid. This isn't a boogeyman argument it is public knowledge, you mongrelized human turd.

>man with opinion doesn't declare actual process of making muh feelings into a law
>sjws and fellow cucks been jerking off to this for 2 days so far

Aren't your dicks sore yet faggot

I want to kick people out for a lot more reasons that that desu senpai.


>It's a ruse.
For what purpose? Hilldawg lost. Is he now trying to "spike the ball?" He is purposefully making himself look like an idiot about established Constitutional protection, and arguably the most enshrined Constitutional protection, for some self-serving purpose of celebration weeks after the election?

when is burning a flag speech unless you're a literal firebreather and you use it to light the flag? They'll get off on a technicality and some dumb libs will try it too and die.


Only traitors and libercucks care about this.

Gas the flag burners!

>when is burning a flag speech unless you're a literal firebreather and you use it to light the flag?
Have you read what Scalia wrote about flag burning?

Maybe we dislike flag burning because the flag is a physical representation of all the freedoms we hold dear and burning it is therefore a demonstration against those freedoms?

I like how even when OP preempts his comments by saying he knows Hillary did it too, Trump-worshippers still trample through it because its their only argument.

trumps trolling the left, he couldnt do it even as president

Triggered me hard Op. Keep Scalia's name out of your mouth

I'm in the navy
>Muh false sense of superiority
It's just to state that I'm committing nearly a decade of my life in protection of the country

And honestly IDGAF if you burn the flag or not, if you don't like the country you're free to leave and if you like the country enough to stay and just want to burn the flag to emphasize your point then so be it because honestly it's just a flag. Some people just get so bent out of shape over stupid things honestly.

Ok op I'll try to explain this so even someone with limited brain power(you)can understand.
Don't burn the United States flag and this won't be an issue for you.
Also fuck off.

No one asked why people dislike flag burning.

Banning something because you don't like it is the definition of hypersensitivity in the government.

At least one of you Trump supporters are not total bootlicking retards.
On second thought, not very likely. Prolly CTR concern trolling

I agree. Its stupid. Its a fucking flag.

(random guy jumping into the conversation making a random comment) You're lucky you even got Trump you cuck.

>free speech means you can set things on fire
Burning things =/= free speech.

>Don't be a terrorist and legalizing unwarranted search, seizure, and imprisonment won't be an issue for you.

Oh no, how dare he ditch the libelous media (read: paparazzi) to go eat well done steak with his family!

>wanting to empower criminals and subversives
Kys degenerate scum

>fug da bolice xD

"Alt-right" is newspeak for neo-nazi.

It was some millions spent for a short period for two dozen guys in a basement. It literally had no effect on anything and, even if it did, it's over now

CTR has done more damage to this board as a boogeyman than as actual shilling

source is in the article you're linking

>how dare he ditch the libelous media
Good question. How can anyone believe he is "transparent" when he does that? Transparency includes the dealings with the unwanted as well as the wanted as we saw with Reagan and the Iran-Contra affair.

I mean there are actual legitimate hardships we face right now as Americans, it always seems to me that these sort of 'issues' like flag burning are just to divert attention.

Some dude in WI or Cali wants to burn the flag wow how dare you destroy my country while at the exact same moment I'm getting taxed heavily for something I will absolutely never get a chance to see a penny out of (Social Security)

Stop making excuses and admit Big Don played you like a fucking moron.

>I will absolutely never get a chance to see a penny out of (Social Security)
Why won't you get any benefits?

It's called Twitter you dumb fag

Sort of depressing reading response from his supporters and this thread. Just shows that neither liberals nor right-wingers give a fuck about free speech when it comes to something they disagree with.

Most people would be ok with a tyranny if it was one they agreed with.

>CTR has done more damage to this board as a boogeyman than as actual shilling
Lol! Why am I even arguing with a retarded foreign pooskin?