Are some blue pilled things ok?
Are some blue pilled things ok?
gtfo scum
.t huehue monkey
Yeah because it is impossible to be 100% red pilled. Also some red pills are actually blue pills in disguise and vice versa
i dont want a race war
too many whites get killed
is that blue pilled?
the guys at iron march said it was.
I suppose this, but on a broader scale. Waging drug wars isn't an efficient way to combat unhealthy drug use.
No, you are only very nice, thinking of your fellow whites... That is good, but we can't make change if we don't fight. Sacrifices have to be made! For our race, for our culture, against sub humans!
>Implying the legalization and name clean washing of hemp is not redpilled
If not for the drug usage then for the tax income recource itself
Everything is OK when you're bluepilled
I wish I could go back.
Are there even enough whites on earth to combat against the billions of Indians, Blacks, chinks, spics etc?
>Don't forget you're here forever
Think in terms of combat efficiency:
One fireteam of pissed off whites, probably educated or at least military veterans, probably landowners, probably gun owners, are more likely to expend their ammo and have to disengage to resupply before any combatants actually would kill them.
There are more than enough people
And more than enough ammo.
>tax income
You've got a lot to learn, dudeweed.
Race mixing isn't that a big of a deal Sup Forums makes it out to be, as long as it isn't excessive.
Idiots getting married is still a good thing. It's incredibly risky for men these days and people just think everything's gonna be fine somehow.
Rest assured, it's as these two say
Also, we don't really want to fight chinks from the beginning, they might as well be temporary allies
Hitler seemed fine with having the world ruled between Germans and Japanese
Trained gunman with an actual intent to kill vs ragtag insurgents from a desert and shit filled street
Probably have a good shot.
Red pill = Truth
Truth>All. If there was absolute truth in society at all times, we'd be starting to explore the stars soon.
redpilling myself has destroyed my life desu
I can no longer walk the streets without seeing the cancer of consumerist propaganda in our society
I can't deal with the airs of fake nicety that retail slaves and people peddling an agenda put on
I can't stand the absolute ignorance and stupidity of the mindless drone, who more often than not can't even name the branches of government, but could tell you all of the characters on some pleb-distractor like Game of Thrones
I can't manage all of the social media crap, where everyone pretends to be something they're not, where they live for the fake-approval and false-validation of others, who are in turn trying to receive meaningless validation in the form of retweets, likes, shares, etc.
Everything's so goddamn fake. EveryONE is so goddamn fake. I dared to gaze beyond the veneer of glamour into the void, into the rot at the heart of our sick and twisted 21st century society and now I can't go back to how I was before.
Any other anons know this feeling of simultaneous rage and despair? Nothing makes me happy anymore...
I feel ya leafbro. You're not alone.
War isn't matter of numbers. It never has been throughout history. It helps sure but technology, strategy, skill and discipline of soldiers most of the time trumps sheer numbers.
You need some blue pills in order to function in society and stay out of black pill nihlism and paranoid conspiracy theorist territory
Here's the thing people need to understand.
Blue pill and red pill are simply the belief of falsehoods and the knowledge of the truth. They are not political stances.
This user gets it
And this is what happens to some when they take the red pill. When they understand the truth. Fucking happened to me.
Know you're not alone user. We suffer together. Also know that the state considers you a threat...and that's kinda cool. Red pilled grills think it's hot.
do they even have weed in bongland?
delete this
Bluepilled music is the best.
There isn't even good redpilled music, maybe just Youth Defense League.
Duterte had the right idea about drugs. Instead of allowing your people to become degenerates legally, encourage them to revolt and kill degenerates. Let them know that they can stand up for themselves and become upstanding people instead of addicts.
Thanks man. Nice digits.
How did you cope? How are you coping?
>red pilled girls
Now there's an oxymoron. At the risk of sounding slightly /r9k/ish, I have only ever met one girl who had looked beyond the veil, and she was still a slave to her lust, using tinder like some kind of degenerate.
Not surprising considering this world of superficiality favours young, attractive women. Some 90% of the men I've ever met have been blisfully ignorant as well, so I'm not sure there's a huge gap by gender
It's HUGE here.
I started feeling like this back when I was 11. Now at 23. Why am I so autistic pol?