These crack me up but I only have a few saved.
Can we get a Middle Eastern TV thread going?
Other urls found in this thread:
New to me, proceed
Do you have the one about albanians
excellent, thank you
are these even authentic subtitles?
RIP in peace MemeriTV page
Got zucc months ago
Who knows? I just know they make me chuckle so I enjoy them
Farfour, the Hamas Mickey Mouse
Nice hivemind frogbro!
Spit my fucking coffee out
I don't know if this is hilarious or terrifying.
Here, have a laughing merchant.
No chill lol
I like how none of them have any self awareness
muslim Cleric: If You Masturbate, Your Hand Will Be Pregnant in the Afterlife
I love that some of them sound almost exactly like Sup Forums
fucking killed me
> How do I wear TRUE HIJAB? Shaykh Zainadine "Ginger Cunt" Johnson
There's probably a Muslim image board somewhere out there where random muzzie countries around the world shit post in the same fashion as Sup Forums
Muslim twitter is pretty funny. Its all Sup Forums related shitposting but in squiggle
> Médine - Don't Laïk with Lyrics ("""French""" Rap / Religion of Peace Edition)
Screen cap us breh
Can't read the squigs
last one that I have
I wanted funny ones man. These depress me :(
Anyone have the video that the laughing merchant came from?
Show me.
I'll bump this thread. Got me laughing like an imbecile
You doubt of arabic intelligence ?
please provide links please this is funny as fuck
If this is true, this guy probably watched Ed, Edd and Eddy
After seeing all this, I'm thoroughly convinced that most people in that part of the world are born with average intelligence and get dumbed down by their environment.
When people around you are talking like this and you pick up on these mannerisms, there's no way it doesn't make you stupid.
Former expat here, I grew up watching Saudi state television. This shit is par for the course.
Never agreed more with this based Sandnigger
are you saying the guy wasnt talking sense?
arabs are the worst and many people in arab countries would love disassociate themselves from arabs.
People in Egypt would rather say they are African then arab.
Arabs here in the UK, especially where i live in the London, the princes and princesses bring their money, their cars, and are so unbelievably stuck up.
and these are meant to be the people who come from the 'holy land' of their religion.
Arabs also look down upon anyone that is not arab.
the guy is 100%, Arabs amount to nothing, they have the money, the power, and what have they achieved?
they have had oil for the last 100 years and will have for another 100, that prints them money and what have they done with it?, in technology or any other field?
they export extremism with their money and that is all.
my sides
>I'm thoroughly convinced that most people in that part of the world are born with average intelligence and get dumbed down by their environment.
However, their environment also makes them geniuses at being lazy (not an insult, it's fucking impressive) and at scamming suckers (like Germany).
Imagine if an inner city hood got airdropped into the desert and everyone was hardcore Muslim. That's Arab life
>Hijab is a protection against rape
So instead of controlling their savage urges naturally, they just decided to ban whatever makes them to commit sin
well I think that's true for most
but Abos and Sub-Saharans make it really hard for me
>So instead of controlling their savage urges naturally, they just decided to ban whatever makes them to commit sin
Western feminists will defend this
Sup Forums thinks exactly the same
>If you didn't want to get raped, why did you dress like a slut?
Arabs are accountable of their cultural environnement (religion, mentality, wont ...). This is system of thought that is at issue.
They are. My egyptian buddy always sends me these Memri TV things. They are fucking hilarious. Arabs have top tier memes m8.
That's not exactly what Sup Forums thinks. There is a difference between any women outfit and slut outfit.
And no one defends the attacker anyway.
There's a difference between dressing like a slut and covering your entire body like Muslims do. Such as pic related. I just want something being left to the imagination.
Would reproduce with
yeah they are , confirmed by arab friends
The Caliph Umar taking it in the ass thing is real
muh 3 million
Hey to be fair, it happened to TotalBiscuit.
>I-it's all relative
Go fuck a dog, ahmed, civilized white people dont rape randoms on the beach either
he's not wrong
Fuck off.
>meme-ry TV
I fucking love these. Inshallah you guys are pretty based sometimes.
>using a pc
>allahu akhbar muh 3 gorillion muslim infants
fuk u m8
Did we? I don't remember.
>Implying he's wrong
How to cure depression 101
good doggo
>a fucking leaf
>buying shit from a dongle company
not even slightly surprised
cmon man
this guy looks like alex jones
and still he keeps sucking goats
there is something unsettling about this doggo...