No teachers are around and I have a sharpie.
What should I do?
No teachers are around and I have a sharpie.
What should I do?
Devil horns & stache
The classic
do it faggot
Give her a star of David.
Prison bars.
Add some fangs and a goatee. Also among the classics.
OP, don't forget to write
in big letters underneath her too.
Or to be honest, I'd say replace her with a picture of Trump.
Don't forget stink lines
just do it already faggot
post pics
star of david on forehead
Dick in mouth
Forget the fucking picture lad. Take a dump on your teacher's desk.
If double didgits, right below "dead leftist = world peace" with an X across her face
Then use the picture to rearrange your shit in the shape of the word TRUMP
Then post pictures. Please.
Write Praise Moloch
Draw a swasdicka on it. It's like a swastika, but made out of dicks.
Put a backwards swastika on it, not tilted, with text below it saying "Hiel Hetlir 1599!"
put sharpie on butt and fart
>No teachers are around and I have a sharpie.
>What should I do?
Stick it in your pooper then post pics
You're all idiots. There was one answer.