What does Sup Forums think about Chicago?

I want to move to the US and I absolutely love big cities. Sadly big cities are often ridden with SJW cancer and according to Sup Forums LA and NY are total shitholes. So what about Chicago? It's further up north and it's much colder there, does that repel the shitskins well enough? Is it a good place to move?

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not quite baity enough

I live here, I love it despite all the niggers and how liberal it is.

The winters are more intense (as are the summers thanks to the lake) but that doesn't keep the nigs away.

It's great if you're a hipster or well-off/wealthy enough to afford a place downtown.

It's definitely one of the cleanest big cities in America.

Don't fall for the romanticized "move to the big city for a new life" meme and don't fall for the "steer clear of the cities and have a quiet wholesome country life" meme either. Look at the food, activities and atmosphere and decide if you want to live in Chicago.

If you're a little bitch and not scrappy at all/not carrying a gun then I'd be weary, we do have an incredibly high crime rate, even in the safest neighborhoods.

In Chicago you either live downtown / north side, or you live out in the DuPage County burbs.

The near west and south side are dangerous slums. Will County is poorfag rednecks and affluent negroes. Lake, Kane, and Kendall counties are filling up with beaners and have horrible commute times.

So either live inside The Loop proper (or North), or move out to DuPage county for safety.

Nice areas have just as much SJW shit while bad areas have the worst niggers you've ever seen.

I'm not sure what a big city is to you but all the largest cites in the US kinda suck

Chicago is great if you want to live around a bunch of niggers. It's where libshit Obama is from

I've had to pass through there a few times, I don't stop in Chimpcongo, just like I don't stop in St. Louis.

You must be a nigger. only a nigger would be stupid enough to move to chicago by choice.

Heh just last night for the heck of it I listened in on the police scanner for Chicago and the first thing I heard was a delivery driver getting robbed and they shot his car.

Than it was talking about two black guys getting shot, one in the chest and one in the leg.

tfw I live close enough to StL that the chimps have started to migrate here.

Well what is a big city that is somewhat free of niggers and SJW cancer then?

There must be some place in the US with 1m+ people living there that is actually decent.

I would love to move to America also. Such an amazing place.

Unfortunately, its almost impossible to move there unless you are an undocumented skill-less Mexican drug dealer.

Hopefully Trump will give priority to Europeans.

Personally, I wouldn't move to Chicago. Its FUCKING COLD.

The South is based, but there are lots of blacks. As is Texas, but with Mexicans.

You basically going to have to decide between one or the other. Either live somewhere red-pilled with lots of black people, or live somewhere completely blue pilled with 100%.

Best friend works for Loyola PD, since they started passing anti-police legislation last year he calls Chicago "The Purge". If you want to live in the midwest and have a not shit city pick Indy, it's cleaner/safer/friendlier; I'd rather have the food/arts in Chi, but I wouldn't move there. I'm in Michigan, it's mostly chimp/sjw free west of US-23 (aside from college campuses) but we're still coming out of the recession so I wouldn't recommend it unless you've got a job offer already.

What about Detroit? Isn't the whole of Michigan basically put in recession on average because Detroit's economy is so bad?

Here ya go, my distant blood kin. A Web page listing cities of more than 1M based on their whiteness.


I'd also point out that the Midwest (fly over country) is where most of the German immigrant waves settled. I'd recommend selecting a city, then finding a surrounding suburb to live in. That way you live with white people, but the convenience and choices of the city are nearby. That's the new American way of life. When niggers move in, white people move out and make a new suburb.

Literally no city exists like that. Pittsburgh is 86% white, that's the highest you'll find, but it's population is only 300,000. New York City is shit, full of crime, dirtiness, Hispanics, Asians, and sandniggers. I read whites are a minority in NYC and California. California is like living in Mexico or China, it's also super expensive. If you like Asian girls, move to California, there's so many insecure Asian girls that want to be white and hop on white dick and refuse to date Asian guys. Texas is full of fat fucks and Mexicans. Chicago has the highest murder rate.

Michigan gets more and more liberal the farther south you go, certain parts of Detroit are fine and clean, the U.P can be good in some places, no big cities though

Chicago is, for what it's worth, extremely segregated

The north side and downtown are fucking comfy as all hell and winters in Chicago (when you aren't sliding off the road or freezing to death) are the comfiest bar none.

There's a line you pass on the south and on the west that instantly spells trouble though. Barring Polishtown, anything on the south side is absolute hell and you WILL get tagged if you stick around.
So, be rich and it's great. Honestly


It's terrible. Constant gun murders all over the city and the weather is brutal due to lake effect snow

It's partially because of Det yeah, the UAW in general has hurt our state badly (Flint/Det) and the auto industry doesn't want to work with them. It's also partly shit because we imported a leaf to be govenor for 8 years and she did a shit job. It's still mostly the east side of the state, the western half is very red, has the fastest growing craft brew industry in the nation, lots of smaller businesses that don't have anything to do with the old rust belt industry.

Has very little to do with north south, it's literally the line drawn by US-23 from Flint to Ann Arbor and all the Detroit suburbs/city to the east of it. The only county that's deep blue outside of that line is Ingham, where we have most of the capitol, MSU, and the white guilt liberal suburbs.

Like said, what you're looking for doesn't necessarily exist. The liberals, SJW's, and niggers all live in cities. The right wing people all live in rural areas.

Sorry, meant to reply to this one

I feel you buddy

Don't move to Chicago unless you want to die.

I'm south of it, about an hour. But they've already shown up and their numbers are growing. Might have to move to a more remote place in a few years. Getting sick of seeing low self-esteem super hot girls paying for her nig's groceries.

Live in the Southside my whole life

Not a nig and no problems withem either, even worked with them

Ask me anything

312 area code btw

DuPage county is conservative, but most of it is pretty expensive towns or expensive sprawl.

It's city living, so commutes can be really fast or really suck. I worked 7-4pm and commuted from Lemont to Maywood on the tollway (25 miles). Most mornings it was busy and 80mph, and most evenings it was bumper to bumper 85mph until 4:30.

After 7:30AM or 4:30PM it comes to a crawl and does 30-45mph to and go. If it's snowing you will be doing 5-25mph. One evening after 2 inches of snow it took me 2.5 hours to get home. It doesn't matter if you have a Subaru with snow tires, if the idiot in the Camaro in front of you is on bald summer tires.

South side of Chicago is generally working class poles / irish, or niggers depending on where you are. It's nigs for a while, then micks, then poles, then more nigs. It's hard to tell, but generally the niggers are winning. The near west side is niggers or spics. You'll know by the language they use to car-jack you. West of 25th Avenue it starts to get better.

kane county is good as long as you stay out of aurora


Watch this video and imagine a thousand of these niggers around you every day.

north shore suburbs here
evanston is filled with liberals, but in general doesnt have a ton of nigs as long as you stay in the right areas
unless u are wealthy u wont be able to live in the rich suburbs like winnetka, kenilworth, wilmette where there are no shitskins
also any other chi town fags new trier is the best

Dupage county is nice and white

Obama is not from here, that's a Jew meme

north shore suburbs are mostly white and asian, but my high school of 4000 has 20 black kids so

Grew up in dupage county burbs, lived downtown last 10 years....downtown is fun if you're single and want to fuck whores. Dupage county burbs is where u raise your senpai w qt

Chicago is perfectly save to move to, Hans.

Chicago? Basically cheaper New York.

I think it is even cheaper than Seattle

Atlanta has a lot of nigs but they are much better behaved in comparison to somewhere like chicago. The cost of living is a lot lower too.

Meet your neighbors

Just move the suburbs or a part of the city without many nigs. Most of them live in the west or south side.

Kansas City ain't all that bad tbqh. Lots of drugs though.


t. Minnesota

Fuck St.Louis desu famalam

I live in Dupage County. Can confirm. Best county in the Midwest.

Yeah, I always thought this was weird. Atlanta is literally the blackest city in America but the niggers there are okay. It can't be a southern thing either because NOLA nigs are even worse than Chimpcongo.

I lived in Chicago, it was shit

What are rich suburb/neighborhoods there?
Kinda wanna move there later cuz I am a gook and Atlanta is the cheapest place with good # of gook population

You have such a tasteful flag, Cyprus.

Where you from? Move to Houston. Biggest Viet population apart from San Jose.

Why not move Indianapolis, I just did and I love it, everyone is white I have a job in one of their suburbs and everyone is half retarded compared to my NY college education. With that said Purdue is a great local school.

Phoenix. Lots of Mexicans, but most of the legal ones are just as conservative as the rest of the population. Lots of leftists all around us in other towns/cities, but we outnumber them. Leftists are smart, though. They keep trying to kill our resources where they are able to so they can then make their politicians more successful with bribes of "free stuff" for all the now jobless rural folk.

Chicago has pockets of serenity. The loop is pretty safe, but then again so it most Manhattan if you get my drift. The north shore / Northwestern area is pretty nice if a bit pricey. Travel outside the loop west or south and pretty soon you're in Fort Apache territory. Watch yo ass.

There are some really nice towns out west on commuter lines: Lemont, Hinsdale, Naperville, Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Downer's Grove, Elmhurst, Park Ridge etc. That's the affluent commuter belt where people with money buy nice Victorian houses and ride the Metra downtown every morning. My wife did that for a few years. It's comfy. The tradeoff? It's expensive and somewhat boring. If you want quiet you move out there.

Places like Cicero, Berwyn, Riverside, Maywood, and even Oak Park are historic towns that were the Naperville / Glen Ellyn of their day, but now are highly segregated and you have to be careful where you go. You can get mugged in front of an historic Frank Lloyd Wright home, or have a comfy afternoon with your mates in a beer garden 5 blocks away.

t. I haven't lived there in 4 years though.

Oh I am another kind of gook (Korean)
I live in FL currently

Or the Northwest Cook County Suburbs like schaumburg
or Kane county like St. Charles

I am from Glasgow and was told Chicago is the nearest thing to Glasgow as far as architecture goes, so I was curious, and was considering visiting, after going to NY to see the WTC.
Then 9/11 happened.
...and I have since discovered Chicago is a lawless hellhole full of uppity niggers.

Fuck it, I don't need to go anywhere.

List of Sup Forums Approved suburbs

Arlington Heights
Barrington (Only if you're rich)
South Barrington (Only if you're extremely rich)
Lake Zurich
Downers Grove
Hoffman Estates
Hanover Park
Any town by Roselle Road except Elgin

Stay away from Aurora and Vaperville, they suck

Yeah, I forgot about those. Good call.

So basically, for a rough approximation, the Tri-State tollway and The Loop are good rules of thumb for the west, and the Stephenson / I55 (very roughly) for the south. Stay in the Loop, or stay outside I294 for the most part. Again, places like Oak Park are really nice, but go 10 blocks too far and 'oops - get me out of here'.

My wife used to fly out of Midway a lot. I hated that shit, and used to take her car in for tuneups a lot just to be sure it wouldn't die in "OH FUCK" territory.

But Chicagoland can be pretty nice, and not everyone there is a mouth-breathing liberal.

Ft. Worth is pretty based desu

Most of those places are very bland however, and wont exactly give you the big city feel that I assume OP is looking for.

I wouldnt personally advise someone to move to the NW suburbs unless they are looking to start up a family. Taxes arent worth it otherwise.

Providence RI is nice tbqh. Pretty white, too

Move to Maine there are plenty of whites here, gun laws are lax and there is plenty of forest to hunt in.

If you must live in a city Portland is ok, but it's full of hipsters. Westbrook would be a better bet.

I live out in Aroostook county and there are literally no black people in Caribou, a few Asians but they are cool.

If he wants to experience Chicago he should live east of Midway. Get your gun in Dupage county.

If he wants to experience Chicago and enjoy it he should probably live in "North Loop" like Lincoln Park. Bring money.

Ya I live out in the west suburbs. It's pretty ideal as far as safe white suburbs go. No as many Indians or Chinese either. Just white. Some Mexicans. But theres Mexicans everywhere in Chicago. Naperville is ok.

Chicago is a cool city. Mexicans are alright even though they completely reject American culture. At least they don't committ tons of violent crime like the niggers.

Bridgeport senpai.

Also, defend yourself.

I should add, on a budget, Bridgeport and Ukrainian Village are nice to live in, for da city feel. Or load up with 5 people in Lincoln Park, that's authentic.

Why are you all suggesting the outlying suburbs, at that point he's 45 minutes outside the city unless you're talking rich northern suburbs.

You have to admit, even though West Chicago, Villa Park and Melrose Park are the new latino strongholds they have nut turned them into shitholes like Maywood or anything south of I55.

Melrose Park is actually a cool place to get mexican food now for people in the 'burbs.

>Traveling halfway around the world to another place that is similar to your hometown

I'm from glen ellyn and never been to Maywood but when I go by it on the Metra all I ever see is nigs.

Agree that all those towns are ideal for raising children. Gotta keep them from turning into leftist pussies though who can't take care of themselves. Afluent bubbles lead to that kind of thing sometimes.

Minnesota is the same...actually every big city in the US is a liberal crime ridden hell hole, the trick is to live 90 minutes away from a big city. Then you can go do stuff whenever you feel like it but not have to deal with all the bullshit at home.

Logan Square is doable if you can deal with the fucking hipsters everywhere.

I thank God every day that Broadview is an effective buffer between my town of La Grange Park and fucking Maywood

Iowa is a big girl.

lived in chicago my whole life, grew up on the fringes where the west side meets the near-west suburbs... here is a brief outline of the city:

>West side is nigger paradise, AVOID THIS AREA, even during the daytime. It only starts to get decent around the UIC/greektown area
>South side is nigger paradise, AVOID THIS AREA just like the west side. these areas are dangerous, do not take them lightly
>North side is hipster Babylon. Two universities on the north side, Depaul & Loyola set the liberal tone. It is interspersed with shit neighborhoods, but for the most part, the north side is safe, but the people there are total degenerates.

Unless you're a degenerate, you'll find nothing in the city of value.

Downtown in the Loop, there are beautiful buildings, great museums, nice parks with nice marble pavilions and whatnot... but the beaches suck (always full of darkies and covered in trash) and everything is incredibly expensive.

Like I said, I've lived in chicago my whole life (am 24 now) and all i want to do is escape it. DO NOT COME HERE if you value anything traditional to the European race.

Well like I said Mexicans aren't so bad. I still feel like I'm in a foreign country in Mexican neighborhoods. Sometimes I go to eat with a Latino friend in little village it's funny being the only white person on the street. Ya as for the Mexican suburbs they are ok..

Live about an hour south of Chiraq, have to agree with this guy


I cant stand cities. Lived in Nashville before I moved up to Maine, best choice in my entire life.

That fucking city made me hate anything with a dark shade of skin. Blacks got away with fucking everything in that city and there was almost nothing you could do.

Out here in the big woods ornery niggers and shit skins have a tendency to go missing. So everyone is very much friendly to one another.

i'm surprised no one's mentioned tennessee. apparently after oregon turned blue a lot of white people moved there.

is it full or something?


Depends on where in TN, Nashville [unless you live out in Brentwood] and Memphis [unless it's Germantown] fucking blow. The only good places are out in the country or near the Kentucky border.

That and when the New Madrid kicks off you can kiss most of Nashville goodbye.

And Oregon is still mostly red by county. Everything east of the Cascades is VERY conservative.

There isn't one. Cities in the US are divided between SJW enclaves and third world-tier shitholes like East and West Berlin. There is no middle ground.

You need to realize there is no reason to ever live in a city in the US unless you're a poorfag. Smaller towns and especially suburbs have everything big cities have except criminals and pretentious faggots.


listen to that for an hour, tell me how much you wanna live there

SJW enclaves
I thought they all moved into suburbs?

Who else /napernigger/ here?

Pretty sure all the murders in Chicago are black on black. It's very unlikely you'll get killed unless you're a black or a police officer.

Don't go to the southside, but they are clearing the nigs out and removing projects, pushing them more and more south. Basically segregation at its finest.

Would be put to better use as an expansion of Lake Michigan.

hinsdale represent

Like most of our big cities, it use to be a nice place.

>blacks killing blacks

If you stay away from their segregated shitholes and aren't black, usually pretty solid.

>So what about Chicago?

Nigger shithole. Been there too many times. Stay away.

If Iowa's body was covered in states, which states would be where?

Obviouslly Massachusetts is her nose, her boobs are Texas and Alaska.

>Visit northside of chicago because I hear that's the safe part
>Drive a little & it turns into india with indians selling gold clothing & speaking hindi for a few miles
>Drive 3 miles the other direction, fuking mexico
>Drive three miles other direction & it becomes jewish with everyone in black suits, huge jewish hats, & curly sideburns
>Pot holes the size of small cars everywhere
>Some bridges so bad you can see small rocks rumbling off as you drive under them

I have no idea what the fuck is going on in that city, but I'm glade I only had to be there for a day on business.

Chicago is LA with more niggers and worse weather.

So is Elgin if you live outside of it.
