Keep making these threads you nigger.
360 degree chess from Trumpo
Other urls found in this thread:
Too bad thats plain fucking wrong.
>The flag of the United States is sometimes symbolically burned, often in protest of the policies of the American government, both within the country and abroad. The United States Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), and reaffirmed in U.S. v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), has ruled that due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag
Also a big reason people are complaining is because Trump is doing a complete reversals of his previous promises now that he is elected.
>leaf again
That tweet is fake faggot.
>inb4 (((snopes)))
>Trump is doing a complete reversals of his previous promises
Can you actually list examples, you dumb fucking leaf?
>inb4 muh clinton prosecution
nobody really knows what's going to happen with that, he just "dropped" it avoid the witch hunt narrative. He's probably never going speak about this in public again.
Alright well sorry then. Let me restate myself:
The image in OP is blatantly wrong as flag burning is completely legal all levels of the justice system agree with this ruling.
Before election:
>protect constitution
>keep government away from individual liberties
>constitution should be changed because these protesters hurt my feeling
>draft dodging tax evader gives a shit about the flag
Why do you even spend time to learn that?
Aren't you Canadian?
I learned to stop underestimating him a long time ago.
America is in good hands boys.
I think you're misunderstanding the OP. This act was never passed, but it was drafted and introduced. It's still called an act even if it doesn't pass.
>still believing the tax evading meme
Day of the rake when?
>wow holy shit how dare you fact check outside of Sup Forums?!
>omg how do you have enough time for typing in 3 words into google and clicking the first result?
So you can't name an example?
so if it is not a law how is it relevant in any way? the fact that Trump wants to make it into a law brings up the very same arguments
Shittiest example ever
Neck yourself
Not an example
Its your opinion that he is not protecting the constitution. You're an idiot so your opinion is irrelevant.
Now name an example
Leaf is just baiting.
He was already proven incorrect.
Now he's trying to bait to prevent himself from looking dumb.
How a rational mind works:
>Trump said something question
>Someone shows you what Clinton proposed
>Realize he said this after flag burnings the past two to three weeks
>Virtually outplaying them mentally
How an irrational mind works
>Trump said something stupid
>get upset and rant you were right
>Even when explained why this may have been intentional consider to cast blame on everyone else because you didn't get the joke
The next few weeks are going to be amazing[spoiler]ly scary[/spoiler]
He brought it up because he actually does feel that way, and because Hillary Clinton flipflopped on that issue.
It likely isn't going to be high on his priority list to punish dissenters, but I have no real way to prove or disprove that.
Also, to answer the whole timing question, it's because if he acted that authoritarian before the election, it likely would've hurt him very badly, as you can see Sup Forums's division on this issue.
>would berry
here just an example to get you started
>t's because if he acted that authoritarian before the election, it likely would've hurt him very badly
and you saying that that isn't dishonest?
liberal BTFO
More strategic than anything. He was never pressed about the issue. I wouldn't say it's dishonest to not express how you feel about a current event.
lmao nbc
The media trying to push the same fucking narrative you're trying to push.
Why can't you name an example?
this image is literally you right now. I have provided several examples to back up my point which you have all dismissed on arbitrary criteria why providing no proofs of your own.
Here is more examples if you want but I guess none if them count since they don't match up with your worldview?
A fucking leaf.
I am on my way to shit all over your bed, because i need to express how retarded of a human bean you are. While I am at it, i may pop your tires and put sugar in your gas tank to fully express myself. Free speech mutha fukka!
Name one you fucking moron.
You can't because we will just refute it
both of those articles are full of (((speculation))) because he isn't even fucking president yet
holy fuck this is actually hilarious. you literally have no argument and now are resorting to ad homs and stammering the same thing over and over again despite me posting multiple examples. I think I'm going to leave the thread since you have nothing to say and I'd rather skip the shit flinging that comes after someone gets btfo
We know what your doing shill..You're seeding
one of Sup Forums's favorite hobbies is to dig up your seeds after you planted them and throw them in the garbage.
The only decisions trump has made is who is in his administration.. Every pick has been amazing
Shitting in your bed fir you being a retard is free expression, just as you claim burning the flag is. Same with popping your tires. You cant be for some expression and against others user. But yes leave this thread to the Americans who are not faggot cucks like you.
Honestly it's pretty impressive how the drumpfbrigade spreads lies. Like it's not even worth fighting. She made a political counter bill that pretty much criminalized the burning of flags to riot and to steal them but because of the name of the bill you treat it like a gotcha.
And it really doesn't matter if we have to explain it to you dumb fucks a 1000 times because you've already spread your lazi misinformation to a million who are even lazier.
But I guess it doesn't really matter. Trump will fuck up your country and you'll be greatful for it.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Your shekels have been deposited.
>those bangs
>that lighting that makes her barely visible mustache more visible