Hi Sup Forums,
How do I stop masturbating and watching porn?
Hi Sup Forums,
How do I stop masturbating and watching porn?
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You don't
just don't do it any more
Moderate masturbation is not bad, it's porn that is really fucking with your brain.
Porn basically conditions you to become a cuck. Imagine, you spend hours and hours each week watching other people fuck, what is that called?
That's why you later start fantasizing about women from third person, your thoughts and erotic dreams will start being from a perspective of an onlooker.
You can masturbate when you really need to, but it's best to do it alone, even better without any thoughts.
You should read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert A. Glover.
He describes there a thing called 'healthy masturbation', basically, you focus on the pleasure itself. Don't think about fantasies and impossible scenarios, just observe what makes you feel good.
It's hard at first, but when you stop watching porn, you'll start to be able to get of off fucking anything.
My masturbation isn't moderate.
how extreme is it?
Maybe 5 or 6 times a day, sometimes more.
motivate yourself to save up an epic cumshot, that might work to get you down to a healthy once per day
>Moderate masturbation is not bad
Fornication can't be moderate.
masturbation is really fucking me up
it even gave me a headache a few times
I need to quit. But my dick and balls get so big sometimes I have to beat them into submission. I really need to stop it's draining me of my life force.
Start making small steps, you will relapse, don't hate yourself, bro.
Start limiting your masturbation times to less times a day.
Also, how's your day schedule? Activities, hobbies?
When you keep yourself busy, you don't think about fapping.
go to /gif/
>a healthy once per day
thats still neutering yourself
>how's your day schedule?
I'm gone from 8 to 6, then I get home, make dinner, turn on my computer, switch between jerking off, playing games and browsing Sup Forums/youtube, then I go to bed and the whole thing starts over again. I don't have any hobbies.
before turning on your computer think
try to read a book or go for a walk instead
Meaning of life: Impregnate women, pass on genes
Motivator for impregnating women: Sexual energy/drive
Porn/Masturbation: Drain sexual energy/drive
Literally ruining your life.
Well, first of all, exercise helps a lot.
If you're too tired after work or something like that, try minecraft, or other of those autistic games that can take up to 9 hours of your time.
I remember that I didn't fap when I was playing a lot of minecraft, terraria and other survival games, because they consume so much time.
Other time consuming activities are good too, online games, art, whatever, just try something.
If you'll stop being productive, you eventually think about fapping and end up doing it.
You train at the gym until you are super fit, then you dont need to practice your charisma mostly and can just let your body talk. Meet someone to fuck on a daily basis, slowly that will transition out masturbation and porn. There's also the wealth or popularity way, but that is harder then just getting fit.
Burn down a couple cultural heritage sites. Make sure you're caught and spend jail time.
i need to know too
every time i try to sleep i have to fap at least twice
it's really starting to make me sleep deprived
What about just looking at pictures of naked chicks?
Stop paying for the internet, get rid of your smart phone only use internet at the library. I'm about to do this. Don't watch TV read, excercise, take up an artistic endeavor if you can.
Shoot heroin you'll have dope dick constantly and won't be able to fap...
It's not as bad, but you'll eventualy not be able to get boner from them and end up watchin ghetto gaggers anyway.
I'm going to see a hypnotist on the 7th
It's almost impossible for me to cum during sex now because of my desensitization through porn and fapping.
Quit while you still can
Stop browsing Sup Forums. No, seriously.
Stop forcing this faggot meme. Kill yourself.
>"Maybe 5 or 6 times a day, sometimes more."
I bought a chastity device to break my habit. How degenerate is that?
Don't do it, you'll just slip into a routine of way more addicting prostate orgasms
Give me advice. What should I do for leisure?
I don't see the problem.
I went about 2 weeks without prior to Thanksgiving and just had a binge where I wrote a python script to tile mpv windows across my monitor and shuffle through a playlist of my gifs and webms while playing Fight Song in the background and masturbating to girls choking on massive dicks.
Is there any hope for me?
dam sun we would be friends. Same exact routine here
This thing was absolutely crucial for me ending my addiction to the pornographic jew. Every time you find yourself searching for new porn sites to work around it, just add it to the list.
Unless you want higher risk of prostate cancer, you don't.
>implying i dont watch fat women eat themseleves to death
normal porn is too vanillia
just don't.
You just explained this cuck culture and why so many people in first world countrys are becoming cucks
Been fappin to pics of women for 20 years zero boner problems. They don't even need to be naked, just fit and feminine. Tried porn vids, the women are gross and the fake screaming and moaning is annoying as fuck. Don't understand how so many people like that shit, it's nothing like actual sex.
I dont watch porn anymore, but try homemade porn instead.