Stop drinking soda
Stop drinking soda
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buzz off
but I'm too lazy to make a shit ton of tea every other day
how about "no"
I did in 2014. Water only. Lost 50kg.
Cherry Coke Zero is too delicious to give up.
I only drink soda in mixed drinks.
Only drink water and seltzer since 2014
>implying youre a country
Fuck off varg
this, only countries are allowed in this thread
The Fuhrer approves Fanta.
>stopped drinking soda 2 years ago
>only drink water
>realize that the water is infected with all kinds of chemicals, especially estrogen
drinking diet a&w right now it tastes as good as the real stuff
its fucking amazing
and ill keep drinking it
-t. a chemist
The Fantanas are too fucking brown
Drinking diet coke right now because it fucking tastes good and I can get it cheaply refilled at a gas station.
i drink soda like maybe once a month
Unironically. It's fucking terrible for your body, especially if you drink it all the time.
Reminder, ff you're fat and you still drink soda, it's your fault.
I only drink water anyway. But if I were to drink a soda, it would be Fanta.
Listen to Alex, and buy a damn filter.
Wait, so quitting soda absolves you of being fat?
Water is the only based drink suited for red pilled individuals.
I drink pop, not soda.
varb seems like a queer.
he should kill himself.
Haven't drank soda in over 10 years.
My teeth already paid the consequences though.
kek, i found your source
> Goldberg, W. Walters, B. Behar, J. Shepherd, S. "The View". May 2014.
why is this guy popular, he's pretty fucking unintelligent
is he a meme?
Varg got old and quit being cool, fun, and interesting.
Stop vargposting
I can't remember the last time I drank soda. I pretty much only drink water and coffee, and occasionally tea. And every couple of weeks I go out and get drunk on beer and liquor.
Wine is patrician af
Once upon a time he killed a guy and burnt an old Church. At his trial he didn't give a fuck. Now he lives in a hobbit hole in the French countryside.
So Sup Forums approved drinks? Besides filtered water of course(the best)
Yes, you could've prevented this.
But jokes aside, just google it.
Haven't been on Sup Forums a bit, who and what is this meme?
Yummy. I drink my own every week.
Already did. Soda is pure crap.
coffee in moderation, without cream or sugar, maybe some stevia
Black coffee is redpilled
Chris chan is that you
Mint and pepermint tea, you can read up on how many ways they are beneficial.
Asides from that, just check other herbal drinks, our badass ancestors were chugging this shit to be full of vitality, now we just drink sugar and other bullshit to become fat and miserable.
Herbs are cheap and super healthy.
this is actually good advice
I'm sorry, do you see yourself?
Dr Pepper is the redpilled beverage.
no coffee is redpilled you FAG post this trash again and ill FUCK YOU UP
Try a glass of water you diabetic fuck
coffee is redpilled
(random guy jumping into the conversation making a random comment) stop posting varg.
This is my favorite meme.
I'd rather drink soda than fluoride filled water.
I drink milk though
>He drinks the chlorinated flouridated jew
>drinking estrogen filled pus
Is gingerbeer the most red pilled soda?
When are you leaving
Don't buy into the substitute sugar jew.
I only drink tea
I already have, hairy aryan man
Tea lowers androgens and jmpairs thyroid function. Filtered water is the only safe drink
i have 7 cavities i found in my mouth and i think its because i drink 4 liters of pop a day
its got to stop
What do you look like?
well water masterrace, my water might be yellow but at least i know its not kosher.
>not green tea
im in shape because im very active
I drank soda for 2 years, daily. 2 liters a day.
It utterly destroyed my mouth. Seriously, never drink soda. I would love to show you one of my cavities. It's a literal hole until the pink part at the bottom of the mouth(what do you americans call it?). Everytime I eat I have to take a shower so the splash from water can clean the hole from food.
I can't wait to finish college so I can do something about it. I need a shitload of money now.
Better ban sugar altogether.
Thanks, I have finished my box of peppermint tea just yesterday, will switch to different herbs.
The fuck is this meme?
How drinking soda makes you hole in your mouth?
but I already have...
Stop Trumpposting
Cavity nigger.
There is a literal hole all the way into the "EncĂa". Sugar is bad and you should feel bad for ingesting it.
I don't drink it anymore, varg, so you can fuck off.
Who the fuck eats fries first then the burger? How can America the land of junk food, elect a president who can't even into fast food?
You must take a bite from your burger then slide a few fries with it and maybe take a drink after you're done chewing.
You let me down America.
wtf drinking soda won't give you cavities you retards. brush and floss juice has the same amount of sugar
>not drinking sweet tea
Found the Alabamian
Thats why I only drink Diet Coke
>inb4 cancer
>not putting fries on ur burgie
I do faggot, the fries are best when they're freshly hot. They go stale faster than the burger.
Learn to fast-food you fucking idiot.
Get some filtered water. Healthiest thing ever.
I didn't think the bacteries could get that bad until the wall of my fucking molar fell off and revealed the pitch black hole.
Kambucha's pretty good.
looks like a piss bottle someone from /r9k/ forgot about and it started to get moldy
>fast food autism
this is some real life Homer Simpson faggotry.
No one over the age of 12 actually drinks 'soda' like Coca Cola or Sprite and those kind of things? It's diabetes in a can and feels like acid going down your throat.
Fat people are so fucking dumb.
it's tea that's fermented with bacteria and mold.
smells like vinegar, but tastes sweet.
it also helps increase the "diversity" in your intestines, which improves digestion.
just don't drink very much, like a glass every other day, or you'll get sick.
Here take this (you) ; your whole existance revolves around it.
yeah beer is so much better !
Who needs to drink either of those things you manchild
Fuck off snownigger, snus and coke zero are the only degenerate things I have left.
I don't drink beer but at least drinking it actually has a purpose you moron. You drink beer to get drunk, you drink soda to sit around and waste the energy that all that sugar and other shit has given you.
Thanks faggot, now shut up about the fast-food you don't know how to eat. Dumb gypsy, go back to throwing babies at tourists so that they drop their belongings to catch the baby