>quit cigarettes, weed, and alcohol
>started lifting weights
>started going to church
>started reading
Since Sup Forums is so against degeneracy, I was wondering what you have done recently to improve yourself?
>quit cigarettes, weed, and alcohol
>started lifting weights
>started going to church
>started reading
Since Sup Forums is so against degeneracy, I was wondering what you have done recently to improve yourself?
Sup Forums is ironically full of bluepilled degenerates who just come here to be edgy
>>started going to church
>quit weed
>have a Bourbon sometimes
>fuck as many women as possible, keep a starting line
>play in orchestra
>teach the youth to be responsible individuals
>lift weights
>8 hours of sleep a night
At this rate I'll be Chad Hitler by January.
What a shitty Irishman you are
just opened another cold one
Are you equating faith in a [Catholic God, perhaps you meant, if you are truly representative of the mean Sup Forumsack] God with being a good Irish citizen?
We'll I really only do two degenerate things, weed and vidya.
And I'm taking the first step to quitting which is thinking about and wanting to quit. Video games will be easy to quit. I don't even enjoy them.
But I'm pretty addicted to weed. It's gonna be rough.
Stopped smoking weed, months ago, have yet to touch alcohol.
In kick boxing now.
Save as much money as possible.
Avoid any and all liberals as much as possible.
Probably will attend a Lutheran church soon - bloodline is Swedish.
>started reading
congratulations on your big step forward
>bragging on Sup Forums to try to feel like a man when you really are a little boy
Is alcohol degenerate if in moderation?
went from full monk mode to full degeneracy
>doing drugs again
>nofap into the trash
>full neet soon
self destruction fastest way to heaven
we in this together amerifriend
That viewpoint is not compatible with my secular, somewhat globalist, worldview. I think less of you for holding it. Apologies friendo.
Quitting vidya was one of the best decisions I ever made. Not sure about you and your use, but I realized once I stopped that they were more of a drag on my mental and physical health than booze and weed combined. I lost thousands of hours, YEARS of my life, to the electric jew.
You won't even miss them. Occasionally I think about playing a game of CK2 or playing a few rounds of a FPS, but on the whole, their absence has been seriously easy to adjust to.
I registered to vote, left my house to go to my voting station, waited in line, and cast my ballot for Trump.
Was scary but first step towards improving my life.
Have job and going to gym pretty regularly now. Eating a lot better too.
I get up and go work 10 hour days 5 days a week in a skilled labor trade to take care of my wife and our 2 toddlers. At the end of the week if I want to get shitfaced, some 20 year old fag calling me a degenerate on the internet isn't going to stop me. Go fuck yourself. When you realize that you don't give a fuck about strangers and the only function you serve is to provide for and protect your family, then you will know what the "red pill" is.
Also, lifting all the weights in the world won't change the fact that you're a pussy,
Only drink water, stopped playing vidya by like 90%, started lifting weights, started talking to people whenever I can and Im trying to smile more apparently I look like a serial killer a lot of the time.
>this need for validation
if all of that fulfilled you, you wouldn't have created this shitty thread
the problem was never your addiction to cigarettes, weed and alcohol but rather your insecurity in how you live comparatively to others
kys tbqh family
Redpilled most of my friends the past years, things are alright around here.
>have two toddlers
>getting shit faced
Do you beat your wife and kids when you get drunk too?
Stop getting shit faced you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>gave up all addictions
>on internet 10+ hours per day
>quit cigarettes
>quit weed
>quit alcohol
Stupid if single.
>lifting weights
5/10, get an athletic hobby that stimulates your brain.
>going to church
well there goes that brain stimulating idea, you're already too far gone.
>started reading
started reading what?
Dumped all your addictions for a new one it seems.
Try doing a goofy smile instead. Kind of bubbly in a sense.
isn't weird? something always fills the void
Damn you mad huh? Have fun getting divorced and court fucked you alcholic retard
>still on Sup Forums/social media
>not quitting the most degenerate vice of them all
what even was the point pham
>quit all drugs
>been lifting for 5 years now
>getting married in a couple of months
>just started a PhD program this fall
>play less video games and read more lit in my spare time
>tutoring my little cousins on the side so they can be far and ahead of their peers
Things have been going really well.
I became a woman
>quit cigarettes
>started lifting weights
never going to happen :
>weed , alcohol
did both, never gained anything from them , got a better feeling of myself, my life and soul and future prospects from cancersticks than any of those two things
>Started lifting weights
>Stared running again
>Better diet
I'll leave the church shit to the christfags though. I don't believe in turning the other cheek, I believe in a final solution.
Did all this pretty much 6 years ago, so far so good.
I havnt even been lifting regularly and im already seeing results, plus i enjoy doing it so i think this may be the dawn of a new day for me
>well there goes that brain stimulating idea, you're already too far gone.
Yeah, because "addictions" are really just hobbies and the "void" is really just your free time. People only call hobbies "addictions" when they're degenerate enough
I maintain my health by jogging and calisthenics.
i like you
I cut way back on all sugary/caffeinated drinks. Down from 2 a day to 1 a week or less.
truth, video games are cancerous to the mind.
I'm a muslim that wants to convert.
What should i do?
I don't play no vidyas but cruising sites like this for hours has taken their place. How much time can I spend here before it's degenerate?
>Stop getting shit faced you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop playing golf you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop learning the guitar you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop playing video games you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop reading books you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop setting aside time to exercise you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop having sex with your wife you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop planning date nights you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop browsing the web you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
>Stop watching rated R movies you fucking degenerate. You have kids to take care of.
Because you're not allowed to engage in any activity other than taking care of kids when you have kids.
How come you and Ireland have similar flags?
Come to think of it how come you and Mexico have the same flag minus the badass Aztec shit?
Is it a Holy See kind of thing?
quiting cigarettes was a good idea.
quitting weed and alcohol was a bad one.
I eat pepperoni pizza 2-4 times per week
Convert to what
Not occasionally indulging in degeneracy is degenerate
Blue collar white trash
The scum that voted for Trump
Kek it's always blue collar low class scum that is fat and alcoholic. I'm glad my parents both had doctorate degrees and only occasionally drank a glass of wine. I couldn't imagine having a poor, disgusting, drunkard father raising me.
started learning turkish
Define "improve yourself"?
t. kike
I started exercizing and am joining the military after college... as a student i still am involved in plenty of degeneracy though
Pick one. You're talking about a group of shitskins who got blown the fuck out by a small group of Spaniards.
>started a better lifestyle
>found a white girlfriend that want kids and like traditional families
>joining the army soon to get some military knowledge.
Only problem right now is that she wants to move to France.
Started lifting before I started browsing Sup Forums
Never smoked. Tried weed but didn't like it.
Unsuccessfully tried to stop watching porn
Still not reading much. Though I think I'll get an ebook-reader for Christmas. I have a shitton of pol literature on my hard drive already.
Slowly returning back to Christ. Haven't started going to church again yet.
Dragging uni along. Gotta get on my ass and start studying soon.
Still playing too many video games.
Still no gf.
Ideologically moving towards full blown fascism/Nazism.
Hate fags almost more than niggers.
Thx pol
Drinking is one thing, getting shitfaced is another. A most regrettable thing to do if in charge of a family. My grandfather was a drunk and now that he's dead nobody misses him.
coffee/caffeine gives me anxiety and it went away once i stopped drinking it
a small cup in the morning is ok for most people, but the cream and sugars or artificial sugars are straight toxic
Stormfag spotted
>just fapped to a trap on Sup Forums
>lighting up a joint
>teaching my gf's son how to play SF5
>i'll be leaving my mom's house next year, i hope
I stopped masturbating and watching porn. Looking for a hobby
I smoked for over 15 years. Quit cold turkey one day and it has been one of the greatest things I have done. I could never go back to being in that haze.
>blue collar low class scum
>skilled labor
Guns and weights my man.
I quit my sexual relationship with a bike. I like it rough, but sometimes things for a little too carried away and I'd end up hurt.
Why would i quit those things? Theyre so enjoyable
started jelq.
I've done all of those things since trump was elected, except I also quit cocaine and Xanax. Life's much better now
t. square
>am joining the military
You win the goy of the day award
Started reading a lot. I'll give an advice to fellow intellectuals, regular intense physical excercises, even at home, increase blood flow in the brain more than any nootropics you can buy in a pharma store by a factor of about 3 from my subjective experience. I started to code faster, and my thoughts became clearer and more precise.
Don't give in to sedentary jew, fight him.
shoo shoo mr cuck
>Started reading
>Stopped eating so poorly, diet is now 2/3s water
>Became religious
What if I get a babysitter on friday and get shitfaced only on friday nights?
Do I have your permission to do that, lord Yahweh?
You didn't improve yourself, you just lowered society's expectations.
>Bringing a knife to a gun fight
I mean come on now. I'd think any tribal group would get btfo by a loud "boomstick"
"skilled" labour = Blue collar
To christianity, I understand there are a lot of denominations, maybe coptic orthodox church is the most appropriate for me to integrate quick?
Just drink water man. Its hard at first but you will have no regrets and never want to go back. You can do it!
Doesn't work.
Drinking to an excess puts your life in danger whether you realize that or not.
>How come you and Ireland have similar flags?
>Come to think of it how come you and Mexico have the same flag minus the badass Aztec shit?
They all copied the French tricolor but just changed some colors around. Look at Romania, Nigeria, the Ivory Coast, etc.
Are you Egyptian?
What do you do for fun and relaxation now that you quit?
I've quit before and found myself just sitting on the couch with nothing to do. I guess I need a hobby.
I'll let you in on one little redpill Sup Forums will never take. To stop browsing Sup Forums. This is the ultimate redpill Sup Forums will never take. Vidya is degenerate, it messes with your mind! It takes up too many hours! Yet they browse Sup Forums for hours. Anime is degenerate! Yet they larp about Zyklon Ben's cartoons. Sup Forums is degenerate. This is the true redpill. It's far better than most places, but is it free of degeneracy? No.
I was out of work for about 2 and 1/2 years, just living off savings and not giving a fuck about anything. Recently got a hair cut, cleaned myself the fuck up, and got a job. Gonna get a new car, save up for a house.
>"skilled" labour = Blue collar
Is a surgeon not considered skilled labor? What about an engineer or software dev? Those are all skilled labor positions that aren't blue collar jobs.
>quit cigarettes
>quit alcohol
>Started reading
>quit porn
If there are churches of multiple denominations in your area, go and speak to a pastor in each. Speak to the pastor, and see what they have to offer spiritually.
Women have to work twice as hard as men to prove themselves, cuck.
So, almighty God, what you're saying is that I don't have your permission?
I've lost 10lbs since election night, hoping to lose like 60 total. If Trump can beat the odds, then so can I