I need something to ask him to trigger him, bonus points if it invalidates the Holocaust narrative as well.
>proof in picrelated
(((Holocaust Survivor))) going to speak at my school, faced Mengele 3 times, what should I ask him?
"If they were killing all the Jews, how did you (((escape)))?"
Ask if he got mengeles signature.
Mfw Mengele probably just did 3 routine physicals on this person.
"I never understood how one of the worst crimes of mankind never received a full independend investigation to shut up the holocaust deniers. What is your take on this Mr. Six Million?
Ask him why Mengele didn't change his iris color.
oy vey, the cold stethoscope against my skin was like anudda shoah
I had a family member get treated by Mengele while he was in Paraguay. Saved his life, though we had no idea who he was at the time. Kind of strange thinking that if Mengele hadn't saved him, I wouldn't be here.
Ask him how Mangele liked being the host of deal or no deal
Get as much detail as possible then find the inconsistencies in his story and press him on them.
But DO NOT at any cost fully sperg out or make it too obvious you've got a hidden agenda.
You're going to lose your spaghetti in front of the entire school
When you find an inconsistency make sure to point at him and scream OBJECTION
>despite facing Dr. Mengele THREE TIMES
Ask him about the Palestinian genocide. Be sure to explicitly compare it to the Holocaust. Capture the response on a smartphone and post the video on the Electronic Intifada. Drink in the Jew butthurt.
Ask him how many times he was gassed.
How the fuck was this guy in the Holocaust? Was he in his dads balls when the "Holocaust" happened? Ask him how the food was.
ask him/her to prove their claims without a doubt. Because that'll be a first.
If he mentions the figure six million find a way to politely bring up the fact there were five million others.
Ask him if zyklon b was used to gas Jews or delouse clothes of lice.
Ask him if Jews died of typhus or gas chambers
This. It'd be a great meme
Ask him to show you his labor camp tattoo try getting a pic of it in case it's a fake number he got at a regular tattoo shop.
Tell him how bad you feel that 500,000 died of typhus.
"How is it possible that we got more Jews after the holocaust than before?"
Also I'm Jewish.
Ask if it is possible to wake him up inside.
And if he got his autograph is there any chance he might donate it to a charity auction.
If he can't produce a tattoo the guy is a lier so make sure someone ask to see his tattoo
Maybe add some 'truth shouldn't fear investigation, should it?'. Kinda feels tryhard and opinionated so maybe not, but wtv.
wouldn't this person be like 90 or older by now?
Ask him which Gender he had before he meet him
fuck off Ahmed
Ask him if Mingle liked ZyklonB in his coffee
Do this hut be VERY careful. You must act like you are a "free palestine" liberal. Dont reveal you power level and get punished
(((Holocaust Survivor))) going to speak at my school, faced Mengele 3 times, what should I ask him?
Say "pic or it didn`t happen"
How was the pool at aushwitz and if there was a long line for the diving board?
Also what did you do for fun in the winter months when it was too cold to swim?
What did the soap smell like?
"show me on this doll where Mengele touched you"
This if the old man doesn't have a tattoo he is a fraud,plus lots of Holocaust debunkers are good at tracking down bullshit numbers fake Holocaust survivors claim.
Basically if the tattoo gets caught on film the so-called Holocaust survivor might get outed out weeks later as a fraud.
Ask him if he would recommend Dr. Mengeles practice, because you need a new doctor.
Ask if his family was made into a lamp?
Keep in mind that i'll probably only have one question before I get shut down
it can't sound too hostile or he won't answer it at all, it must be subtle
I was considering asking him what color the smoke of the crematoriums were, since all the kikes say it was thick black smoke when in reality operating crematoriums have clear smoke
I could ask about the fleas and the typhus epidemic and if a lot of people died from this
The gas chambers are the weakest part of the holocaust narrative should I ask something about them?
Ask him if he got yo know someone called "Zyklon Ben" at the camp.
What proof is there that you met Mengele?
Ask some of these.
Jews really are roaches.
No ask him about his tattoo or fleas and typhus
If he knows nothing about Jews dying of typhus he is a fraud,if he doesn't have a tattoo he is a fraud.
Oy vey!!!
6 gorillian times?
>Kidnap him
>Torture him until he tells you what really happened
>Film it
#1. try to be chill and keep your composure.
#2. ask him if the world ignored the holocaust while it happened and then ask if the holocaust in Palestine is being ignored.
Here's an audio interview he did:
this should be our permanent way of outing (((them)))
>I was considering asking him what color the smoke of the crematoriums were, since all the kikes say it was thick black smoke when in reality operating crematoriums have clear smoke
Evident autism/agenda
>I could ask about the fleas and the typhus epidemic and if a lot of people died from this
Fine question but wasteful
>The gas chambers are the weakest part of the holocaust narrative should I ask something about them?
The jewish rollercoaster is worse.
This is perfect:
The fleas and typhus question is good
Because your fellow classmates will be aware of the outbreak of typhus in the camps which might fuck up the narrative of gas chambers.
>mfw in middle school one of these Jews told us about the human skin lampshades and this was proven to be a total fabrication
He's 83. Considering WW2 lasted from 1938-1945 he was a child anywhere between 6 and 13 during the war.
Be subtle, frame yourself as a friend. I doubt you'll be able to trigger him, since if he's doing this he's an expert liar already. The best scenario is you redpill the audience in some way
"I've read a lot about this atrocity, in particular I was horrified by eyewitness accounts of a railway system that flung people into ovens and the masturbation machine killings. Can you tell us more?"
No, no. You should ask for his honest opinion on if radical islam is linked to terrorism. Liberal Jews and atheists are being turned off by the chilling effect of "PC liberals" on discussion of Islam. They will make good allies.
Ask if he uses his soap parents to wash his hands on Shabbat?
That's why all these so-called Holocaust survivors need to be publicly challenged.
Ask him what color Mengele's eyes were. A man facing down this monster 3 times surely remembers that they were dark brown.
Wonder if we give them all of that shitty desert they will leave their host countries that got it for them alone.
Who am I kidding, the jew is a parasite amirite?
fuck off jewish cock sucking parasite.
Holy fuck hahahaha this is so retarded. Fucking jews.
He still would be tattoo'd like cattle if true.
The best thing op can ask is too naively ask "is it true there was a large typhus outbreak in the camps"
This will screw up the guest speakers frame of mind for the rest of the day
Honestly, just treat a guy with respect and ask him about conditions, and how he managed to survive meeting mengele 3 times, honestly curious.
>Why was it that the top nazi officials achieved so high results on intelligence tests conducted by Nuremberg?
it is really funny hahahahhaha
how does the cart get out of the way real quick so the next one can dump more jews in lol?
Ask if he blames the Jews who waged a civil war after WW1 more than he blames the Nazis.
I don't understand why the Typhus meme is so popular among holocaust deniers.
If a significant number of Jews were rounded up into camps and died of Typhus because of the unhygienic conditions. Isn't this still morally reprehensible?
This question doesn't matter. No one cares about mud slime getting killed by Jews.
>do you feel guilty you weren't able to use the friendship you formed with Dr. Mengele to save other prisoners?
Pretend to be a Palestinian supporter and ask if their treatment is punishment or some other reason.
ask him if hes a racist nazi who supports the holocaust of the palestinian people at the hands of jews in israel.
Praise Kek!
Op your best bet to ask about fleas,lice and typhus and how many people did typhus kill in the camps.
He might say zero or 6 million but it's not a question he will be ready for.
No because everyone was dying of Typhus.
Forced labor for 1 and 4. I don't feel like googling these, but this explains some like 5, 16 etc.
When your argument is dismantled from 2 minutes of goggling, its probably pretty weak.
No, because a country at war against the world and that barely has resources for its own people would have 'sanitary conditions' for its prisoners as a luxury.
But you knew that already...
Typhus occurs in war times. Everyone was suffering from it not just jews. It's natural death.
Yes, ask about how many people died of typhus in the camps.
ask him if he uses the numbers on his arm to play the lotttery
>As a genuine survivor and hero, how do you feel about people who claimed to be survivors but later were proven liars? Similarly people who were proven to exaggerate their accounts?
>What would you say to the man who claimed his fake story was real "in his mind"? (Look up his name first)
>What is your opinion on the Palestinian conflict which many, including US President Jimmy Carter, classify as an Apartheid state? What lessons can we learn from WW2 to bring a peaceful end and avoid the same mistakes that led to the death of innocents?
>Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? Be careful!
Well it's the truth there was a typhus outbreak that's why you see tons of body's dumped in mass graves because you couldn't burn them fast enough.
Plus there's actual proof of the typhus outbreak that killed alot of Jews in the camp.
>Forced labor for 1 and 4.
Forced labor directly opposes the gas chambers meme.
You really think a heeb who travels the country blathering about the holohoax is going to be fooled that easily?
>entered hell
>met Satan 14 times
>bionic arms
>never 4 get
Ask him if he is aware that Yad Vashem, Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, lists him as having been murdered. Ask him if he thinks it's possible that other Holocaust survivors are incorrectly documented as one of the 6 million murdered Jews of Europe:
>Werner (((Reich)))
I think he might be a kike
It's good for him to ask about the "it's real in my mind" kike
Say that they proved last year that mengele did not exist and was made up as evil doctor for jews to have more fear . watch him sperge out
>holds up bar of soap
>have you seen this boy?