So, Soros is the entry-level member of the Globalist Jew Elite. Who are the more powerful members, hiding in the shadows?
So, Soros is the entry-level member of the Globalist Jew Elite. Who are the more powerful members...
Other urls found in this thread:
Semion Mogilevich
Practically every low profile rich jew. Look at the DNC donor
>stefan the israel supporter
it's to much longer for me but it's ok, lot of information and this man ask your help at 1h19m on youtube
#PizzaGate the Documentary, Pedophilia involving Podesta Emails, Clinton, Obama, David Brock, DNC 1
Global Royalty is on the top.
Also, king Santiago martin, and white spiritual boy.
And fords
I remember this being a lot more red not long ago.
>Global Royalty is on the top
Cmon now, what power does the Queen of England still have? Or any other European royalties for that matter
>karl marx
hahahahaha almost had me for a second commie scum. now fuck off back to /x/ with this shit
Nice shilling.
shill this
Just google him. Seems powerful as fuck.
Goyim are clueless as usual.
Man it's good to be a Jew!
5'6", 290 lbs
>white spiritual boy.
Did anyone find out who this was?
someone redpill me on the Grand council of 11?
It's not a person. It's a group of ideologically aligned people that share a goal.
They own large portions of criminal enterprise and pool their money together under a few names like white spiritual boy.
HSBC launder the money with about a 2% commission.
Ant reports of who the group was?
I'll do you one better.
Don't be afraid. Just click. 111 pages of ball bursting financial fuckery.
You can check both family trees yourself dickhead. They are cousins.
The 13 families. Rothschild at the top of course, the others probably in random order of power.
If there's one thing we have to be thankful of, it's that the Jews are a dying people. They won't manage to kill off whites before they disappear completely.
Unfortunately, there are those that would take up their cause.
They're not hiding in the shadows. It's simply the controllers of the banks, and media.
They're small in number but hardly about to go extinct.
Bump. Click it. 111 pages of what you niggers love.
they have money. tons of it. if all the politicians are in your pockets, its basically the same as ruling like a king
It looks like the % of what Rothschilds are getting for setting up central banks. Fractional banking
well you arent calculating in the shoah (the real one)
France is no longer france just like jews are no longer jews.
This is among many fraudulent certificates that were cashed BEFORE verification.
Ok, WTH is this?
I love that Hillary got so completely BTFO that she still isn't wearing makeup.
globalist jews are lead by the queen of england. most puppet masters have enough sense to never be spotted but the queen hides in plain sight
she is responsible for the artic alliance, multiculturalism, irish immigrants being shipped back to ireland illegally by the united states just to name a few things
but that cranky old hag wont have a female heir. and she knows the men will take back the land in europe. merkel may not lose to the afd but she probably will to the spd
Seriously, what the fuck is up with soro's eyes. He has gills under them or something.
Where did these documents come from? How can we verify their validity?
It's what happens when death sent a memo, but you never receive it
holy fucking shit
He's not entry level.
But his position shifted to take the face when one of the other heads was removed.
>tfw you tell them you won't help them for all the money in the world
>they still try to give you all the money in the world
Google Edison daminik, he's the holder of the certificate.
>he doesn't exist
steve gutenburg
>The people who never accomplished anything, were forced into exile, or were killed off in purges were Jews
So its nothing. Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and Gorbachev weren't Jews, Lenin's mother had a Jewish father and converted to Christianity (Jewishness is matrilineal anyway so Lenin's mother wasn't technically a Jew), and Chernenko had a mother of Jewish origins.
Bringing the Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese into this only slants it further from the Jews. So really the only two of note are Trotsky whose legacy died when he was forced into exile, and Lenin whose legacy died soon after him and wasn't technically even a Jew. But yeah the fact that German Jews attempted a shitty coup and a couple of Soviet spies were Jews totally makes all of communism a Jewish ploy.
Seriously, the Rosenburgs? Were you that desperate to add to your list that you added irrelevant spies?
((((purely coincidental)))
Is he a flip?
I also would like to know this answer to this.
breddy neat
What happened in 1945?
Finally, someone actually clicked it.
Did you see the signatories yet?
Bretty neat.
What's the source of the document though? I can't find any discussion of it online.
yeah i did, they're protected by the ICC too
>De Medici
>line went bye-bye in 1737
Shit list is shit.
wayy to many signatories to list, you should get the pdf while its up
broad powers too
For the global elite Jews, you're just as useless as all the goy
I think priority is establishing the validity of this document.
>All of those lines
>line went bye-bye
Click the link. Determine validity yourself.
Your list is shit.
Fuck off David Ickes
Step 1: who/what is ASBLP
What would you do if one day Aliens land and publicly address the first world that they've landed on Earth to exterminate the powers that run this world on behalf of the people of Africa?
Seems like a bank or group of Philipino companies.
I keep getting references to the criminal lottery king santiago, and "c3-am-01 world funder"
Makes me think that the amounts of money involved, as well as HSBC's history of laundering money for criminal enterprises, means that this is all funny money from drugs, gun running, counterfeiting, etc.
Especially considering the document states that they are immune to prosecution of those crimes.
Tnx fbi user
So, king Anthony Martin is immune to prosecution for doing crazy illegal shit, and asblp is counterfeiting us treasury bills under his direction.
There is a group actively fighting against the committee, but they're so disorganized it's a wonder they get anything done.
However, after the nsa tools were hacked, they have a chance at crippling the SWIFT system.
The funny thing is, this might be allowed to happen in order to create a crisis to be manipulated.
>with standing balances of US$ ∞
ok it gave itself away
well that proves it, filipinos really are the most powerful race in the world
Slavi Trifonov, don't ask how I know this, but look at your own peril.
Does anyone know if it's possible to trace were a document first appeared online? Maybe with or such?
I'm a dead man already so I might as well.
So the population grows really slowly long before the war, it also grows slowly after the war, what's the chance that the 1939 number is completely made up?
>Rotschilds are at the top
Yeah with a bunch of other ruling families.
"And what would happen if the man who initiated a referendum on the political system, Slavi Trifonov were to set up a party of his own and stand in the next elections for parliament? Trifonov has not said he would do so as yet, though the fact that millions voted in the referendum he initiated would not allow him to reject such a step outright, so he has been making cryptic remarks that he would do “whatever is necessary”."
Guy is an entertainer that's influencing Bulgarian elections?
Quintillions? Does that much money exist?
He was being cryptic because that dude is ugly as sin.
He looks like Darth Vader without his mask.
I'd imagine we would show them that gif with the table symbolizing civilization. Alternatively the kid would be the aliens and the table would be the jews.
if they exist then why do you think they would allow you to know who they are?
>Who are the more powerful members, hiding in the shadows?
Donald trump
>literally all of them were murdered by the Rothschilds
How do I join the Elite?
kek somebody saw this??
kek why even bother putting the number
How much higher can you get than the family who gets a percentage of every money printed in the world? I suspect white spiritual boy is the Rothschilds family
The family that owns the major banks of every country on earth with the exception of 2 or 3 nations. Almost every single note or coin of currency on the planet is an IOU to the Rothschilds. They are the kike hands that control almost every single country on the planet by controlling the economies of the planet.
Also, these idiotic "Most Richest People on the Planet!" lists are bullshit because they list a few billionaires that everyone knows. They don't list the trillionaires who scoff at people with a few hundred billion. The real richest people on the planet don't want to be known, they don't like their faces and names published.
They dont.
This information is only available due to the internet and little bits of info occasionally coming out and being put together.
Very few people for the past 100s of years would have had any idea who the Rothschilds were.