This is why no one invites your to parties pol
This is why no one invites your to parties pol
Funny how this swastikas almost exclusively occur around Jews.
It's a pure coincidence
>could have just kicked kid out, never invited him back again, not made a big deal out of something that has no actual consequences other than being offensive
>instead decide to take pictures of cupcake and send it to the press, make news story out something irrelevant, virtue signal like there's no tomorrow, potentially ruin kid's life because you felt morally wronged by something that has no consequence
I hate jews.
in 8th grade I was in shop class, we were doing wood working
I kept making swastikas out of scrap wood and leaving them near the jewish kid
top kek
it is amazing how so few of these people don't know how to actually draw one
It really is.
And to add to that, if the kid didn't hate jews before, I suspect he does now.
>They could have laid down and not do anything about it like a cuck
Spoken like a true brit.
more like
>make cupcake
>put swastika on it
Looks like I've found the jew.
top kek
I don't know how anyone still thinks the holohoax actually happened, these kikes lie at every possible opportunity.
It was real in their minds. That's all that evidence needed, goy.
see: Nuremberg Trials
hey rabbi...
watcha cookin?
What's wrong with this? Do Jews not want to eat the Nazis? Do they even know where croissants came from?
couldn't possibly be a false flag like all the other fake hate crimes
Big deal this isn't newsworthy