>Father how do I get a gf?
>Well lad, you shore up the longboat, get enough provisions for the journey, pack your weapons, raid a village, find a nice girl and bring her home.

>Dad how do I get a gf?
>Well son, first you must work-out until you get swole, also earn a 6 figure salary. Learn social skills, maintain eye contact, be direct, but not too direct, respect their boundaries. You also need a large penis, and judging by my own,,, tough luck buddy.


Literally none of this is true.

dude was son of the king and picked a slave girl as his girlfreind. Other guys at that time would be lucky to get any wife unless they had successfully shown their 6 figure salary dominance of craft in their field

>travel across the ocean in a literal canoe
>fight for your life for days at time
>keep decent hygiene and take care of your body
man life these days is so hard

>keep decent hygiene and take care of your body
Huh. Far from being sufficient.


No. A lot of men were married if their families thought they made a good match for them.

>working out getting a good career and learning social skills is so much harder than literally going to war, traveling oceans with a fucking boat and getting enough supplies for that
You dont go out much do you?

Met the woman of my dreams with:
- zero social skills (introvert)
- no muscles (not fat either)
- total poorfag
- normal size penis

she's faithful and we're super happy for 4 years

don't fall for the "pick up artist" meme

just be a good person, and the right one will see you through your bullshit

a real woman is attracted to virtue and character

Autists can have lots of trouble with social skills and making their career work out without it, but they might be pretty good at warfare (and even enjoy it). Gives them motivation to be physically fit too. Those that make it back might be deautified somewhat. National service and/or wars would have solved the NEET problem.

thats literally all it is unless you are socially retard. which i guess you are considering you post on pol

Western women have a different kind of deal going on. But yeah, let's be honest most of us are mentally ill, that's probably the main (but not only) problem.

t. Hasn't tried

Heh, you got me.

You're in Eastern Europe dude.

The past made far more sense, though.

You don't need me to go deep into Neoreaction to see that people do things for status then and now. Status in struggling against natural things goes well with masculine intuition and is reinforced by the "bro" culture then.

What's going on now is completely at odds with our instinct, and is very "unnatural" in that none of our intuition makes any sense.

Your woman has a penis?

yeah you are right, they do make good soldiers, I deployed with soldiers who were somewhat autistic, they were obedient and disciplined but they were basically just some NCO's or Officer's bitch. They were good at their job, in fact better than most of us, but they are not well liked. Their mind is 100% on duty, when the rest of us are just trying to chill out a while, lift or flirt with the few female soldiers around. I had an austic dude in my squad who was put in charge of us while my squad leader was doing something else. We all just laid down and tried to get some sleep since we had not slept at all, and this dude was waking us up and trying to make us read and quiz on some old as shit Army manual he carried around. Some of the meatheads almost whooped his ass.

its unnatural to keep yourself clean and not communicate like a sperg?

Europe 2016

>muhamed how do I get wife?
>Well pajet, you shore up the longboat, get enough provisions for the journey, pack your weapons, raid a village, find a nice girl and bring her home.

How to get a gf in 2016
Easy mode:
>Open tinder account
>Upload a few decent pictures of you
>Match with girls
>message girls a casual comment
>2-3 more casual comments
>We should get together sometime, what's your schedule like?
>Friday at 8 sounds great, what's your number in case something comes up?
>Cool, looking forward to meeting!
>Go on date
>make qt laugh and see a future with you
>Go to her place or yours
>hook up
>repeat till she is gf

normal mode:
>Some thing except in person.

Being swole and rich is cool, but not a necessity what so ever. It's about confidence and being able to make someone else feel good around you. You can be short, skinny, poor, and still be alpha if you aren't self conscious.

same thing*

>literally just have a job and you'll be issued a sweet, submissive housewife begging you to fuck her

>pic related

>tfw arranged marriages aren't a thing for whites anymore

>Actually get gf from Tinder
>Not a terrible idea

You're mad, but then again I've only dated Swedes from Tinder...


maybe you guys are aiming to high
you just need to be realists and get the girl that wants you

how much of a virgin neckbeard do you have to be to believe this? me and my mates fit nearly none of those categories and we still get laid on the reg

I have never used tinder or needed to use it. Can you tell me however what kind of girls you find there? Is there really a girl from there you would want to have a relationship with?

>t. Femanon
It couldn't be more obvious that you're female if you'd post time-stamped tits

>work out until your swole
No, that's to get laid at the bar
>earn a 6 figure salary
Yeah, because uni students are fucking loaded
>learn social skills
True- don't be a fucking cringey autist
>maintain eye contact
I guess so?
>be direct but not too direct
Goes under social skills
>respect their boundaries
>you need a large penis
False. As long as you above 5 and below 7 you will be fine, the average woman is will be happy

Modern life is completely aberrant. Comparing it to the viking lifestyle is one thing but I despise the idea that man is meant to waste away in modernity with spiking suicide rates.

>tfw there's no girl who wants me

the vikings were white and were spreading their superior norse and aryan genes everywhere. What's hard to understand about that?

>Canadians are shitposters
Go back to your heart attack food you disgusting burger.

stop being so much of a faggot, look around , be aware of what girl is looking at you
you will find it user

Interesting. I would hope that by fighting alongside them, most autists would learn that they would be bad for morale if they got in charge. War is bad enough as it is without being lead by autists heh. Maybe in time some of them could become good leaders though. Dealing well with people can take a long time to learn.

If you're female can you marry me.

The leaf strikes again

>Open tinder account
>Upload a few decent pictures of you
>No matches


they were basically canoes in relation to all the other ships used to cross the ocean

>implying you would be /fit/ enough to be a warrior
>implying you would be rich enough to buy weapons, armor, and enough supplies for a raiding trip
>implying you would be bro enough to organize a trip or be invited along

DESU if you are an autist, fat, NEET with no prospects today, why the fuck do you think you would've had better prospects 1000 years ago when life was 1000x harder?

You can't even hack it in 2016 the easiest era in human history.

Vikings did that by the right of conquest.
Niggers do that just because white people allow them to.

If you are supposed to have a big dick, how did the dad reproduce if by his own admission he's got a small weenie? Checkmate OP

wtf? woman? virginity is the best trait in the world.
buy your fedora and be a gentleman. women? who gives a shit about women? women are for cucks.

You dont actually need all of that to get a girlfriend, every woman has her price. Attraction is a combination of looks, height, charm, conversation etc which you can work upon. Although yes getting gf was easier in the days men were the sexual selectors and not women.

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

>Met the woman of my dreams:
>Has Normal Penis size.


What the fuck am I missing? Are you saying we should date traps. Certainly it appears they are more feminine and submissive than actual women but it will still be a fucking man. You are a homosexual in need of gasing.

You're not alone. I have given up on club/tinder game. If you have no looks, it wont get you anywhere. Fight where you can win. I got into latin dancing and eventually started getting laid when I got decent at it.

As long as its feminine, I don't see an issue

It's ridiculous how Sup Forums claims that being with a girl below like 7/10 or whatever is shameful. I mean holy shit. And then they complain that all women are whores, but they restrict themselves to probably the worst subset.

Since I've started getting /fit/, girls talk to me sometimes, but I'm not what they expect and I sperg out. And it wouldn't work out anyway, I can't get along with just anybody. I'm not *that* autistic, I kind of notice that there's a game going on. Lots of posturing and social oneupmanship. Confidence seems to make all the difference. But even if I learned how, I don't want to deal with all that crap at all time I'd be around a girl, it would be exhausting. And it would end badly.

I have other issues though tbf.

>people crying about gfs
Even in Britain where there is a fucking drought of qts I find it incredibly easy

Here's a few things I do
- wash regularly
- maintain facial hair and get haircut every 4/5 weeks
- talk to people not just online
- exercise a few times a week for 30 mins
- not eat like a fucking pig

If I wasn't in love with my qt French gf I'd still be knee deep in fresh pussy every week. Manipulating people is so fucking easy after a few years socialising regularly. Here's a huge tip, you have a local university - go there. Most won't have security so just walk in and talk to people

1 Be attractive.
2 Don't be unattractive.

Protip all attractive people work hard at being attractive.

Sexual revolution ruined dating

j just be yourself..

If you`re ugly like me just focus on getting money and marry some woman who`s done with riding bbc after hitting mid/late 30s.

Hmmm. I just had I thought. Sup Forums is obviously disgusted, and rightfully so by race mixing and find it immoral, revolting and unnatural, It's a waste of both the man and woman involved in the mixing. That is a fact. Now Homosexuality is also regarded in the same light as racemixing by Sup Forums. Homesexuals are degenerate, they occupy the majority of child molesters and abusers I think it might even be as high as 80% of pedophiles (I don't have a source qued up so if someone wants to find it please link it). STD fetishes are a popular minority in gay communities.

So what is more immoral? going ezmode and finding a qt3.14 asian girl to marry and have kids. Or dating a white qt3.14 trap who is so feminine and submissive that he is almost more of a "woman" than almost all white women?

It's the opposite. If you want to find a woman, you simply need to be a man and leave your house more than once a month. The problem isn't getting a woman. The problem is getting one that isn't a whore.

so you took in a skinny poor introvert tranny, that's some jesus tier shit my man

There's every type of girl on there. If you have a shallow bio, you're going to attract shallow girls.

If I'm just looking for a fuck, my bio says "chill guy looking for chill girl to hang out with." Literally all you need to put if you're just looking for casual sex.

If you're looking to meet someone to connect with, put more formal pictures of yourself and include your interests and what you're looking for in your bio.

You get more matches with a simple bio, but meet more gf-material girls if you put your interests in your bio.

I play guitar and go for hikes a lot, and I enjoy pizza and beer. Put those in my bio and girls will message me saying they want to play guitar or go for a hike or go eat pizza. If they don't message first I'll message them to find out if they're interesting and then go out with them.

Met a few short term girlfriends on there, had a good amount of hookups, two fwb's that lasted for three months each. Nothing long term but I started using it in May after I got out of a 4 year relationship. Right now I deleted tinder, focusing on my job and chilling this winter. Not enough time in the day to focus on women.

I don't think you know what autism looks like. I'm an autist and I'm SUPER chill in the military.

Oh yeah? Then where is my gf.

>Implying raiding a village is easier than getting laid in 2016

OP confirmed as virgin.
This time is literally the easiest time to get laid in, keep crying OP.

>just be a good person, and the right one will see you through your bullshit
>a real woman is attracted to virtue and character
You must be a REALLY nice guy. Which is great. But I bet you don't even have autism... GTFO normie!

gtfo normalfag

Stay mad!

making me dinner kek
Dude you gotta start watching anime. How do you expect your waifu to find you otherwise?

we already know anybody can get laid. are you dense? he's asking about how to establish a relationship that will last the test of time. jesus christ sweden.

nice filename. did you make that piece of shit yourself? that's pretty embarrassing

Are you even trying? How about not being such a beta cuck and get off Sup Forums, faggot.

forgot to post this

>wanting a gf

Getting laid and establish a relationship isn't that big of a difference, if a girl fucks you by normal standard she wants to be with you, as a high value guy you just have to accept it.
Jesus fucking christ it's not that hard, It's funny how you guys hate on people that give up and wants welfare and leech off the system when you in another thread start bitching and whining about how the system is unfair and how you cant get a "qt gf".

Get over yourself or kill yourself..

Fun that it made you mad at least.

I'm not hurting or burdening anyone else by not having a gf though. If anything I'm being sparing heh.


holy shit you are a virgin
>if a girl fucks you by normal standard she wants to be with you
lol not true. this sentence literally reads like someone who's never been kissed. the fact that you think maintaining a relationship and a one night fuck is remotely similar in any way is the proof in the pudding my friend.

stop pretending to be an alpha on the internet, you're very transparent and there's no end game in this for you except dying alone in sweden. now go say sorry to that other loser that you swindled, sven.

Would Sup Forums date this girl?
She's from El Salvador

Reading comprehension really seems to be low with you two.

>open tinder
>upload "decent" pictures
>get a few matches
>complete autism
>delete tinder

That's great, keep telling yourself that.

that's not what happened though

Look at this picture user.

This is a picture of us. It shows the world outside as we interpret it, and it shows the way we must deal with it.
In comfort.
Not a care about us.
Just a nice chair, a nice drink, a beautiful scene.
And the world blowing up?
Is that all?

Failure is irrelevant. Make that woman your oyster, just like you've made the world.

Ive tried both of these, I can only get hookups. Maybe I'm an asshole and women don't want to be around me for longer than just a root, or I'm boring, I don't know...

They all act super interested when we hang out and flirty/whatever, but when I try get a 2nd or 3rd date they always say no.

does she like anime?

>She has sex with you than she wants a relationship.

Please tell me you actually aren't this delusional. The only people who operate like that anymore are moderate-hardcore christians. And almost all of them want to date another christian which leaves me either having to find the one woman who is suitable. Literally a Needle in a haystack. So I go with the sexually liberated leftcucks or I pretend to be christian so I can listen to some christcuck. To be honest it would be easier to find a very young lefty and redpill her. Assuming you can.

tfw no matches.

Then you basically know nothing about boats and how impressive the technology used for longboats was at the time

he's a virgin who bullys other virgins online to feed some kind of superiority complex, it's pretty sad.

I've been in a relationship for 4 years now and I love her very much. In the last 3 years I've gained a lot of confidence and got /fit/, and I look pretty good. I love my girlfriend but she's the only woman I've ever had a relationship or sex with. She weighs more than me but isn't ugly.

If she looks like her mother in 10 years I thnk ill regret it. But she's just so sweet and kind that I don't think I could bare to leave her.

Not user but
>it looks like someone is projecting.

Yes but she listens to Spanish dubbed versions.

Her short legs make her look like a pony... But fuck it.... Literally

haha okay, what's your psych qualifier mystery swede? looks like i struck a nerve, this could be common in sweden.

I literally fucked a girl on the weekend by saying to her
> if you don't come home and fucking suck my dick I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face

Granted it was my sister and I had to share her with my dad but any holes a goal son

If you cant manage to get a gf and are over 18 you should consider killing yourself. Onece you hit your 20s its so fucking easy to score a gf, actually NOT having a gf could be considered difficult. Literally just chat up 10 girls you find cute, be yourself, and i can virtually guarantee that one of them will be your gf within at most a month.

If she doesn't like playing Horde not interested

Shake my dick hard?

>that uncontrolable autism.
I know this feel

Are you guys this stupid?

I will try to make this as easy to understand as possible.
You get a girl home, fuck her and then don't act like a fucking desperate needy cunt who never gets laid, after that she mostly will come back.

If you don't scare her off, she mostly comes back, getting a relationship is easy if you just have your shit together, the problem is that the majority of people here don't have their shit together so it's gotta be system that's wrong, right..?

I never ever ever heard a person mad over sexual liberation that isn't just a butthurt virgin.

>be yourself

nice meme!