Why are we so god damn superior? Why rest of the world looks up on us?
Is it because of our genes? Something in our tap water?
Why are we so god damn superior? Why rest of the world looks up on us?
Is it because of our genes? Something in our tap water?
>Cucked by Sweden
Is it a Bolshevik plot to destroy white people? Is it working unbelievably? Do they do it willingly?
Lol does this track all countries? Why are white majority countries dominating the list? Is white privilege real?
racist list.
>Most well liked nations in the world
>Highest quality of life
>Highest percentage of white people
>all white countries
Really makes you think
Is this the universal cuck index?
shut its obviously made by some fucking delusional fuckboi poltards and you all buy it
for fucks sake india is much more better reputation than your shittty country NIGGER
Thanks for the laugh
>Country reputation.
Seems about as reliable as the (((polls))).
Well lads. Surprised I'm here, but I'll take it anyway.
haha funne
go drink some pee abo
HAHAHAHAA FUNNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please refrain from posting such lewd things
Something magical happened here lads. Across thousands of miles, a cuck swede has managed to trigger pajeed "tummy4toilet" currynigger in 3 simple words.
Just marvelous .
1) Peacful neighbors who are not muslims,shitskins etc.
2)Germanic protestant culture built on work ethic and mutual trust.
3)Harsh clate and lack of farmland turned you from snownigger barbarians in antiquity to what you are today overtime because of adapation and learning.
I fucking love this thread. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing Sup Forums fly into a rage because Sweden is loved by normies all over the world. Get fucked drumpfkins, cus I'll be fucking your liberals wanting that humane superpower cock
If you elect him the (((normies))) will change (((their))) opinion.
What is this based off? Being the worlds biggest cucks?
relax pajeet
Fuck off everyone hates and despises your shitty fucking country
its only on list because everyone pity you and dont tell what they actually think because u kill yourself OTHERIWSE
Truth hurts
meant quote
The swed cuck cant keep getting away with this
Your country is known for shitting on the fucking streets. That's all you're known for. Nobody likes you shitter, you smell like poo and you wipe your arse with your hands. Stay mad faggot
sweden so happy because they first on list made by white racists
pitiful little shit country hahaha nothing else to be proud of but fuckboi meme charts
hope your country burns.
Everybody Loves Ireland.
Please take them. But they're most likely gonna squash you, kiddo.
your country is known for rotten fish and.......... somali cum idk?
fucking pathetic shit KEK
your happy now but it means nothing cause you're inferior to other euros
>Being this mad
Also stop using my tri-colour thats for Ireland,pasta Ireland and Nigger Ireland
Canada is like 70 percent white
>that one swede triggering literally everybody in this thread
keep it up Lars
Nah, then america would probably had topped the list by far.
Youre known around the world for smelling bad and being filthy
Close your anus Pajeet, I don't want to hear you talk anymore. When are my clothes done, have you finished them yet with your slave wages? I'm just sitting here enjoying my master race genes
>this pajeet
Indians are known for being the most beautiful and aromatic people on earth.
>New Zealand
Redpill me on New Zealand. Is it white?
Fuck off snownigger you were literal africa tier before white man told how to civilization
inferior subhumans, thats what you are.
His country is actually best known for being gay, stupid and suicidal.
Good going though, you're on a roll.
But you are africa tier, right now.
Heck, I bet even congolsese pygmies know how to poo in the fucking loo.
pathetic hahaha
sweden only godo on paper but in reality.............
fuck SWEDEN!
Except for Switzerland, it's basically a list of posters most hated by Sup Forums, in order. Makes you think.
Have you ever heard a woman say - ''Wow, I wish I had an Indian man'' ? No because nobody wants to clean your manlet shit every day. I'm sorry that you're not tall and blonde and blue eyed Pajeet. I'm sure you'll enjoy your spices and your sniper sight forehead wife. POOOOOOOOO
>tfw too intelligent to poo in loo
What exactly is this tracking? Cucksheds per 100 citizens?
Ireland shouldn't be on any list outside of liver donor.
Because the world views you as hardworking and sophisticated European countries. Good on you, lads.
If your country isn't in the top 2 of this list you are NOT a first world country.
>The Taj Mahal will collapse within five years unless urgent action is taken to shore up its foundations, campaigners have warned.
You can't make this shit up.
>US below Poland
>sniper sight forehead wife
Nordics are like niggers, India historically has accomplished way more than ice niggers.
yes. Good that you understand.
They are inferior. They are ought to be killed in the most painful way posible
fukkin saved
>Designated shitting mausoleums
Built by turks and filled with shit by Indians.
Rep trak? Most liek RAPE TRACK, amirite?
>implying we care about normies´ opinions
>implying we´ll care about yours
>this is what inferior swedeshit brain can only think
I won I guess. I spit on you and leave this thread, despicable scum
>implying viking literature is just rune scribbles
>hasn't read the icelandic sagas
>hasn't read the poetic eddas
Why don't you just rejoin China already?
Come back when Swedes are anything as bad as this
>almost 5000 years of civilization
>Over half the population still does not poo in loo
Well done fellow swedes, we slayed the poo.
So this is the rich Indian culture I have been hearing about...
Hardly my fault that your meme country is filled to the brim with fecal matter
because Taiwan is a capitalist democracy you oaf
>bullshit globalist un indexes
into the trash it goes
Dont you mean we flushed the poo?
I haven't slept in 2 days I am sorry
Can you ever forgive me you beautiful chink?
Come on son.
Because we don't act like the worlds policemen and let our bankers start wars and steal money from other countries
>In Sweden, immigrants rape Swedes
>In India, Indians rape other Indians
>mfw a Poo from the Land without the Loos is ridiculing us for having his own race
Your """country""" is just a heaven for scat fetischists
>adamanese niggers have better hygiene than the average streetshitter
The fire rises
deep inside you crying with your inferiority complex
you have this chart. nothing else. I'm just telling truth which is what people want here, nothing else. nothing to be proud when you're swedish.
>deep inside you crying with your inferiority complex
stop projecting pajeet