So the Wisconsin recount will start once Stein pays the $3.5 million fee. She's also suing the state for a hand recount.
So the Wisconsin recount will start once Stein pays the $3.5 million fee. She's also suing the state for a hand recount
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Bumping for more info
Can her lawsuit stall the electorals?
>For the recount to go forward, one or both of the candidates will have to pay $3,499,689 to the Commission by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, said Commission Administrator Michael Haas. Both recount petitioners have been advised of the cost estimate.
She had to pay today. 4:30 CT is in 3 minutes.
Please tell me she didn't pay
She has to have, it'd be downright fraud if she didn't
A fucking Jew bitch.
New Tweet, she just paid at the fucking last minute.
And here's the best part:
Rocky backed out meaning she had to pay the full amount rather than half.
top kek, Rocky also is going to target a Trump state and a Clinton state now to be fair.
Any updates on PA?
not happening.
Stein needs to fight for a recount in court, which will take days to arrange and if she wins, days for the recount to actually begin. Pennsylvania won't have enough time for a recount, don't worry.
I live in PA and my local TV station said that it basically isn't happening.
They even showed some old lady trying to file a petition in Washington County and the clerk denied her because she didn't have enough signatures. He also said they got like 70 people in their county when they needed like 900+. So it's probably not happening.
Plus the voter-initiated deadline was last monday
Kek has spoken
>Hearing on 5th of December
>Will take days to arrange
Pennsylvania's electorates will either be voided or they'll just go forward with the original result. Either way it's a win/win.
This is extremely tedious and retarded.
Voided is taking votes from Trump. They'd better go with the original vote and throw out this stupid bullshit. Especially when his margin of victory here was much higher than Wisconsin and Michigan.
It's gonna be a swift case m8. She has no real evidence aside from a guy saying stuff could be hacked (not enough to warrant a state wide recount), dnc being hacked (nothing to do with PA), and I think I read she's going to claim that NV and IL had "attempted" hackings (which also doesn't warrant a recount in PA since PA is not NV nor IL, notice both are blue states and she didn't ask for a recount there).
Plus 80% of the people in PA use paper-less machines now, it would be pretty swift.
Our own democrat SoS says there's no evidence.
They only have until December 12th to do the recount so if the trial takes longer (which it most likely will) it will probably have no effect on the electoral vote.
She paid, but the estimate was short, so she still owes another 400k.
So what is the cut off dates for Nevada and Florida...
I get the feeling that Rocky is a bit too late to ask for recounts..
Perhaps he jumped off a sinking ship and is letting Jill drown in her own pool?
And they have less than a month
>implying theyre doing anything
Isn't she short?
There was a error on their part, but she can pay it later
Welcome to real world politics.
First stage, tedious retardation.
Second stage, incompetence and backpedaling
Third stage, random bombing of someone you didn't cared about.
So from this I gather that it did go through and we won't know the results until the 13th. Is that correct?
yeah, the timeline appears to go till the 13th
What are the deadlines for PA and MI again?
PA is past, she has a court date on the 5th, it's going to fail
MI i think deadline is tomorrow to file a court case. She has literally nothing, nothing for evidence in MI. They don't even use electronic voting machines and the exit polls were a tie which is pretty close to the real outcome
Fuck me blBrexit all over again.
Why cant liberals just accept defeat. I'm seething with rage.
So basically if it fails tomorrow there's no last minute fuckery to cheat him out of a win even if they rig WI, and even then she could still fail on the 5th?
Let's not forget there has been no proof provided for these recounts so no court will give into any of her demands.
yeah, altho the court case for MI will likely also be at a later date.
She also is sueing WI already for not doing a hand recount only
>rechecking the poll results
why is (((STEIN))) after the swing states that trump won and not including FL
why did she not recount the narrow result states hillary won like ME NH CO NV MN
and why would she waste her time recounting PA which has 60k vote difference while NV only had a 20k
What a fucking cunt. I used to consider her better than most Dems but this just proves she's a slimy old hag. The fact that no one can figure out her motives says to me she doesn't have any and is just operating on some shallow ideological need to "stick it to the man" or whatever hippy bullshit she was brought up in. Libtards are all the same.
This. She's wants these recounts with zero proof of the alleged Russian hacking
Used to live in PA. Anything legal takes a looooong time. As in start filing for divorce when you apply for your marriage certificate.
PA won't happen.
Because the liberal shitheads in California voted for Shillary in droves, which gives her the popular vote argument.
I wish the left coast would just die in a Tsunami already. I'd weather the economic hit if it meant a mass killing of libfags in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and LA.
They frack for oil on the West Coast? Problems may solve themselves.
Except not really. Trump will be inaugurated in January whatever happens now while Brexit has no deadlines, which is fucked up 2bh
Well, you want to deport their cheap workforce.
What did you expected?
How does it has no deadlines?, can they prolonge it forever?, that'll be a classical british move.
If by liberals you mean Mexican illegals then yeah
yall watching the courtroom?
Guys the Russians bugged the pens in MI. When I tried fulfilling my duty as a progressive American by filling in the bubble to shatter the glass ceiling and elect Hillary Clinton, the pen emitted a faunt buzzing sound and began to vibrate. The vibrations coursef up my arm and into my brain, where I swear I could faintly hear the voice of Putin inside my head saying "not so fast, stupid American!" This strange physical sensation caused my hand to involuntarily spasm its way into the bubble for Trump, and my wrist began moving erratically as though I was having an epileptic seizure. By the time the seizure was finished, the bubble for Donald J. Trump had been completely inked in. But it doesn't stop there. I could still see Putin in my mind, and in my mind I saw him forcibly push me over to the attendant and give her my ballot. Only afterwards did I come out of my Russian-induced daze, and what I had just suffered began to fade into a blur. I couldn't clearly recall what happened until the next day, and I couldn't tell anyone for fear of being called insane and risking my reputation.
Anyone saying the Russians couldn't have hacked paper ballots is seriously underestimating Russian technology and subversion tactics. I can only speak for myself, but I am sure others have experienced the same, and irrefutable proof will be found when the pens in Michigan are examined. Hillary will break Putin's brainwashing, and America will again be great; because we're good.
Because it's unprecedented. Because the ruling parties don't really want Brexit but also don't want to burn down their political careers. Because the one party that does want Brexit (Nigel's) isn't in power.
>the numerical frequency of zeros and fives
>the terminal digits
what the fuck is this dood on about
I'm pretty there has to be a precedent, that stupid format of laws goes back really far.
if something was used on ireland scotland or wales also count, brexiters aren't using their heads enough.
They just drop their monocles and spit their tea.
I'm pretty sure he missed NV
Says it has to be filed within 3 days of official count
and this says the results are official as of 11/22
and FL I can't find anything about petitioned recounts, only automatic ones if vote is within 1/4 of a percent.
No one's ever escaped the EU before so there really isn't. The government needs to trigger Article 50 and begin the withdrawal but everyone's stalling and the high court now ruled the parliament has to approve this first. It's a huge clusterfuck of kikery.
this dude is full of analogies lmao
>the recount hasn't started
>already suing because she might not like the result
i tell you, that's some 5d dreidel-playing
>No one's ever escaped the EU before
Damn you make it sound ominous.
Common british look alive, you'll get this done I have faith on you.
ben steins wife is getting annoying. she should have understood like soros that israel will burn to the ground if they dont back off
she must care about her people . i would expect that from soros but not ben steins wife. 100% lack of empathy for your own kind is frowned upon this will be brought up at the next meeting
that professor is getting drilled
>you didn't do your research did you?
>n-no sir
The judge forgot his name lmaoo
Btw how much money has she left now and how much does she need for PA and MI? I recall her unironically raising 6 million. She complained about WI doubling their fee earlier
break until 7:20 EST
It doesn't even feel like anyone in that room is on the professor's side
She's suing because Wisconsin refused a hand recount. The recount is gonna be done with the machines.
so why is the court still in session?
what are they doing in there?
Drinking coffe and telling jokes to pass the time.
You don't recognize a charade when you see it?
Old Jill's political career is just about over.
huh, cant get into the stream :(
they're on break until 7:20 EST
go here
Like Cenk Uygur always says, this is why we shouldn't have money in politics.
I am hoping the judge tells her she is full of shit and to deal with it. Guess she didn't count on the recount being so expensive...
No new house for her.
Wow it's fucking nothing
Will the WI court make a decision today?
They had too, otherwise they are wasting Stein's money.
Wich could be the plan actually, I been leaning towards charade since the break.
Is this judge never coming back?
I thought the money was for the recount
Because women ca do no wrong and Hillary is a woman... apparently.
If a state is not ready before election day, it is removed and the 270 to win is lowered respectively
Stein's goal is now 9.5m
Estimated cost is not 9m-10m. Three times more than she raised during her campaign
Holy shit... does she really think she is going to get that much?
Stoner granny needs to stop smoking for a bit to see thru the haze of her own BS
It costs money to be in court.
Don't how it in burgerland but I assume that it's worst than in other places.
She's screw, unless someone come up with the amount they are gonna leave it at that.
we could mail Soros and ask him, to have a little more fun, but I don't wanna make trumpkins suffer any longer.
It's offcial he's the next president.