Fillonpf will never win

Hahaha fillonpfkins, you just got BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm getting mixed signal from people here if Le Pen or Fillon is better


Your shilling is low energy

Both are terrible.



>trusting a woman to rule
You see what it's done for Germany and Canada already...

Fillon is much better. He isn't perfect, but at least he isn't a commie.

sage this thread and move on.

Le Pen is a leftist who isn't against the EU, just against the euro currency. By the way, this is the whole strategy of the Le Pen shills: have the far-left vote for her. I think this alone speaks volume about the candidate (that and how she stabbed her father in the back, a based patriot who fought for this country).

Fillon thinks the EU is a bad deal and we should renegotiate everything to have it focus solely on trade. He wants to cut the welfare state as well (i.e remove incentives for niggers and arabs to come in France).


Le Pen is female Trump right? I'm still confused.

ez win for le pen. should have stuck with juppe to rally the lefties.

Trump is a pro-market shill. Le Pen will nationalize our industries and grab the burgeoise by the pussy.

Fillion will win you nigger

Fillon is THE maximum overkike globalist shill there is. He talks about a europe of nations, but wants to build a strong central government and wants to introduce shared debts of the european nations.

Go fuck yourselves and pay debts!

Le Pen is a commie kike dude.

See: Half the le pen shills are dumb leftists scared af of Fillon. The other are arabs who depend of welfare. Fillon is the white man's candidate.

Le Pen has went full womyn.

How the fuck did FN go from the far-right nazi party, to "Commie Kike" in the span of a week.

I feel like I'm being Jewed here

See: A commie is the last thing we need atm.

The "women are based nationalists" meme needs to end. They never were and never will be. Women are the single point of failure of the white race. This ought to be KNOWN, UNDERSTOOD and ACTED UPON.

Fillon is Trump. What he wants to do to the welfare system set up by actual communists after WW2 is anti-PC as fuck. Leftists are on suicide watch and shilling for le Pen.

Pic related.

also: SAGE.

>Le Pen is a leftist who isn't against the EU, just against the euro currency.
She doesn't like EU either and wants to withdraw from schengen and make national laws overrule EU laws. Exit from €uro is god-tier shit because euro is a fucking disaster for whole Europe.

>Le Pen will nationalize our industries and grab the burgeoise by the pussy.
She wants to nationalize (((banks))) not industries


I want to believe, but French are the dumbest people when it comes to vote.

From what i know on french politics if any french bros want to correct me please do

Le pen kinda cucked, has a part kike boyfriend and frankly is kinda dumb. Pro- if she gets in the EU is basically over

Fillon is pretty anti mudslime and helps the nationalist sentiment reach mainstream

Negatives are he is pro neo liberal economically to a extreme and will stay in the EU

even UKIP got taken over by labourites dude, the "shill for leftists" strategy failed
see the trilogy

Sup Forums didn't know Fillon

and no one thought he had a chance

the polls, the medias and everyone else said Juppé the islamist lover would win the Republican nomination. Fillon was too "incorrect" with his plan to tear down the welfare state and renegotiate EU deals.

And then.... he completely BTFO Juppé pic related.

Pretty much this, but Fillon is a globalist puppet

>EU leftist economics


>better elect a leftist kike to reform it

wew lad. This is commie logic tier.

>renegotiate EU deals


Did we meme the wrong person, Sup Forums?

Le Pen is a fucking commie and her party is stuffed with retards. Fillon is a traditionalist, hates Muslims and has competent people on his side.

initially, she has to pretend she's less against muh free market than usual to get (((small-businesses))) to vote for her

He is a cuck. He was Prime minister during 5 years, yet he did nothing. He's all talk, no acts

I don't trust anyone here, the leaf calling her a commie like makes me suspicious were being psy opped

So le pen or bust?

Nationalizing monetary system doesn't work? Yes it does work Hitler showed it already.

>wew lad. This is commie logic tier.

Le Pen is Joan D' Arc. Support her. Frexit will shatter the EU.

>defending the best candidate is shilling

Fuck off fillonpfer, Marine is ourgirl

The daily stormer endorses her but also call her a tard for it's worth

Lesquen ftw

She will get more votes but he actually has partner parties that are willing to be in a coalition with him. Long story short, he will win.

CTR is here telling people that Fillon hates muslims when he wants them to stay, in addition to bring in more rapefugees. If the French are retarded enough to elect him then they deserve the ruin that will continue to engulf their country. Le Pen is the one who wants out of the EU and to send the mudslimes back. Fillon is just pandering by saying maybe put them into more camps.

Just look at the flag

Fillon is a hateful bigot! No pasarán

Honestly the french media and left strongly hate both so it doesen't seem that bad either way

Fillon is a cuck. Le Pen is a dishonnest politician. Choice's yours.

To be fair, she had to expel her father after his comments about the Holocaust or the party would be destroyed. You might be all "gas the kikes race war now", but most people aren't

That's why he had so much results when he was Prime Minister, amiright ?

Honestly I don't give a fuck about economics and alot of the surrounding issues. Who is the more anti shitskin, anti echo, anti eu politican and that should be the one that gets the Sup Forums endorsement


Why is everyone so anti-EU? If a hardliner gets in charge of France/Germany they can reform the EU instead of letting is fester and divide everyone. Leaving it just rubs the shit further into the carpet.

I haven't followed these elections closely, but the u-turn on Le Pen Sup Forums has shown in the past week convinces me this place suffers from serious hivemind, especially considering there has been no apparent policy change in said timeframe.

>reform the EU


are you fucking retarded

>this place suffers from serious hivemind
You don't say

>reform the EU
Get a load of this goy

>the u-turn on Le Pen
it is literally French CTR, don't be naive bong

>initially, she has to pretend she's less against muh free market than usual to get (((small-businesses))) to vote for her
Small businesses are not ((())). Big multinationals and giant banks are ((())). This fucking hyperglobalistic free trade has been a disaster for west. Free trade works when free trade area's countries are at similar level of economic development. If you create massive free trade areas which include very different countries it will create massive economic restructuring and people are impossible to adapt to it.

capitalists love the EU because it keeps workers oppressed, we need to leave

My understanding is that whenever the National Front gets too close to power, The Republicans and the Socialist Party join forces to stop them.

Would Fillon be willing to make that kind of deal with leftists?

Also, how similar is he to neoconservatives in America and the UK? People like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, etc. Basically does pay lip service to the French working & middle class while actually serving the multinational corporate interests of donors and lobbyists?

She did objectively soften atleast on rhetoric to not be seen as a meanie right winger

free trade never works you fillbot, saged

he wants to be friends with russia, that horrible homophobia-spreading shithole

He was in power during 5 years. If you want to know something abouthim, look at what he has done when he was in power.

Who are we offering our digits to kek for? I'm super confused and on the verge of not ever giving a shit about European politics ever again.

Are we being idf/ctr 'd?

The UK and France did it with the empty chair crisis and Thatcher demanding agricultural subsidies. Just saying fuck it and leaving while the country next to you does nothing, migrants will sneak into France, will find boats from Scotland, etc etc. Yeah it is the tougher road but we do this for the future and not some good feelings now. The EU isn't inherently bad, it has just failed its original goals that would thought of in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Le Pen has always been Sup Forums's girl. moveon and their faggots have been shilling hard here after Trump win. Daily marxist communism threads, more lefty shit than usual, subversion tactics in full force.

Le Pen is /ourgirl/

>Le Pen is a dishonnest politician.
How is she dishonest?

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Le Pen

What happened?

shills happened

The EU can never work,the idea is as absurd as a union between the US and Latin American countries.

I have to agree with virtue she will be another serious blow to the EU if nothing else. The destruction of that union is a top priority

>Le Pen
meme politician

Whatever you hear do not trust the Shills. Fillon is called the french Hillary and is center right while Le Pen is far right.

you created the EU to force your free market shit on europe you fat yankee fuck

The EU refuses to listen multiple states about rapefugees. It needs to be destoryed

She kicked Jean-Marie out of the party and she let the faggot Phillipot in.

This you fucking retarded frog cunts. Kill the EU first and talk later

Help me Sup Forums I've been losing my sleep over this question: Fillon or Le Pen????
if it was her father the choice would be crystal clear but it's not the case anymore.
Le Pen:
has adopted socialist program with her fuckin openly gay commie advisor Phillipot.
cucked her father, made the party politically correct. isn't even racist anymore.
went suckin dick of arabs and jews for finance.
brags about being agaisnt the system when in reality she does everything she can to blend in the french political spectrum.
however her niece Marion is a true nationalist and is more realistic economically and that gives me hope if she can reason her aunt.

as for fillon:
has convictions but won't let them out cause he's a beta. is a catholic but will never let that aspect of him out as a president. he just plays on it for the votes.
will likely bow before european institutions when he'll be elected because he believes in some of them such as the euro and shengen I doubt he will have the balls negociate the points he disagrees on.
is gaulliste and i think that tells much about a person. to me the gaullistes are the worst kind of opportunist bourgeoisie in France. friendly to kikes, and liberal to the core.
also I hate De Gaulle and his heritage because he has put the responsibles for our defeat in WWII back in government after the war. also interesting to note he's a fuckin coward who went hiding with the kike churchill during the war.
however i think his program is a good alternative to make france great again economically speaking, i mean we really need to get to work and stop wanking ourselves with our 35h and social welfare.

I'm getting so much mixed signals and informations i don't know what to believe anymore. I'm happy because the years of socialism are over but in any case i don't want to be lied to and fucked for 5 more years.

People won't vote for Le Pen simply because most French people don't want to leave the EU.

Fillon has some conservative views (strong catholic, doesn't agree with abortion on a personal level but has said he won't reverse the current law) and is better than the communist they have now as president.

France isn't the USA, only a semi-normie can win in France and Fillon fits the bill.


Fillon is pro-EU, he MUST BE DEFEATED!

Yes I did it hue monkey

Those states have no political and economic sway. If France and Germany elect a conservative government against immigration shit will happen.

Louis XX

Catholics are beta though, that's why Fillon is such a cuck

Objectively they are both meh. Le Pen is better though.

>Louis XX
He's a spaniard

The UK had alot of sway, but they would rather let them leave then fold on it. 4 eastern european nations hold a good bit of sway in both economic and political terms if they band together yet once again nothing. It is cancer and it will never move our way

>Help me Sup Forums I've been losing my sleep over this question: Fillon or Le Pen????
Le Pen wants to get rid of euro and schengen. Fillon doesn't do anything if he gets elected.

Vote for Le Pen.

>mfw monarchcucks

I know the EU is bad because there's free movement of people and we get a lot of immigrants.

But on the other hand paying in euro is pretty comfy, especially since we're a pretty small country. It would be retarded to have to change money every time I go to Germany, France or the Netherlands....

>Known as the French Hillary
>has said that France is a home for all refugees

Le Pen:
>softened her stances to appear more centrist to get normie votes
>wants to leave EU
>Europe hates her so much the banks won't accept her, uses Russian bank
>wants to halt muzzie refugees and send them all back
>her election may be the ultimate blow to the EU
>backed by Steve Bannon, Trump's strategist and campaign manager

>The "women are based nationalists" meme needs to end. They never were and never will be. Women are the single point of failure of the white race. This ought to be KNOWN, UNDERSTOOD and ACTED UPON.

white women voted for Trump tho

i forgot to say i'm a bit scared that Le Pen goes full batshit crazy and fucks our country irreversably and I don't want to be a third world shit hole like Greece.

wtf we conquered the whole world during our golden age???



Fillon isn't muslim friendly

>paying in euro is pretty comfy
So you put the tiny comfort of saving your fat lazy fries ass a trip to the bureau de change above the future of your nation?

you didn't even know who Fillon was until few days ago
Le Pen is what you want
Fillon is a globalist cuck
he's like French neocon

>But on the other hand paying in euro is pretty comfy, especially since we're a pretty small country. It would be retarded to have to change money every time I go to Germany, France or the Netherlands....
So bluepilled shit there. Euro has been a disaster for Europe and doesn't benefit anyone but Germoney. Same interest rates and currency doesn't fit to all these different countries which all have different fiscal policies and overall political systems.

We(everyone but Germoney) need own currencies and devaluations to get our competitiveness back and our economies running again.

>i forgot to say i'm a bit scared that Le Pen goes full batshit crazy and fucks our country irreversably

It has been done already the EU irreversibly fucked your country
>Euro destroyed manufacturing
>Agriculture only survives thanks to the stupidly expensive and inefficient PAC
>France is led by Krauts
>30% of french youth are niggers

Seriously, no matter what damage you fear she can do, it will never match what has already been done by the establishment Fillon represents.

I will quickly summarize it :

the FN has a long history (from 1972) formed by her father, Jean Marie le Pen, which wanted to form a unity of all nationalist movements against Gaullism, he accepted resistants and collaborators in his rank, in a wish of unity of all french.

Thus, he was seen as the devil, he had total free speech because he received sufficient money in heritage (starts to remember something) and didn't accept the story as it had been told, he was a young resistant that didn't ostracize collaborators, fought for Algeria to stay french, was against anti-free speech laws and always fought strongly against communism, even in the 00's, when it wasn't a threat anymore.

in 2011, he probably did the biggest mistake of his political carrier, by supporting his daughter to be the new president of the FN, instead of Bruno Gollnisch (probably one of the smartest and most capable politician alive in France)

her strategy is de-demonization, rejoining the republican-arc by offering every presents of goodwill to the system on what they refused of his father, she is a leftist.

The FN is still our best chance today, WAY better than Fillon, but it's not the same party than the one of her father

it's very short, but Jean Marie le Pen is one of the most interesting political figure post WWII

>Spencerposting this hard

>I don't want to be a third world shit hole like Greece.
Well then you should be screaming to get out of eurozone. Euro has literally killed Greece.

May the most Traditionalist candidate win.

>But on the other hand paying in euro is pretty comfy, especially since we're a pretty small country. It would be retarded to have to change money every time I go to Germany, France or the Netherlands....

>destroying your culture so that you don't have to exchange currencies

this could be the most Jewish post i've ever seen on Sup Forums