
How do we fix them?

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just let them be

The same way you fix dogs--castration so they don't breed.

>not in Adidas
>heels off the ground in american-spy squat position

sent them to the gulag

>tfw I became a numale so I could get laid

Start a war and draft them all

poison all IPAs

Fuck off with your american proxy boris.

Stay cheeki breeki!

I'm older than most of you. We used to beat the shit out of them and make a man out of the little sissies when they got this way.

Teach your kids how to how to pick up their kids and eventually make them marry into a descent familly, yours. Just save the next generation.


I don't think you need to worry about those things breeding
They'll gladly raise their future wife's bastards mulatto child and consider it good enough

Get rid of Buddhism

nothing a beating can't fix

it's never too late, even a 30 year old receiving a punch to his face will make him reevaluate himself for a second

outlaw glasses, facial hair and videogames/videogame merch

Only true answer

This world is in dire need of war. Not trying to be edgy or bitter.

Draw them for 1 year fulltime without holidays with mommy. No internet allowed, only a good library is available and watching one film per week on saturday with company.

>Let them be

until they get old enough and take leadership positions

Goddamn. I love watching this video until realizing he could knock me out just as easily... guess it's time do some lifting instead of shitposting all night.

>Wearing an Overwatch hat in public.

Fuck this guy.

Good for the economy too and construction jobs that require strength and will

Cull everyone under 25.

Gonna be lifting weights with your jaw and neck?

Someone can be knocked out in one punch regardless of how in shape they are.

Work out right NOW.
You saw those brown disgusting shitskins fawning over him?

2000 calories, 150g of protein a DAY,

Stop being fucking hideous nu-male garbage.

It's whatever.

Self correcting problem, OP. They become numales because "hurr chicks like sensetive guys."
When/If they figure out this makes them repulsive to women they might swing back hard the other way.

get rid of the MAINSTREAM MEDIER

More imigration from Arab and nigger states

Nu's will just go exict since nobody will want to breed with weak , shitty males.

should really make you think



>glasses are bad for you
>here, put shit directly on your eyes instead

Teach these faggots how to properly squat


They will breed themselves out of existance

I don't see anything wrong with them? Do you?

With a baseball bat wrapped in chains.


>tfw I look like a nu male
>tfw its just because I don't give a fuck about hair hygiene
>tfw the nu male meme is making me self aware
>tfw i now shave just to not look like them

Hollywood needs to expel the feminist faggots that feel the need to make metrosexual pussies as male leads. We need some 80s level machismo, Schwarzenegger style.

Now that Trumpykins is our prez, the testosterone will flow.

Pic related

Put them in ghetto's run by muslims.

>tfw see more and more numales pop up here

Kel, this

Gramps here gets it, all psychological/behavioral issues can alleviated with random, unprovoked beatings on a regular basis.

The term "slap some sense into you" was popularized because it really does fucking work, all of society's ills are the result of not kicking the crap out of people acting like fags.

a bullet

>allowing the "leaders" to actually have influence over your own personal tribe.

Oldfag here too. It's sad how the "cool kids" now would be the ones that caught the most shit when we were young.


this guy has a cute girlfriend though.

i don't see the problem?

Via the only solution. Pic-related

>letting young hipsters and nu-males be the leaders of tomorrow and heads of media



Nigga, I can't even catch the bus without mine.

>h-hey user. My f-friend here said you don't like Overwatch. W-why?

I'm gonna strap and hang weights from every damn part of my body and you can't stop me.

Not a nu-male, just fell in to the comfy life of the IT world after a life of working manual labor and have become soft. I'm hitting the treadmill right now, hand weights in tow.

Her mouth is a hive of disease

once she qualifies for a state-sponsored dental relief her mouth will be empty of cavities and full of Chad's semen

I'm black and could pull off an authentic slav squat.

Do I pass as an honorary gopnik?

post jimmy nutron

Agreed. No one will have time for Internet, gender changing surgeries, cuck ball, online porn. We'll be busy surviving instead of simply killing time.

you sound bitter

the problem is that these people are the type of people that would have been staying inside and dying alone because they dont know how to function
but since the cancerous "acceptance" bullshit started all these sub human autistics have been walking around outside
basically they should be walking around outside

damn son, that guy got destroyed.


some people have no standards

no but you do pass as a nigger

good times create weak people, we need a war or some big global catastrophy so darwin will kill all of them and the strong survive, then good times will come again and the cycle continues.

>2000 calories

Are you a woman?

Some Buddhists are pretty brutal dude. Some of them kill the shit out of Muslims

>that shitty squat form


The alcohol is slowly killing them anyway.

>Implying you cant work out your neck to cushion the blows and lessen the chances of being knocked out

We shuold copy Israel on this area: put EVERY teen, male or female on the army for 2 to 3 years to teach them hierarquy, respect and responsability.

Them give them 1 year for a sabatic trip so they can discover the world and themselves and them when they come back, they have knowledge of what to do with their lives.

Withut struggle, we become week. That is the reality of things.

basiclaly this, Amerifats can't squat proper because they spend too much time eating and sitting and being fat; it changes the shape of their spine.


I'm simply relating truths user

gofundme com/save-my-girlfriend-2w6yj4j4

His fucking hands jesus christ

Can we stop with this? Racism really isn't funny. Well unless you are some edgy 14 year old.

>Weak nu-males won't pass basic training
>Send all strong alpha males to war and die
>All nu-males will stay home and breed with the women
>Gene pool is even further contaminated with filth

I fail to see the logic, deutschebro

Implying Vietnam "fixed" the hippies.

There's nothing you can do. You're a powerless dying breed.

>taking Sup Forums seriously

neck yourself my man

Shut up negro

I want to race mix with this female. What is the sauce, my good man?

I find it funny

Fuck off nigger, your kind isn't welcome around here

be a better role model for the people your age

stop trying to be your grandfather, nut up and be your own man

>i dont see the problem

hahahahahahaha are you fucking kidding me

Wait, so why exactly can't white people slav squat?

I'm a disgusting asian and I've always done it, but that might be because I'm really flexible.

shut up nigger

if a global war starts they are not going to ask you to join the military. you will be force drafted. 4 months basic training and now fight.

subhuman nigger trash thinking his input matters

What is it good for?

Yes you can.

(no pun intended, m8)

No her mouth really is fucked up. Did you read the article that was posted here yesterday?

i hate this, im sorrounded by these guys. but at the same time the fucking chads are asswholes. i want to die. no girlfreind. girl i like ignores me and i have a job.


Man power is irrelevant in a real global war. It will be all bombs and missiles.

how about you man the fuck up

What is a nu male?

Shut up, retard.

War. Let the America's be the front of a war, and the Nu-males will either evolve or die.

Faggot here.

Ew. Never. Nu-males are a mistake.

problem was that there is no real penalty for dodging the draft.

if you get called up and avoid being drafted. you lose your civic franchise. those that were drafted but later rejected for no fault of their own, face no penalty. Jack asses that get called up and don't finish their time due to their own fault, lose their civic franchise.

everyone gets called up. some will be in the military. some will do other dangerous work like forest fire fighting.