why have the jews been kicked out of multiple countries throughout the centuries?
Not even memeing here, but why do people hate the jews?
why have the jews been kicked out of multiple countries throughout the centuries?
Not even memeing here, but why do people hate the jews?
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Jews are always rubbing hands. Scheming. Counting Shekels. And destroying countries. That's why everyone should hate them.
because they did nothing wrong
Where you find foreigners abusing power and bringing more foreigners to parasite off a country. You will find Jews have taken positions of self affirmed power.
Success breeds jealousy
Invading. Lying. Cheating. Isn't success. Feigning care for the very people you're exploiting isn't success. It's evil.
You sound like a sore loser
Oh can you hear my voice through your Yarmulke.
They are shit at assimilating, they feel everyone should cater to their special needs and be thank to be able to do it. They are also liars, thieves, and rapists.
you sound like a kike
Success breeds jealousy
>Native Americans, Mexicans and Blacks should have fought harder against Whites! It's not our fault they were weak and inferior!
A combination of Extreme Tribalism and Extreme Xenophobia. Religious teachings say Non-Jews aren't even human.
Except Jews have no power. Israel would crumble without aid. And blacks + mexicans regardless of the Jewish story's validity are still unsuccessful in America and in their own countries.
mass extermination throught the ages leaves just the smartest alive
so the average is higher then the rest
really funny when bongs cannot understand context
Sup Forums is all about national unity and Jews don't want to assimilate. Are you some sort of newfag or this just too hard to understand?
doop de woop
Nah, not nearly as "powerful" as They themselves, and some of the idiots here like to think.
Iran has nukes.
Trump won.
SJW/PC culture is already crumbling and its only been mainstream for maybe 5 years.
>Except Jews have no power
top kek how delusional are you?
This will explain a lot
Cause they're evil.
>implying it matters how the differences arose
Also, fleeing mass extermination would favour brawn over brains. The high IQ is due to European Jewry taking jobs in banking, and the most successful (i.e. intelligent) having children and passing those genes on.
They own our media and try and brainwash us.
shit at assimilating, offensive,reckless, compulsive liars.
They are a nomadic people that infiltrate socity and slowly leech economical resorces.
They seclude themselfs inside large settlements , creating rich jewish neighbourhoods , by usually jewing people around.
They do backroom deals in their templets where it's hard for those of non jewish faith to enter and hear their plans , similar to "insider trading" that gives them the edge in that economy
Slowly the socity becomes poor and the jews get rich , todays example russia
3rd riches in russia are jews and they only 0.11% of the population.
Thats money which doesn't behave normally.
Slowly you end up with a society that benefits ONLY the jews while everybody suffers
Slowly those hungry angry people rise up , make a mob and go on a murderous rampage blaming those few that live like kings in their private neightbourhoods.
Has happened every single time , since the day the jews met an other civilization.
Modern jews are the result of said interaction , they are greedier , more fucked up , even willing to sell each other out to those that come to kill them.
Like Soros who never really cared about selling his own kind to the Nazis.
Fact is Isreal is a good solution to the jewish problem.
If they can have their own land/country and they stay there happy living their lifes WITHOUT jewing other people then the whole world is fine.
Why do you think Isreal was created after ww2? by the English and Americans (who weren't big fans of the jews from the start)
So the jewish population would stop the jewish crap.
Isreali jews are good and nice people , especilly those that kill crazy arabs. I'm sorry arabs but those lands you claim weren't yours from the start... But from my point of view , better to have isreal filled with happy jews then crazy acid throwing arabs that destory history.
Worst jews are jews that live as leeches off other host countries.
Jews control world economy and media
I smell a rat.
They spread the Bubonic Plague, killed millions.
We do what you want to do, but you can't :^)
Oy vey newspapers movies and digits on a screen. Jews are very powerful with their lies.
Hmmm...good question OP
Blood libel.
Pizzagate most recent manifestation
>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend Michael (now Lord) (((Levy))). It has been estimated that £2.5 million was raised. This allowed Mr Blair to run the biggest Opposition office in history.
>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', Lord (((Mandelson))) admits
>Immigration Minister Barbara (((Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a “holistic way” she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.
>The programme's producer Martin (((Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary Jack (((Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."
>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair
>Labour Friends of Israel in the House
everyone always ending up owing them money, so its easier to kick them out than to pay them
seriously, check it out
Top kek Pierre - you were just waiting to drop these in a relevant thread and by God you took your chance.
I would pay so much money for a healthy cat that looks like Hitler
>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%
>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW
The Council of the People’s Commissars:
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
>The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden
Why am I not surprised there is a site devoted to this...??
Fucking hell they've even got a name - KITLERS.
Here's basically how it goes.
>country sees Jews treated harshly by another country that kicks them out
>country doesn't understand why they would do that and takes the Jews in
>Jews generally sit behind the scenes, counting shekels, having no care for the country
>something happens to cause the Jews to lose their easy shekels, and they get pissed off at the country
>country treats them like shit back, eventually kicks them out
>country sees Jews treated harshly by another country that kicks them out
nice, very interesting.