Answer me this
Answer me this
HMMM, really make my cogs turn.
garbage slide thread
There is. It's called paying taxes.
Because while it sets a limit on corruption, it also sets a limit on quality and progress.
Also, how much is too much? What exact number, adjusted with inflation, is too much, and for what reason?
If you're going to tell OP to fuck off, at least learn to sage.
Why limit success? Incentive to do a good job and not flip burgers your whole life
>taxes are usually taken out of the lower and middle classes
Because is doesn't hurt anyone, it's not your fucking money.
Businesses are likely to be leaving to another country if that will happen
do you support the use of violence against me?
Actually i think it will only bring more corruption. People are greedy and no amount of money is enough
There's no 100% tax bracket.
I warsh myself with a rag on a stick
Competition sets wages and prices, if you get rid of the minimum wage, you will still be paid the same amount, less if anything
The wealthiest people don't make a huge wage anyway. Their wealth is ownership stakes in companies, dividends, interest, etc.
Wages are for middle class 'wealthy' people.
>everyone should be poor like me
>no one should try to do better
How would one implement maximun wage without immediately devalueing the currency?
$1 has been deposited into your freedomain radio account
I understand that it wouldn't do too much to stop it, but I don't see how it would bring more corruption.
Do you also pronounce 40 as farty and hail from Missourah, which is right next to Ellenoise?
>$1 has been deposited into your freedomain radio account
>Sup Forums defending jews
The system is broken. It was made to keep you in control.
Socialism/Communism may be worse, but capitalist is still cancer.
Op says max wage though but
is right but only because in a capitalist system theres no way to enforce a capital ceiling.
Because if you set a maximum wage people would do way more illegal shit just to hide their real wage.
Because if you earn maximum amount of money. You'll want more. In order to get more you need to do something illegal.
I sage all my posts faggot.
>pronouncing the s in Illinois
Nigger detected.
More r/socialism reddit shilling
sage kill yourself leafnigger
>Believe the system is rigged by the 1%.
>Believe that anything you could possibly say would cause them to unrig it.
cum on timmy cum on timmy surk it down fer sally
This argument would work exactly on minimum wage too haha.
But no, its because there must be no limit to capital in a capitalist system
Ah, I see. So what's stopping them from doing that anyway, to avoid income tax?
I get that we're being raided, but without having any sort of discussion on their topics, you can't expect to learn anything.
There is.
In shitholes like Cuba.
Maximum wages restrict how much wealth a capitalist economy can produce, and therefore a limit of the wealth that can be shared among the poor by welfare programs.
There's a reason the poorest people in europe are far far better off than the average person in just about any socialist economy.
liberals hate the idea of exceptionalism
>but without having any sort of discussion on their topics, you can't expect to learn anything
OK then why did Obama run for President? He was already a Senator and was making plenty of money. Same logic applies to rich people who want to make more money.
That place is full of tankies. They're more pathetic than furries.
inflation. left unchecked eventually the middle class wouldnt be able to survive much like how the AMT is and has been applied to upper middle class but one day would include people at or below the poverty line
>implying everyone's labour is worth a house that big, even if they work as hard as they possibly can.
I have $2,000,000.
You have something I want that I'm willing to buy for $2,000,000 and that you're willing to sell for $2,000,000.
When we're about to trade, a short, fat, balding man with glasses and who is wearing greasy office-monkey clothes descends from the sky - emblazoned on his chest is enscrawled a giant letter "G".
"NO! That is too much!" the fat man exclaims.
And how these people use their wealth? Surely you can't just go to the car dealer to buy a new Porsche and pay him in stakes. Same goes for everything really, e.g. buy milk and biscuits.
creates a ceiling where people who achieve it will either give up/get sloppier/complacent or will start committing crime to overcome this boundary.
Dude doesn't understand the minimum wage is merely a social construct.
damn.... makes u think
I'm really just playing doubles advocate, but the point of a maximum wage is to prevent monetary greed. Obama didn't run for the purpose of a higher wage.
>same logic applies to rich people who want to make more money
That's the purpose of a maximum wage, to stop that.
How will I ever recover?
Wage isn't the same thing as a payment. You're allowed to pay 5 dollars for an item (under minimum wage), and you aren't breaking any laws there.
The richest people in the world don't know what to do with their money. Bill Gates is throwing his at Africa, Warren Buffet has most of his money sitting in established investments, and the Saudi Arabian billionaires have thousands of sports cars.
An income cap wouldn't change anything on their end.
Maximum wage for burger flippers is minimum wage... so there's that.
One day I'll live on a planet where nobody is this stupid.
>Socialism/Communism may be worse, but capitalist is still cancer.
it's almost as if the real world is not an ideal utopia
Yes and when people get stuck with a minimum wage that doesn't work for them they commit crimes too.
But yeah if someone is at the maximum wage, whats the point of them investing into something that could potentially create jobs and capital?
I have $2,000,000.
You can provide me with a service I'm willing to pay $2,000,000 for, and which you're willing to provide me with for $2,000,000.
When we're about to trade, a short, fat, balding man with glasses and who is wearing greasy office-monkey clothes descends from the sky - emblazoned on his chest is enscrawled a giant letter "G".
"NO! That is too much!" the fat man exclaims.
it's a leaf
>punishing people for being successful
great idea, i'm sure this won't cause brain-drain at all
>doubles advocate
liquification of assets
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
I know, I just want to understand their reasoning, which is why it seems like I'm arguing for both sides.
I'm having some crazy déjà vu here.
That's a valid point, I suppose.
>out-argue the opposition
good luck commies, you're gonna need it
Because a maximum wage hurts society by disincentivizing production which leads to fewer mutually-beneficial transactions occurring.
Is this thread serious? This is baby's first economics stuff here.
because not everyone is a smelly hippie with no ambition
There is. It's called the income tax.
Since there's no philosophical difference between buying and selling someone's labor or any other good, some lightbulbs ought to be lighting up for you.
It's how some people around here talk and I can't stand it. Niggers are even more unintelligible. They would pronounce the s if they weren't busy calling it "the ill side".
why should we cuck ourselves the thread, SAGED KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT
Because it's fucking stupid, that's why.
Thats because they pay themselves.
How would you cap their income? Taxes? They own literally billions in capital
But this image is wrong
The socialist thinks "I should have that too, REEEEE"
They legitimately believe that after the revolution, everyone will be driving Ferrari and owning their own helicopter.
They are children with no concept of reality.
>1 post by this ID
numbers dont end?
So that they can pay for minimum wage? Duh?
oh shit a wild zionist appears
>Because while it sets a limit on corruption, it also sets a limit on quality and progress.
Also, how much is too much? What exact number, adjusted with inflation, is too much, and for what reason?
>this = extortion
If you put a limit on salary, then you are punishing success.
Same reason not to tax 90% of every dollar after a million or whatever, because then no one will try to make more than a million dollars
Hard work != Productivity
Compensation is determined by the wealth your labour/ideas create, not by the effort that is exerted.
Most people living in houses like that didn't try to work hard, but they tried to work as little as possible, which is why their wealth better reflects the value of their labour-saving ideas that merely their labour.
Socialists maintain the fatal assumption that 'wealth' (money) is fixed in an economy and merely distributed amongst people rather than created. Their arguments can be diffused in minutes.